Haruto vs. Divine Surveillance – The Great (Failed) Escape Plan

Haruto had finally reached his limit.

This was not normal. This was not fair. This was not how reality was supposed to work.

So, after his latest failed escape attempt, he did the only thing left to do.

He laid down.

Right there. On the floor.

He didn't speak. He didn't move.

He just existed.



Haruto.exe had crashed.


Lilia was the first to find him.

"Oh my~! My dear husband is doing something new~!"

She clapped her hands in delight.

Emilia arrived shortly after, stopping in her tracks.

"What… what is he doing?"

Lilia smiled. "Clearly, he's expressing his love for me in a new way~!"

Haruto didn't react.

At all.

He just stared at the ceiling, unmoving.

Emilia crouched down and poked his cheek. Nothing.

She frowned. "He's not responding."

Lilia gasped. "Could it be…?"

Fel suddenly dropped from the ceiling.

"Hey, is he dead?"


"Okay, cool." Fel immediately started checking his pockets.

Sylphiel entered the room, looking elegantly intrigued.

"My beloved has entered a new state of existence. Fascinating."


Haruto still did not move.

Vellaria appeared beside them.

"The anomaly has entered what appears to be a 'soft failure' state."

Emilia stood up. "What does that mean?"

"His will to resist has collapsed. He has chosen inactivity as a defensive response."

Lilia gasped. "Oh my! So he really is surrendering to love~!"

Vellaria ignored her.

"This state is inefficient. He must resume normal function."

Haruto remained on the floor.

Vellaria poked him with divine energy.


Sylphiel placed a royal decree of marriage next to him.

Still nothing.

Fel stole one of his shoes.

No response.

Lilia leaned over him. "Haa~? Is my dear husband finally giving up and letting me take care of him~?"

Still nothing.

Emilia sighed.

"This is bad. I think he's completely given up."

Vellaria narrowed her eyes.

"There is only one solution."

She lifted her hand.

A massive golden smite formed in the air.

Everyone panicked.



The entire room exploded.

The dust cleared.

Haruto was still lying on the floor.




Lilia clapped her hands together. "Ah~! Even divine punishment cannot wake him. Truly, my husband is magnificent!"

Vellaria stared at Haruto.

Then she crouched down, leaned over his completely unresponsive form, and whispered:

"…I will continue to monitor you."

Haruto twitched.

A single tear rolled down his cheek.

The women cheered.

"He's still alive!"

Haruto wanted to die.


Haruto remained on the floor.

He was not moving.

He was not speaking.

He had completely given up.

This was his life now.

Vellaria continued watching him. Unblinking. Unmoving. Unrelenting.

Lilia sat cross-legged beside him, smiling like she was watching a romantic confession.

Sylphiel brought a tea set and elegantly took a sip.

Fel stole the other shoe.

Emilia rubbed her temples.

"This… this can't continue," Emilia muttered. "He's… he's just lying there."

Lilia nodded solemnly. "Yes~! My dear husband has entered a deep state of spiritual reflection on our future together~!"

Fel tossed a coin onto Haruto's stomach.

No reaction.

Sylphiel placed a royal marriage decree on his forehead.

Still nothing.

Vellaria poked him with divine energy.

Haruto twitched slightly, but remained motionless.

Emilia looked at them, horrified. "Are… are we just letting him do this?!"

"He will recover," Vellaria said flatly.

Fel crouched next to Haruto and waved a hand over his eyes.

"Hey, if he's not moving, does that mean I can rob him without consequences?"

Emilia grabbed Fel by the collar. "No."


Lilia leaned closer to Haruto. "Perhaps… a passionate declaration of love will wake him up~?"

She gently grabbed his hand.

Haruto's soul briefly left his body.

Vellaria narrowed her eyes. "That was a reaction."

Fel blinked. "Oh wow. He really doesn't wanna be here."


Thirty minutes later.

Haruto was still lying on the floor.

A small crowd had gathered.

The royal knights looked on in horror.

"Sir Haruto has entered a mysterious warrior's trance!" one whispered.

"No," another knight corrected. "It's clearly a battle meditation technique beyond mortal comprehension!"

The Pope arrived, took one look at Haruto's unmoving body, and declared a new holy doctrine based on his 'divine stillness.'

The peasants started praying to him.

Haruto died a little more inside.


Vellaria stared down at him.

"This is inefficient," she declared.

Sylphiel nodded. "Perhaps a more direct approach is needed."

Fel crouched next to him and pulled out a fish.

Emilia pinched the bridge of her nose. "Where did you even get that?"

"Don't ask questions you don't want answers to."

Fel placed the fish on Haruto's chest.

Still nothing.

Lilia giggled. "My~! Perhaps a kiss of true love will revive my dear husb—"


Haruto sat up instantly.

Everyone cheered.

"He's alive!"

Fel snatched back her fish.

Lilia clapped. "Oh my! Such a dramatic resurrection~!"

Haruto stared at all of them.

Then he laid back down.

Vellaria sighed. "Resetting to inactive state."

Haruto screamed into the floor.