There's a man, panting and sweating, with smoke-like air wafting off him. His body moves up and down as he grits his teeth. After a while, he stops to drink some water. He starts again, changing into different positions. After placing his ass down, he moves his legs to create a ninety-degree angle. He waits, breathes deeply, and smoke drifts from his mouth.
"Yuuta-kun, I'll hold you like this. Come on. Start moving again."
"That'll be great, Hina, thanks."
The man then starts to move again—hold up. What the hell was that narrative for?
Yeah, what? I'm just doing crunches here. Nothing serious. Just bonding time between cousins. Hina's helping me work out in my room at 5.30 a.m.
Three months have already flown by since my breakup. I've done many things and improved in many ways. Oh, and my parents went overseas for work, so they dumped me at my aunt's house for a couple of months. It's happened a lot—they don't trust me enough to let me live alone.
"Ow! I think you've gotten taller, Yuuta-kun. And... Sniff! Sniff! you smell good. Did you put on perfume?"
Hina said, staring at me, but I kept my eyes shut and focused on moving.
"Nah. You mean I was stinky before?"
"You weren't, but it's nicer now. And you seem more mature."
"Yeah, yeah."
"Hey, at least say 'thank you'!" Hina hummed. "You're still 15, you know. You've somehow gotten popular too, hanging out with me and Beatrix-sensei. Cheer up!"
I paused and stare at her. She's right. Even after freeing myself from Natsuha, I'm still surrounded by women—mostly because I'm the recent honor student. I ranked first in the final exams before summer break. The teachers adore me, which is why I'm close to Miss Beatrix and Hina.
Scratch that. Hina's been trying to cheer me up ever since I told her my ex cheated. She even tried setting me up with other students, but I kept refusing. Now she's glued to me, as if she felt guilty.
"Come on, Hina. I told you I'm fine. Stop that playing matchmaker shit already."
Hina crossed her arms, her face stiffening as she tried to look stern. "Says the guy who took two part-time jobs! You're not even on summer break. How's that not depression?"
I sighed, then smirked. "What's wrong with being independent? I am a man."
Hina pouted. "I'm worried, okay? You can ask me for money. Well, if you're nice about it."
"Yes, yes, mommy."
Her brow twitched. "Mo-Mommy?! I'm not that old! And stop rubbing in that I'm not marry yet!"
"Alright, alright."
I work part-time at a konbini and a karaoke bar, earning 1,500 yen an hour at each. Three hours after school twice a week at the konbini, and three hours every three days at the karaoke—leaving weekends free.
As a regressor from another world, I'm surely following this cliché path. Yep, I'm plagiarizing a novel from my past life to make shit ton of money. Screw morality—I need cash! But writing's harder than I thought. Fanfic protagonists finish this stuff overnight, yet I've only half-written the first volume despite grinding part-time.
After finishing my workout, I headed to the bathroom. Hina trailed behind like a lost puppy. I stopped at the door.
"You wanna shower together or what?"
"I thought you were jogging! Hmm… no?"
"Did cardio yesterday."
I scanned her. She's got a killer body without even working out. Meanwhile, I'm three months into training and still not Batman yet.
"What?" Hina smirked. "Want me to wash your back?"
I middle finger her before shutting the door.
Students crammed around the billboard in the school hall. I lingered at the back.
"That's impossible."
"First time seeing his name in the top ten."
"Psst. Isn't he Shinomiya-san's ex?"
"That guy?!"
These fuckers think I can't hear them talking shit. They're not my classmates, so their shock is hilarious. My eyes locked onto the top of the list—my name. These idiots never saw me coming.
"Yamano-san! Congrats on first place!"
"You're awesome! Let's keep the study group next time!"
I smiled. "Sure."
Most people remember what important and dump the rest. I'll probably forget this by tomorrow.
I glanced sideways. The crowd scattered like roaches.
My ex smiled brightly. I nodded.
"Relax, I won't bite. Thanks. You?"
She laughed nervously. "Rank 50. Not as good as you."
I hummed. "50 out of 220's solid."
She mumbled. "yeah..."
Time to leave. Today was just final exam before summer break.
On the way back, Natsuha asked, "Do you think we'll be in the same class again?"
I paused, then chuckled dryly. "It's still the first term, Shinomiya."
"R-right! Sorry…"
After the breakup. I didn't ignore her, but our conversation aren't as deep as before. I'm not blind though. She's trying to mend things, but I play Luffy perfectly.
"Yuuta, I never thanked you properly for the study group."
"No need. I did it for myself."
"Still… thank you."
In class, I packed my bag. My brick-like 2008 phone rang.
"Kira-sensei? It's Iida Ayano from Shobo Publishing."
Bingo. I've been writing nonstop—half of the first volume of Mushoku Tensei from my past life. Publishers swarmed me. Hence, Iida's call.
Look, there's nothing I can do. I need funds for stocks.
"Iida-san, have you arrived?"
"Yes! I just arrive at the school gate."
"Thanks. Heading to the gate now."
Turning off my phone, I headed to the locker and changed my shoes.
"Yuuta, did something good happen?"
"Of course."
I opened my locker… wait, was my face that obvious?
"What should I do with this?"
I sighed. There was another letter in my locker.
"Another one?" Natsuha said, mirroring my sigh.
"Oh? You got one too? Anyway, good luck with that."
I left her standing there.