Simple life

Morning sunlight streams through the windows of Capsule Corporation's kitchen as I prepare breakfast.

After much intensive training following my visit to the Sacred World of the Kais, I've found that simple domestic activities provide a... certain balance and control that focus on only power and combat doesn't provide.

The sizzle of eggs in the pan and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fill the air as I move with practiced efficiency.

Cooking is something neither Goku nor Vegeta ever mastered, but I've found I have a natural aptitude for it – perhaps another unique aspect of my fused existence.

"Someone's up early," Bulma remarks as she enters the kitchen, still in her pajamas and looking slightly groggy. "I didn't expect to find you making breakfast."

"I don't need as much sleep as a normal person," I reply, flipping an omelet with a casual flick of the wrist. "And I find cooking... calming. It requires precision and focus, but in a different way than training."

Bulma pours herself a cup of coffee and leans against the counter, watching me work. "You're full of surprises, Vegito. I don't think I've ever seen either Goku or Vegeta so much as boil water."

"I'm not them," I remind her with a slight smile, sliding the completed omelet onto a plate. "Would you like one? I made extra."

"Sure," she nods appreciatively. "Trunks will be up soon too. He's been talking non-stop about training with you since your demonstration of Super Saiyan 4."

As I prepare additional omelets, I sense two familiar ki signatures approaching Capsule Corporation at high speed – Goku and Vegeta, likely coming for their regular morning training session.

Since unlocking Super Saiyan 4, we've established a routine of training together three times a week, though I've been noticeably absent for the past few days while visiting Elder Kai.

"We're about to have company," I inform Bulma, increasing the number of omelets I'm preparing. "Goku and Vegeta are on their way."

"They were already up and about at this hour?" Bulma groans, glancing at the clock. "It's barely seven in the morning!"

"Saiyans and their training schedules," I shrug, though technically I'm as guilty as they are.

Minutes later, Goku and Vegeta land on the lawn outside and make their way into the kitchen, already dressed in their training gear.

Goku's face lights up at the sight of food, while Vegeta pauses in the doorway, his eyes narrowing as he studies me.

"Vegito!" Goku greets cheerfully. "You're back! We missed you at training yesterday. Wow, something smells great!"

"Help yourself," I offer, gesturing to the stack of omelets. "There's plenty."

Goku doesn't need to be told twice, immediately grabbing a plate and piling it high. Vegeta, however, remains by the doorway, his arms crossed.

"Your ki has changed," he states bluntly. "It's... different. Stronger, but also somehow more controlled."

I nod, appreciating his perceptiveness. "I visited Elder Kai. He performed the same ritual on me that he once did for Gohan – unlocking my latent potential."

"What?" Goku exclaims around a mouthful of food. "Like what he did for Gohan during the Buu? That's awesome!"

Vegeta scoffs, finally moving to take a seat at the table. "Relying on an old Kai's magic instead of proper training? That's hardly earning your power."

I raise an eyebrow as I set a plate in front of him. "I wasn't aware there were rules about how one should acquire strength. The end result is what matters – being prepared for whatever threats may come."

"A true warrior develops his power through discipline and effort," Vegeta insists, though he doesn't hesitate to start eating. "Shortcuts like ritual unlocking are... convenient, but not the path of a true Saiyan."

"And yet you didn't hesitate to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber when it was available," I point out.

"Or gravity training technology. Or the Dragon Balls to restore your tail for Super Saiyan 4. Are those not also 'shortcuts' by your definition?"

Vegeta's eyes narrow. "That's different."

"Is it?" I challenge, leaning against the counter. "Or is it simply that you're comfortable with certain advantages but not others?"

"Hey, guys," Goku interjects, clearly sensing the rising tension. "Let's not argue. The food's getting cold!"

Bulma watches our exchange with interest, sipping her coffee. "I've always found it fascinating how Saiyans can be so casual about world-ending threats one minute and then get worked up over training philosophies the next."

"It's not just philosophy," Vegeta insists. "It's about honor. About earning your place as a warrior."

"Honor didn't seem to concern you much during your early years," I observe calmly. "When you were destroying planets and slaughtering civilizations under Frieza's command."

The kitchen falls silent. Vegeta's expression darkens dangerously.

"You would throw that in my face?" he growls. "When you possess all my memories of those times? The experiences, the context, the circumstances?"

"I'm merely pointing out that your concept of 'the true Saiyan way' has evolved considerably over time," I reply, keeping my tone even.

"What you now consider honorable would have been seen as weakness by your younger self."

"You know nothing-" Vegeta begins, rising from his chair.

"I know everything about your past," I interrupt. "Just as I know everything about Goku's.

And unlike either of you, I can view both perspectives simultaneously, without the burden of useless pride or naive innocence clouding my judgment."

"Whoa, whoa!" Goku stands, physically placing himself between us. "This is getting out of hand. We're all on the same side here!"

I take a deep breath, recognizing that I've allowed the conversation to become unnecessarily confrontational. "You're right, Goku. I apologize, Vegeta. That was uncalled for."

Vegeta remains tense for a moment longer before grudgingly returning to his seat. "Your power may have increased, but your attitude has deteriorated," he mutters.

"Perhaps," I acknowledge. "But my point stands. In some ways, you were a more resourceful warrior before you became a Super Saiyan – when you had to rely on strategy and adaptability rather than raw power.

The same could be said for Goku."

"There's truth to that," Goku admits thoughtfully. "I remember how hard I had to work and how creative I needed to be when facing opponents stronger than me. Now we often just power up to the next level."

"Exactly," I nod. "I'm not dismissing the value of training and discipline.

I'm simply recognizing that true strength comes from utilizing every available resource – whether that's rigorous training, technological advantages, or mystical rituals."

Vegeta grunts noncommittally, but I can tell he's considering my words. Trunks chooses this moment to enter the kitchen, yawning widely.

"Morning," he mumbles, then brightens upon seeing the assembled company. "Vegito! Dad! Goku! Are we training today?"

"After breakfast," I reply, ruffling his hair as he passes. "I have some new techniques I've been working on that you might find interesting."

"Really?" Trunks perks up immediately. "Like what?"

"Energy containment and compression," I explain, forming a small ki ball in my palm. With focused concentration, I compress it inward until it shrinks to half its original size while maintaining the same power level.

"It's the foundation for more advanced techniques."

"Cool!" Trunks watches with fascination. "Can you teach me?"

"We'll start with the basics today," I promise. I'm interested in exploring their potential.

I will not allow my son- I mean, Trunks and Goten to rot and waste their power as they did in the original.

Goku silently studies the compressed energy with interest. 

Vegeta's eyes narrow as he studies the compressed energy in my palm. "That's different from normal ki control. What exactly are you doing there?"

I consider how to explain without revealing too much about divine ki, which Vegeta shouldn't have any knowledge of yet. "It's a more efficient form of energy compression.

Rather than letting the ki radiate outward as we typically do, I'm containing it completely within a defined space."

"To what end?" Vegeta asks skeptically. "Our power is meant to be projected, not contained."

"That's one approach," I acknowledge. "But there are advantages to perfect containment. For one, it makes your energy signature nearly undetectable to opponents who rely on sensing ki."

Goku leans forward with interest. "Like hiding your power level? But more complete?"

"Exactly," I nod. "And the energy itself becomes more concentrated, more potent. It's the first step toward accessing a different quality of ki entirely."

"A different quality?" Vegeta repeats, his tone mixing skepticism with reluctant curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"There are forms of energy beyond what we typically utilize," I explain carefully. "Energy that exists at higher frequencies or dimensions. The Kais possess such energy, though I doubt either of you have ever truly sensed it directly."

"Is that what you've been working on?" Goku asks. "Some kind of special kai energy?"

"Something like that," I reply, deliberately vague. "Elder Kai provided some insights during my visit."

Vegeta scoffs. "More mystical nonsense. True power comes from within, not from mimicking deities."

"Perhaps," I respond calmly. "But wouldn't a true warrior explore all possible paths to strength? Or does pride limit your options?"

Vegeta's eyes narrow at the challenge. "Watch yourself, fusion. Having my memories doesn't mean you understand my warrior's spirit."

"On the contrary," I counter. "I understand it perfectly. I simply view it through a different lens - one unclouded by the burden of useless arrogance that has held you back for so long."

"Come on, guys, don't continue," Goku interjects, sensing the rising tension. "Let's not turn breakfast into a battlefield."

Vegeta glares at me for a moment longer before returning to his meal. "Demonstrate this technique properly in training. Then I'll judge its worth."

"Fair enough," I concede, recognizing this as the closest thing to a peace offering I'm likely to get from the proud prince.

As breakfast concludes, we move to the gravity chamber for training. Trunks joins us, eager to learn new techniques despite Vegeta's initial protests that he should focus on mastering the basics first.

"He has potential beyond the conventional path," I argue. "His hybrid nature gives him advantages pure Saiyans lack. Why not explore those unique qualities?"

"Because foundation matters," Vegeta counters. "You don't build a house starting with the roof."

"True," I acknowledge. "But you also don't force an architect to become a bricklayer when their talents lie elsewhere."

This debate continues as we begin our training session, with Goku primarily focusing on physical techniques while Vegeta and I work on energy manipulation.

Trunks alternates between us, absorbing different aspects from each approach.

The morning passes quickly, the initial tension giving way to the familiar rhythm of training.

Despite our differences in philosophy, there's a shared understanding among us – a recognition of our common Saiyan heritage and the drive to push beyond our limits.

After several hours, Goku suggests taking a break. "I promised Chi-Chi I'd help with some chores today," he explains.

"Plus, I want to check on Gohan's progress with his tail restoration. The Namekian Dragon Balls should be active by now."

"I'll come with you," I offer. "I'm curious to see how Gohan adapts to having his tail again after all these years."

Vegeta opts to continue training with Trunks, though I notice a thoughtful expression on his face as we depart – perhaps still processing our earlier conversation.

Goku and I use Instant Transmission to travel directly to Mount Paozu, materializing outside the Son family home.

The peaceful mountain setting is a stark contrast to the technological environment of Capsule Corporation, yet both places have come to feel familiar to me in different ways.

Chi-Chi is hanging laundry in the yard when we appear. She startles slightly at our sudden arrival but recovers quickly.

"Goku! Vegito! I was wondering when you'd show up," she says, hands on her hips. "Those fence posts aren't going to replace themselves, you know."

"Sorry, Chi-Chi," Goku replies with his characteristic hand behind his head. "We got caught up in training. I'll get started on those right away!"

"Is Gohan around?" I ask. "I wanted to check if there's been any news about the Namekian Dragon Balls."

"He's inside with Videl," Chi-Chi informs me. "They just got back from visiting Dende at the Lookout. Apparently, the wish has been granted – Gohan has his tail back as of this morning."

I nod, pleased that this part of our plan is proceeding smoothly. "How's he adjusting to it?"

Chi-Chi sighs. "See for yourself. He's been knocking things over all day trying to get used to it again.

Between you and me, I'm not thrilled about having another tailed Saiyan in the house. I remember what happened when Goku had his."

"This time it's different," I assure her. "Gohan has full control of his faculties. There won't be any unintentional transformations."

Inside, we find Gohan sitting at the dining table with Videl, a book open before them. Sure enough, a brown tail now extends from the base of his spine, currently wrapped around his waist in the traditional Saiyan manner.

"Vegito! Dad!" Gohan greets us, standing. "Perfect timing. I was just reading up on Saiyan physiology based on some old notes Bulma compiled years ago. The tail restoration was successful, as you can see."

"How does it feel?" I ask, genuinely curious about his experience.

"Strange," Gohan admits, unwrapping his tail and letting it move freely. "I haven't had one since I was a child.

It affects my balance in ways I didn't expect, and there's a whole new set of sensory input to process. But it also feels... right somehow. Like a part of me that was missing has been restored."

"That's exactly how I felt," Goku nods enthusiastically. "Like being whole again!"

"Dende mentioned you visited Elder Kai," Gohan continues, looking at me. "Did he unlock your potential as he did for me?"

"Yes," I confirm. "Though the process was somewhat different given my unique nature. The results have been significant."

"I can tell," Gohan says, studying me with scientific curiosity. "Your energy signature has changed substantially. It's more... contained, somehow. More efficient."

"That's part of what I wanted to discuss with you," I explain. "Now that your tail has been restored, we should begin preparing you for the Super Saiyan 4 transformation.

But there's another path I've been exploring as well – one involving ki control techniques that might complement your scholarly approach to fighting."

"Two different power-up methods?" Videl interjects, looking intrigued. "Is that even possible?"

"They're not mutually exclusive," I clarify. "In fact, they might enhance each other in ways we haven't fully explored yet."

As we settle in to discuss training strategies, I find myself appreciating this moment of relative peace.

Despite the looming threat I anticipate from Beerus, these quiet interactions with family and friends provide a necessary counterbalance to the constant drive for greater power.

This, I realize, is what truly separates me from either of my component parts.

Goku has always loved his friends and family but often prioritized training and fighting above all else. Vegeta, for much of his life, viewed connections as weaknesses to be overcome in the pursuit of power.

I, however, see the integration of both aspects – recognizing that meaningful connections provide not just something worth protecting, but a source of strength and balance in their own right.

As Goku heads outside to begin replacing fence posts (with Goten quickly joining to "help"), and Gohan continues explaining his theories on how tail-based transformations interact with hybrid Saiyan physiology, I allow myself to simply exist in this moment.

Power and preparation remain vital, but so too does understanding what makes this life worth living – and worth protecting.

When Beerus eventually arrives, it won't just be my enhanced abilities that make the difference, but this deeper understanding of what truly matters.

For one of the components of Ki after all is the Shoki - right-mindedness.

The afternoon passes pleasantly, with training discussions giving way to a family meal that Chi-Chi insists I stay for. As the sun begins to set, I prepare to return to Capsule Corporation, my temporary home until I decide on a more permanent arrangement.

"You know," Goku says as he walks me outside, "I've been thinking about what you said this morning – about how we relied more on strategy before we had all these transformations."

"Oh?" I prompt, curious about his thoughts.

"You're right," he admits. "Sometimes I get so caught up in getting stronger that I forget about getting smarter. Maybe that's something we should all work on – not just powering up, but thinking better too."

I smile, pleasantly surprised by his insight. "That's exactly the point I was trying to make. Power without wisdom is just brute force. And sometimes, the smartest fighter wins, not the strongest."

Goku nods, his expression unusually thoughtful. "You know, I'm starting to think you're preparing for something specific.

All this training, the new techniques, helping Gohan get his tail back... it feels like you're getting ready for a fight."

I consider my response carefully. "Let's just say I believe in being prepared for all possibilities. The universe is vast, and there are beings of immense power we haven't encountered yet."

"Vegeta's been having these weird dreams lately," Goku mentions, scratching his head. "About some cat-like god who destroys planets. He won't talk about it much, but I can tell it's bothering him."

This catches my attention immediately. So Vegeta's suppressed memories are indeed surfacing - the childhood encounter with Beerus that he'd buried deep in his psyche is beginning to emerge.

I suspected it, but this is now true confirmation.

"Dreams can sometimes be more than just dreams," I say cautiously. "Especially for the powerful."

"You think there's something to it?" Goku asks, his interest piqued. "Some powerful cat god out there somewhere?"

"It's possible," I acknowledge. "And if such a being does exist, we should be ready. Power alone might not be enough - we'd need strategy, wisdom, and perhaps even these new forms of energy I'm exploring."

Goku grins, the familiar excitement of a potential challenge lighting his eyes. "Well, whatever comes our way, we'll face it together! See you at training tomorrow?"

I nod, placing two fingers to my forehead. "Wouldn't miss it."

As I teleport back to Capsule Corporation, and lay down on my bed I decide that for today I'll stop planning and relax.

After all, what use is in being the ultimate warrior if you lose sight of why you're fighting in the first place?


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the chapter!

Do tell me how you found it, 

I hope to see you all later,
