The stars call to me, but not merely for exploration's sake.
After weeks of intensive training - mastering Super Saiyan 4 and making progress with divine ki compression - I've made a decision that goes beyond simple self-improvement.
My knowledge from my previous life gives me unique insights about potential threats and opportunities that no one else on Earth possesses.
Two names linger in my mind: Broly and Vampa.
A Saiyan of legendary potential, banished to a desolate world by King Vegeta decades ago out of fear and jealousy.
If my knowledge holds true in this universe, Broly could be either a powerful ally or a devastating enemy. Depends on the iteration.
Either way, finding him before anyone else does seems prudent.
Beyond that, there's the matter of Frieza's fallen empire - a power vacuum waiting to be filled. With the tyrant dead (for now), his vast territories likely languish in disarray, oppressed people suffering under the remaining fragments of his regime.
Pathetic really, it needs new management.
But I keep these true objectives to myself as I approach Bulma with my proposal.
"Space travel?" Bulma repeats, looking up from her workbench. "That's... unexpected. What exactly are you hoping to find out there?"
"Perspective," I reply, offering a partial truth with a confident smirk. "The universe is vast, filled with civilizations and knowledge that could prove valuable.
Elder Kai mentioned multiple forms of divine ki - I want to see if I can learn more about them firsthand."
I pause, then add with a casual wave of my hand, "And I'm curious about the current state of the universe without Frieza's influence.
His empire spanned countless worlds - what's become of them now? Someone needs to clean up that mess, might as well be me."
This additional motivation seems to intrigue Bulma. "Actually, that's a fascinating question. The power vacuum must be significant." She taps her chin thoughtfully.
"And with your power level, you could safely navigate even the most dangerous regions of space."
"Exactly," I nod, crossing my arms. "It's an opportunity to understand the broader cosmic situation. Besides, no one out there stands a chance against me anyway. Might as well put this power to good use."
What I don't mention is my deeper concern - the universe's "mortal level." If my knowledge from my previous life holds true, this universe ranks dismally low in Zeno's estimation, putting it at risk of erasure should the Omni-King decide to conduct another purge.
Can't have some childish deity wiping out my new home on a whim, now can I?
Increasing the prosperity, development, and peace across multiple worlds would raise that level - a long-term insurance policy against cosmic deletion. A bit of community service, if you will.
Bulma pulls up schematics on her holographic display, showing a sleek vessel unlike the spherical ships typically used for space travel.
"I've been working on a new spacecraft design - more advanced than anything I've built before. It was meant to be a long-term project, but the prototype is nearly complete."
"It incorporates technology reverse-engineered from Frieza's ships, combined with innovations based on my father's work and some... creative adaptations of alien tech we've encountered over the years."
I examine the design with interest. "Does it have advanced scanning capabilities? For locating specific planets or energy signatures? I need something that can find a needle in a cosmic haystack."
"State of the art," she assures me. "I've mapped known star systems and populated worlds based on data from various sources.
The ship can also detect energy signatures at considerable distances - useful for finding inhabited planets or avoiding potential threats."
"What about unmapped or obscure worlds?" I ask, thinking specifically of Vampa. "Planets that might not appear in standard databases? The kind of place where a Saiyan might be stranded for, oh, several decades?"
Bulma raises an eyebrow at my specific inquiry but doesn't press for details. "The ship has comprehensive scanning systems that can analyze planetary compositions from a distance.
If you're looking for something specific, it should be able to narrow down candidates based on whatever parameters you provide."
"Perfect," I nod appreciatively. "And the navigation systems?"
"You'll be able to reach any sector of the North Galaxy within days rather than months," she explains.
"And I've incorporated data from the Galactic Patrol's records - don't ask how I got access - to include information on former Frieza Force territories."
"Impressive work," I comment with a grin. "You've outdone yourself this time, Bulma. Not that I'm surprised - you've always been the brains of this operation."
As Bulma continues explaining the ship's features, I sense two familiar ki signatures hovering near the laboratory door - Goten and Trunks, clearly eavesdropping on our conversation.
Their energy signatures pulse with excitement at the mention of space travel.
Sneaky little monkeys, aren't they?
I say nothing about their presence, allowing them to listen as Bulma and I discuss provisions, emergency protocols, and estimated travel times to various star systems.
"How long do you plan to be gone?" Bulma asks, making notes on her tablet.
"Difficult to say," I reply thoughtfully, tapping my chin. "A few weeks, perhaps longer if I find something worth investigating. I'll maintain regular communication.
After all, can't have you all forgetting about the most powerful warrior in the universe while I'm away." I state with a smirk.
I'm still dealing with all this. My original self before all this power was perfect in his pride - neither cocky, nor too humble.
But as I am now, all this power - sometimes it gets difficult to not just want to show off.
"I'll stock the ship for three months, just to be safe," she decides. "And include the latest version of the universal translator - it should help with any new languages you encounter."
Over the next three days, preparations for my departure accelerate.
Word spreads quickly among the Z Fighters, and various friends stop by Capsule Corporation to discuss my plans or offer suggestions for the journey.
Vegeta, unsurprisingly, scoffs at the entire endeavor.
"Running away to space when you should be focused on mastering your new powers here," he remarks during our morning training session. "Typical Kakarot influence."
I raise an eyebrow, my lips curling into a knowing smirk. "Running away to space? That's rich coming from you, Vegeta.
I distinctly remember you being the one who took off in a spaceship for years, abandoning your responsibilities on Earth.
Something about 'Becoming Super Saiyan' and 'Awakening the Sleeper' as I recall?"
Vegeta's face darkens at the pointed reference to his departure after Goku's supposed death on Namek -
a time when he'd left a pregnant Bulma behind, though I carefully avoid mentioning that specific detail with Trunks potentially within earshot.
"That was different," he growls defensively.
"Was it?" I counter, effortlessly dodging a series of energy blasts he sends my way. "My journey is strategic reconnaissance - gathering information that could prove vital in the future.
Something the prince of a warrior race should appreciate.
Besides, someone needs to represent Saiyan might across the cosmos, and let's face it - I do it better than either of you ever could."
I consider mentioning Broly - another pure-blooded Saiyan who might still be alive - but decide against it.
Vegeta's reaction to such news would be unpredictable, and I prefer to confirm Broly's existence and assess his state before involving others.
No need to get the prince all worked up about another potential rival.
Vegeta merely grunts in response, but I notice he doesn't press the argument further. The reminder of his own space journey has clearly struck a nerve.
Goku, meanwhile, is enthusiastic about the mission.
"Man, I wish I could come with you!" he says wistfully as we spar in the mountains. "Exploring new planets, meeting powerful fighters from across the universe... sounds like an adventure!"
"Why don't you?" I suggest. "There's room on the ship. Though you'd have to accept being second-in-command, of course."
He shakes his head regretfully. "Can't leave right now. I promised Chi-Chi I'd stay put for a while after all the chaos with Buu. Plus, someone strong should remain to protect Earth while you're gone."
I almost chuckle at the unintended attack at Vegeta who growls in response, yet is ignored by Goku's obliviousness.
"Fair enough," I nod, understanding his reasoning. "Keep an eye on Gohan's progress with his tail. He should be ready to attempt the Super Saiyan 4 transformation soon.
Though he'll never reach my level if he slacks off, but any little bit of strength is still worth pursuing."
"Will do!" Goku promises cheerfully.
The night before my scheduled departure, I sense Goten and Trunks sneaking into the Capsule Corporation hangar where Bulma's new spacecraft awaits.
Their ki signatures are suppressed - an impressive feat for children their age - but still easily detectable to someone of my sensitivity.
Might as well be setting off fireworks as far as I'm concerned.
I choose to observe instead of intervening, curious about their intentions.
Through the security monitors in my temporary quarters, I watch as they expertly disable the alarm systems and slip aboard the ship, hiding supplies in a storage compartment before concealing themselves in what appears to be a maintenance closet.
Stowing away, just as I suspected they might. Ambitious little half-breeds, I'll give them that.
I consider my options. The responsible choice would be to remove them from the ship and inform their mothers.
But something gives me pause - perhaps it's the memory of my own childhood adventures through Goku and Vegeta, or maybe it's the genuine bond I've developed with these boys who see me as a third father figure.
Who I myself see as my sons.
After a moment's contemplation, I make my decision. I'll allow them to remain hidden -for now.
Their presence will be revealed soon enough once we're underway, and they'll face the consequences of their actions then. Besides, having them along might prove useful -
their fusion, Gotenks, possesses considerable power that could be valuable if we encounter unexpected threats.
Not that I couldn't handle anything the universe throws at me, but it's always good to have backup.
The time arrives, and with it comes the formal departure ceremony Bulma has arranged.
The entire extended group has gathered to see me off - the Son family, the Brief family, and various friends and allies.
"The ship is fully stocked and ready to go," Bulma announces, handing me a small capsule case. "Emergency supplies, spare parts, and a few special items I thought might come in handy."
She lowers her voice slightly. "I've also included all the data we have on Frieza's former empire - territorial maps, known bases, and intelligence on who might have seized power in different sectors.
If you're really interested in the state of the universe post-Frieza, it should give you a starting point."
"Thank you," I reply, genuinely appreciative of her thoroughness. "Always thinking ahead, aren't you? One of your most admirable qualities."
Chi-Chi approaches, her expression stern but concerned. "You haven't seen Goten this morning, have you? He wasn't in his bed when we woke up."
"Strange," Bulma adds, looking around. "Trunks is missing too. They were so excited about watching the launch..."
I maintain a neutral expression, though I can't help a slight twitch of amusement at the corner of my mouth. "I'm sure they'll turn up. Perhaps they're playing somewhere nearby. Boys will be boys, after all."
Vegeta catches my eye, his gaze narrowing slightly. He's sensed them too, I realize. A subtle nod from him confirms my suspicion - he knows they're aboard the ship and has chosen not to expose them.
Goku, standing nearby with Gohan, also gives me a knowing smile. It seems all three of us Saiyans are complicit in this small deception. Some things transcend our differences, it seems.
The goodbyes are brief but heartfelt.
As I board the ship and the entry hatch seals behind me, I take one last look at Earth through the viewport - this beautiful, resilient planet that has become my home in this new existence.
"Don't worry," I murmur to myself with a confident smile. "I'll make this universe worthy of you."
The launch sequence initiates smoothly.
Bulma's design proves as impressive as promised, with the ship rising silently into the atmosphere before accelerating beyond Earth's gravitational pull with barely a tremor.
Once we're safely in orbit, I activate the autopilot and begin inputting coordinates - not for some random system as I'd implied to Bulma, but for a specific region where my knowledge suggests Vampa might be located.
The planet wouldn't appear in any standard databases, but its unique characteristics - extreme environment, particular orbital pattern, and isolation - should make it identifiable with the ship's advanced scanning systems.
"Computer, begin search for planets matching the following parameters," I command, entering the specific details I remember about Vampa from my previous life's knowledge.
"Priority on isolated worlds with harsh environments, minimal vegetation, and unusual fauna. Focus on regions beyond standard trade routes."
Only after setting our true course do I address our stowaways.
"You can come out now," I call, arms crossed and a smirk playing on my lips as I face the maintenance closet where Goten and Trunks have hidden themselves.
"I've known you were aboard since last night. Your stealth needs work - a lot of work."
There's a moment of silence, then muffled whispering, before the closet door slowly slides open. The boys emerge, looking equal parts guilty and defiant.
"How did you know?" Trunks asks, clearly disappointed that their stealth operation wasn't as successful as they'd hoped.
"Please," I scoff with a dismissive wave. "Your ki signatures are as familiar to me as my own.
You did well suppressing them, but you'll need about a thousand more years of practice to truly mask your presence from someone of my level."
"Are you mad?" Goten asks hesitantly, his expression reminding me so much of Goku that I can't help but smile slightly.
"I should be," I acknowledge, maintaining my stern posture. "What you've done is reckless and irresponsible.
Your mothers will be worried sick. And trust me, facing angry mothers is worse than facing any villain I've encountered."
"But you're not going to turn the ship around, are you?" Trunks asks hopefully, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "We've never been to space before! Well, I haven't. Goten hasn't either."
I cross my arms, adopting a stern expression that feels natural to this fused form. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't return to Earth immediately. And make it convincing- I'm not easily impressed."
The boys exchange glances, clearly having prepared for this question.
"Because we can help!" Goten offers eagerly. "We're strong, and we can fuse into Gotenks if there's trouble!"
"And we've been practicing our ki control like you showed us," Trunks adds quickly. "Plus, we brought our own supplies so we wouldn't be a burden."
"And," Goten continues, his expression turning serious, "you're kind of like our dad too. We should get to spend time with you just like we do with our regular dads."
This last point catches me off guard. While I've been aware of their attachment to me, hearing it stated so plainly is unexpectedly affecting.
I maintain my stern expression for a moment longer before sighing dramatically. "Fine. You've twisted my arm. But don't think this means I'm going soft.
We continue the mission, but under strict conditions. You follow my instructions without question.
You train daily - and I mean serious training, not that playful nonsense you usually call training. And you personally contact your mothers to explain what you've done."
Their faces light up with joy, though the last condition causes a momentary flicker of dread.
"Really? We can stay?" Goten asks excitedly.
"For now," I caution, raising a finger. "But if your mothers demand your immediate return, we head back to Earth. Understood?
Even I know better than to cross those two when they're truly angry. They can be an immense headache with their screeching." I mutter the last part
They nod vigorously, clearly willing to agree to any terms that allow them to continue this adventure.
"Now, contact your mothers," I instruct, activating the ship's communication system. "And prepare for the most difficult conversation of your young lives. Consider it your first real battle of this journey."
The boys approach the communication console with the trepidation of warriors facing a superior opponent.
I step back, allowing them to face the consequences of their actions while remaining nearby for support.
The screen flickers to life, revealing Bulma's face, which quickly transforms from curiosity to shock to anger as she realizes what has happened.
"TRUNKS!" she exclaims, her voice so loud that the ship's speakers momentarily distort. "What do you think you're doing?!"
Chi-Chi appears beside her, her expression equally thunderous. "SON GOTEN! You get back here this instant!"
What follows is a storm of maternal fury that would make even the mightiest warriors cower.
The boys weather it as best they can, offering apologies and explanations that do little to calm the situation.
I observe silently until both women have exhausted their immediate outrage, then step into view with my most charming smile.
"Bulma, Chi-Chi," I address them calmly. "I take full responsibility for allowing them to remain aboard. If you insist, I'll return to Earth immediately.
Though I must say, these boys showed remarkable initiative and planning skills. Future warriors need such qualities, wouldn't you agree?"
"You knew they were there?" Chi-Chi demands, her anger now directed at me.
"I sensed them before departure," I acknowledge with a casual shrug. "As did Goku and Vegeta. We... made a collective decision. Call it a Saiyan parenting approach."
This revelation shifts their focus momentarily.
"Goku knew about this?" Chi-Chi's voice rises dangerously.
"Vegeta was complicit?" Bulma's eyes narrow.
In the background of their transmission, I can see both Saiyans attempting to discreetly exit the room, only to freeze at the mention of their names. I can't help but smirk at their predicament.
"It was a judgment call," I explain. "The boys have shown remarkable progress in their training, and this journey could provide valuable experience.
They'll be perfectly safe with me - after all, nothing in the universe poses a threat to someone of my power. However, as their mothers, the final decision rests with you."
A lengthy discussion follows, with arguments both emotional and practical from all sides.
Eventually, after extracting numerous promises regarding safety protocols, regular communication, and continued education,
Bulma and Chi-Chi reluctantly agree to allow the boys to remain - with the condition that the journey not exceed one month.
"And if there's even a hint of danger," Chi-Chi warns, "you bring them straight home!"
"You have my word," I agree solemnly, though I can't resist adding, "Though with me around, 'danger' is a relative term. Nothing out there stands a chance against us."
After the communication ends, Goten and Trunks collapse onto the floor in relief.
"That was worse than fighting Majin Buu," Trunks groans.
"I thought Mom was going to reach through the screen and grab me," Goten adds, wide-eyed.
"Consider that your first lesson of this journey," I tell them, unable to completely suppress a smile. "Actions have consequences, and facing them directly is part of becoming a warrior.
Besides, mothers are the universe's most formidable force - remember that."
With the crisis resolved, I give the boys a proper tour of the ship.
Bulma's design is truly impressive - spacious living quarters, a fully equipped kitchen, medical facilities, and the promised gravity training chamber.
The navigation system shows our current trajectory toward a distant sector of space, though I don't specifically mention Vampa.
"This will be your room," I indicate a smaller cabin with two beds. "You'll be responsible for keeping it orderly.
The ship's AI can provide educational materials - your mothers were quite insistent about continued studies."
The boys nod, still too relieved at being allowed to stay to offer any complaints about schoolwork.
"Now," I continue, leading them to the training chamber, "let's establish our daily routine. Morning meditation, physical training, ki control exercises, and combat practice.
Evenings will be for study and rest. I expect nothing less than your absolute best - you're training with the ultimate warrior now, so mediocrity isn't an option."
"What about meals?" Goten asks hopefully, his Saiyan appetite clearly at the forefront of his mind.
"The kitchen is fully stocked and automated," I explain. "But you'll both learn to prepare basic meals as part of your training.
Self-sufficiency is an important skill. Can't have you relying on your mothers forever, can we?"
As the boys explore their new temporary home, I return to the bridge, examining our course toward Vampa. Finding the planet is only the first step in a much larger plan.
If Broly exists and can be reasoned with, he represents a tremendous potential asset. If not, knowing his whereabouts would at least allow me to prepare Earth for a possible future threat.
Beyond that lies the broader goal - assessing and potentially restructuring what remains of Frieza's empire.
Not to become a conqueror myself - well not in the more known sense.
There is bloodless conquest, something I aim to do to establish a more benevolent order, by being a just Emperor, one that would raise the universe's overall development and prosperity.
The concept of a "mortal level" may seem abstract, but if my knowledge holds true, it represents a very real existential threat.
Zeno, the Omni-King, judges universes based on their overall development and eliminates those found wanting.
Our universe - Universe 7 -ranks dismally low, the second to lowest if I remember correctly.
It has survived previous purges perhaps only by chance.
Just thinking about the one truly responsible towards this predicament - that damned purple cat, makes me want to smother him in his sleep.
"Computer, begin long-range scans for Frieza Force outposts within this sector," I command, settling into the captain's chair with confident authority.
"Let's see what's left of that deformed cockroaches' empire."
As the ship accelerates, I grin in anticipation.
This universe won't know what hit it.
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the chapter!
Yep, this is one of the primary aspects of this fic, kingdom building!
Vegito will slowly fix the universe.
So yeah, do tell me how you found the chapter,
And I hope to see you all later,