The last dish is Cantonese cuisine!

Wu Hai was dressed in a Black Tang suit. His two small mustaches were neatly combed to be black and shiny. He looked very decent. At least, he didn't look like a scoundrel snatching food in the restaurant.

"Boss Yuan," Wu Hai directly ignored the fine material of his customized Tang suit and climbed onto the partition board after he spoke.

"I didn't eat anything. I didn't eat dinner, and I didn't have any supper." Yuan Zhou said directly.

"..." Although he was stopped from saying anything, was Wu Hai a person who gave up so easily? Obviously not!

Wu Hai paused for a while and continued,"I'm here to ask if you need my help since tomorrow is the last day. I can do anything."

While saying that, Wu Hai even flexed his muscles to show that he had strength. Judging from Wu Hai's manner of speaking so righteously, if Yuan Zhou didn't know his moral conduct, he would have almost taken it seriously.