The Auction With The Whopping Price (3)

Gu Ruoyun shrugged, "You're rich and gullible. Who should I con if not you?"

When he heard this, Zuo Shangchen's lips twitched involuntarily. Although the 500 million gold coins didn't mean much to him, who would say something like this so blatantly?

"Fourth Prince, Luo Yin, I still have some business to do so I'll take my leave."

After she said that, Gu Ruoyun stood up, yawned lazily and walked towards the door of the box. She had not opened the door yet when she was halted by the next sentence.

"Are you truly the behind the scenes Master of the Hundred Herb Hall?"

Susu's gaze locked onto Gu Ruoyun, "From what I know, the Hundred Herb Hall had existed before you were born."

No matter what, she could not believe it. The young girl in front of her eyes being the behind the scenes Master of the Hundred Herb Hall was truly unbelievable.