The Auction With The Whopping Price (4)

He never expected the Master of the Hundred Herb Hall to be such a young girl. He also had trouble imagining that she had organized this pill auction which had stunned the entire mainland.

She truly was too young!

So young that it was unbelievable.

"You’re the Master of the Hundred Herb Hall?" Ba Zhentian quickly recovered from his shock and he asked with skepticism in his voice.

"That’s right."

Gu Ruoyun looked at Ba Zhentian with a smile. Her fingers caressed the teacup on the table, "Elder Yu, pour him some tea."

"No need," Ba Zhentian waved his hand. He asked directly, "Young lady, let us be straight with each other. For what purpose did you want to see me for?"

"There's nothing in particular, I only admired Lord Ba’s personality. That’s why I wanted to help you out. Didn’t you need a Beauty Rejuvenation Pill? I can give you one."


Ba Zhentian’s eyes bulged in shock. He looked at Gu Ruoyun incredulously.