A Sensation At Heaven City (2)

Compared to Master Xia's anxiousness, Xia Linyu was not in the least bit worried. He knew that as long as his sister was around, nothing bad could happen.

He has faith in her!

He believed that nothing was impossible for her.

Wei Yiyi took a deep breath and produced a silver needle from her sleeve prepared just for this occasion. She gingerly approached Xia Zixi and explained, "This might hurt a bit, you must try and bear the pain."

Xia Zixi laughed bitterly, "At this moment, what pain is there that I have not endured? Do not worry, Ghost Doctor. A pain like this is nothing to me, please go ahead."

"Very well." Wei Yiyi softly nodded her head, and carefully unwrapped the thin silver needle from her handkerchief before gently inserted it into Xia Zixi's body.
