A Sensation At Heaven City (3)

Actually, even Wei Yiyi was unsure whether Gu Ruoyun could save him. But upon seeing the calm expression on the young woman's face she knew that her Master was confident.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have remained so calm after hearing about the parasite dragon.

"Yiyi, get a porcelain bottle. This parasite dragon is very valuable and it's unlike any other medicinal herb, I can't let it slip away."

Gu Ruoyun stroked her chin and smiled gleefully at Xia Zixi. Her gaze made his hairs stand on end, she looked like a bandit who was plotting to rob him.

"Yes, Master."

Wei Yiyi flashed a fox-like smile and corners of her eyebrows were filled with fascination. She knew it, her Master was very interested in that parasite dragon.

She subconsciously observed a moment of silence for the parasite dragon.

"Gu girl, you have an idea?" Master Xia turned towards Gu Ruoyun and asked suspiciously.