Surprisingly, It's Him (1)


The white-robed elder laughed in spite of his anger. He then put his hands behind his back and his eyes lost their initial warmth, they now held the light of a fiery rage.

"Little girl, I see that you are also a genius. If you were to serve the mainland, you would certainly win success, recognition, and be highly revered among the people of the mainland. Yet for the sake of your selfish needs, you would carelessly cast aside the mainland! From what I've heard, Xia Linyu has not even reached the rank of a Martial King. Hence, even if there were a hundred of him, he would still be no match for a Martial King of the Weapon Refining Sect!"


A strong aura erupted from Gu Ruoyun's body as her lips curled into a cold smile, "But, no matter how I look at it, even with the combined lives of the people of the mainland, it would not come close to his life."