Surprisingly, It's Him (2)

"Gu Shengxiao, it's you! So you've secretly left the Spirit Sect and have arrived in this place! Were you not afraid of the change in the structure of the Spirit Sect should those people know of your absence? You should know that there are many who are eyeing your position."

The man's back shook, his black robes fluttered lightly under the strong winds and a complicated expression flashed across his stern face.

"Gu Shengxiao? Big brother?"

Gu Ruoyun was in a daze and stared at the man before her in astonishment.

So this man who had once helped her was her elder brother whom she's yet to meet?

The man placed his hand on his black mask and slowly pulled it off. He gently turned around and his grim features softened upon seeing the young girl behind him. However, most of his expression was filled with shame.

"Xiao Yun, I'm so sorry. I could not show myself to you because no one must know of my absence from the Spirit Sect."
