Unifying Black Rock City (3)

In the Murong family drawing room, all the organizations who had heard the rumors and come to visit were seated at the lower area in extreme deference. Not a single one of them dared to speak and the drawing room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. 

Just then, the shuffling sound of footsteps was heard. 

Master Murong, who was on his own, walked quickly towards them. He then walked to the front of the room without acknowledging any of them at all. 

However, he did not sit in the main seat on the raised platform which had been his usual seat in the past. Instead, he went to the seat on the right. He looked completely nonchalant as if nothing was wrong. 

Then, before the crowd's eyes, a flash of green robes drew nearer from afar as the person slowly walked into the room.