Unifying Black Rock City (4)

"Mei Xue, how can you show off this old, broken box so unabashedly?" Hei Bao stared disdainfully at Mei Xue ash he spoke with contempt, "Everyone in Black Rock City knows that you've never wanted this old, broken box and now you're actually using it to con others. You said that it's an heirloom which was handed down for generations but if it's that magical, why haven't you used it yet?"

Mei Xue was not at all annoyed when she heard this. She only curled her lips into a smile as she replied, "Don't you know that some treasures choose their masters? The Mei family has been guarding it for so many years but have never been able to control it. That means that it does not belong to the Mei family. I see that Lady Gu's talents are rather substantial so perhaps this heirloom will recognize her instead. If it turns out that way, it won't be a waste for the Mei family to have guarded it for so many years."