The Divine Beast, Vermillion Bird (2)

She had never even considered it!

Furthermore, Qianbei Ye was now very different from the Qianbei Ye she had known before.

Previously, Xiao Ye was like an innocent child. Now, it seemed almost like he had grown up overnight.

"Xiao Ye, I'm still holding on to a great hatred." Gu Ruoyun gently closed her eyes and opened them again after a long pause. She gazed at the man's peerless face and said, "My mother died tragically and my maternal grandfather's entire family was annihilated. Yet, that son of a b*tch still flaunts himself as a filial son-in-law! I will never forget this vengeance! There are some matters that I will only consider after I've had my revenge."

Qianbei Ye curled his lips into a smile as his fingers gently caressed Gu Ruoyun's hair. His voice, which was usually filled with cruelty and bloodlust when he spoke to others, was now filled with warmth and love instead.