The Divine Beast, Vermillion Bird (3)

After all, it was a divine weapon yet she had given it the name of a country bumpkin!

Gu Ruoyun ignored its tantrum and plucked it from the air back into her hand. She then directed her psychic consciousness to explore the contents of the box.

Instantly, a piece of chaos entered her vision. It was grey and blurry and she could not make anything out at all. Gu Ruoyun frowned and retrieved her psychic consciousness. She turned towards Qianbei Ye and asked, "What kind of multidimensional divine weapon is this?"

"Chaos." Qianbei Ye thought deeply about this. After a long pause, his red eyes fell upon Gu Ruoyun as he said, "Chaos may be no match for the Ancient Divine Pagoda but its rank is at the frontmost among all the divine weapons. Within Chaos, time and the world outside moves differently. One year inside is equivalent to one month in the world outside. It is abundant in spiritual energy as well, making it very suitable for cultivation."