You Won't Die If You Don't Invite Death (3)

The faces on the group of people changed drastically. They had forgotten about this fact. Why should Gu Ruoyun allow them to escape after witnessing that little fellow's terrifying power?

"Lady Gu." The man with a mole gritted his teeth and said, "I can guarantee that I will never reveal a single thing about this matter to the public so please spare us this one time! We regret this now and we can't even pass the elimination round. We've already received retribution so why must you exterminate us?"

"Exterminate?" Gu Ruoyun smiled faintly and said, "If my powers had not been strong enough, what fate would have befallen us today? I'm afraid that we would have all been killed."

The man with the mole's expression has turned increasingly ugly.

Gu Ruoyun was right, Duan Yi had no intention of sparing the other group's life! Even if Dong Fang had given in, these people would be killed anyway!