You Won't Die If You Don't Invite Death (4)

"Are you trying to call for help? That depends on whether your signal for aid can be sent out or not."

Zuo Shangchen curled the corners of his lips and made a slight motion with his palm. The signal flare in his hands was immediately crushed into dust.

Only one signal flare was provided to each group. If their signal flare was destroyed, it means that they would no longer be able to send a signal for aid to the cultivators of the Heavenly Moon Empire!

"Xiao Yun'er."

The crowd watched in shock as Zuo Shangchen turned towards Gu Ruoyun. His peach blossom eyes slanted upwards and his smile was like a flower, "Leave these trivial matters to me to avoid dirtying your hands, alright?"

He then slowly turned around and looked at the clearly shocked group.