The Dragon Clan (1)

Gu Ruoyun looked at the crowd in front of her with a calm and tranquil look on her face.

"I suddenly feel that using three seconds to defeat you is too much of a waste. One second is enough."

The crowd shook before they burst into laughter. Some laughed so hard that they could not stand up straight.

They have seen arrogance but they have never met anyone as arrogant as this woman. She actually had the audacity to say that it would only take one second to defeat them?

However, just as the crowd was laughing very loudly, the woman slowly raised her hand...

The Ancient Divine Pagoda which emitted a purple light appeared from thin air. Without even waiting for the group to return to their senses, it had slammed violently down.


The loud noise shook the entire mountain range. The crowd beneath the gigantic pagoda had been flattened into meat patties before they could even react.

"Let's go."