The Dragon Clan (2)

What was most shocking about the man was his blood-red eyes. The expression in them was as if he looked down upon the world with disdain.

The woman standing next to the man was dressed in green robes. Even though she does not have a peerless aura, she was delicately pretty and pristine. She also did not give one the impression that she was just a regular person! Her eyes were clear and cool like water as she looked into the cave dwelling in front of them. No one could tell what she was thinking.

The last man was also handsome and beautiful. His blue robes made his skin look even fairer while his blue eyes were like precious stones, carrying a gentle aura.

"This is where the spirit resides." Lan Ge looked at Gu Ruoyun as he spoke. "It seems that there's some sort of formation here which prevents the spirit from leaving so it could only stay inside the cave dwelling!"