The Dragon Clan (3)

The spirit was stunned. Suddenly, he cackled icily. His gloomy and eerie laughter filled the cave dwelling and caused goosebumps to appear on one's skin.

"Hehe, so what if you've managed to identify me as a demibeast human? It doesn't change the final conclusion anyway."

The spirit laughed icily as if he does not place any importance on Gu Ruoyun's words.

Gu Ruoyun ignored his attitude as she continued to speak with a small smile on her face, "I've heard that if one were to refine the soul of a demibeast human, it would be a great tonic for a fellow demibeast human."

The spirit's face sank immediately and he stared eerily at Gu Ruoyun as his body was enveloped with murderous intent.

"You want to use my soul and give it to this brat as a tonic?"

"That's right."