Hymn of Life Sheet Music

"Bai Qi?"

Left Hand seemed to freeze for a moment, and in the next second, his face suddenly changed. With all his strength, he flipped backward onto his back!

A sword light descended from the sky, only to blast at the spot where Left Hand had originally stood! The bright sword light, like a giant pair of scissors, fiercely cut a crack in the ground!

Left Hand felt his own skin outside his clothes, and it was a pain as if he had been stabbed by a needle. This feeling of sword qi crisscrossing made him, for the first time since entering the magic formation, sense the taste of imminent danger!

His heart suddenly raced!

What kind of power is this?

Left Hand rolled on the ground, in a sorry state. But as he glanced at the corner of his eye, he saw a man in white standing in front of Chen Xiaolian, holding a semi-transparent short sword in his hand. With long black hair, the whole person looked like a drawn sword!

Such a strong killing intent!

"Let's attack together! Kill him!"

With Chen Xiaolian's shout, he once again lunged forward, and Bai Qi's figure also turned into a streak of sword light!

In Left Hand's eyes, he saw Bai Qi's figure growing larger and rapidly approaching him. He only had time to take a breath and open his arms, activating his skills in an instant!

Bai Qi's figure seemed to pause in mid-air for a moment, but soon, Left Hand spewed out a gush of blood from his mouth, and Bai Qi's sword edge arrived as expected!

Left Hand let out a scream and stumbled to the side. Bai Qi's sword light pierced straight through Left Hand's shoulder, pinning him to the ground!

At this moment, three Garfield cats pounced on him simultaneously, like a mountain crashing down, about to land on Left Hand!

A look of determination flashed in Left Hand's eyes!

In that split second, he suddenly clenched his fist and shouted, "Ah!!!!"

Suddenly, around his body, the flow of time visibly slowed down!

The movements of the three Garfield cats appeared as if someone had turned back the clock, while Left Hand had already swiftly climbed to his feet and darted to the side!

Bai Qi's sword edge descended, but at that moment, Left Hand had already slipped past it...


Under the sword light, debris scattered everywhere!

Left Hand was panting heavily, clearly the skill had taken a tremendous toll on him. However, the smile on his lips became more sinister. Suddenly, he crossed his hands and pulled out two sharp iron needles from his sleeves, fastening them to the tips of his fingers.

"Temporal Rift! Explode!"

In an instant, a bloody-red light filled Left Hand's eyes, and he took small, brisk steps towards Bai Qi!

It was evident that he knew who among his opponents was the most dangerous!

Chen Xiaolian had already rushed to the side and grabbed the sword from the ground. After pulling it out with force, he saw Left Hand had already reached Bai Qi's side!

Bai Qi made a thrusting motion with his sword, and the sword light surged!

However, within the sword light, Left Hand effortlessly dodged every blade, then brushed against the sword light and pressed against Bai Qi's body!

This time, Chen Xiaolian saw everything clearly. He saw all of Left Hand's movements.

Left Hand pressed against Bai Qi, and then, at an inconceivable speed, raised the iron needle and plunged it into Bai Qi's chest!

The time frequency suddenly accelerated!

Bai Qi's body swayed, dropping to one knee, and his sword was thrust fiercely into the ground. Meanwhile, Left Hand quickly retreated, creating ample distance.

"Your pet is peculiar and powerful, but... as I said, the power of time is unbeatable!"

Blood flowed from Left Hand's iron needle, and though he was smiling, his breathing was erratic. Chen Xiaolian lifted the stone sword to strike again, but this time, Left Hand accurately locked onto Chen Xiaolian and easily evaded. Simultaneously, the iron needle viciously jabbed at Chen Xiaolian's waist!

With this thrust, Chen Xiaolian's kidney was pierced, and he felt a sharp pain and roared!

The stone sword swung!

A golden light cascaded like a waterfall!

This was... the power of the Skyblade!

Left Hand's pupils contracted to the extreme. As the golden light approached, he roared, spewing blood continuously from his mouth. Finally, the time frequency changed once again, and Left Hand rolled and crawled to the side...


After the golden light dispersed, it was evident that in the direction Chen Xiaolian's sword had pointed, on the other side of the underground chamber, a large section of the wall had been directly cut down! The reliefs fell one after another!

"You... What level of power is this?" Left Hand screamed in anger. "Impossible! How could you possess such power?!"

Chen Xiaolian swayed, propping himself up with the sword, but he didn't answer. He glanced sideways at Bai Qi, who had barely managed to stand up, his chest soaked with blood staining his white clothes.

Chen Xiaolian looked at Left Hand, at his trembling shoulders and rapid breaths. It was clear to him: this opponent was far from easy!

That incredibly troublesome time control skill, while immensely powerful and despair-inducing, must also come with an unbearable cost!

Furthermore, Chen Xiaolian had already made a judgment from these rounds of combat.

Left Hand's strength, although terrifying and powerful, was a typical... specialist!

Among all the opponents Chen Xiaolian had encountered, Left Hand's control over time was the most frustrating. His mastery over time allowed him to place himself in an invincible position, rendering even the most powerful and fast opponents powerless against him before the time rift!

This was a tremendously powerful skill that could completely dominate the battlefield!

However, besides this, Left Hand was lacking in other aspects.

His attack power, strength, speed, and resistance to blows were all quite ordinary.

Left Hand also stared at Chen Xiaolian.

To be honest, he was beginning to regret it at this moment!

He had been careless!

He didn't expect this opponent to be this powerful!

His "Temporal Rift" skill, while terrifying and all-encompassing, also came with a staggering cost! Especially when locking onto an opponent, the stronger the opponent's intrinsic strength, the greater the expenditure of skill power required.

When Chen Xiaolian unleashed the power of Skyblade in that moment, the level of power that erupted made Left Hand feel suffocated. When he escaped from under the golden light of the Skyblade and locked onto Chen Xiaolian's time, the strain on his skill power caused him to cough up blood continuously!

In addition, there was Bai Qi!

The skill power required to lock onto Bai Qi was almost on par with Chen Xiaolian himself!

How could the leader of an unknown team possess such strength? This level of power should only belong to the top-tier individuals in the awakened circle! Such a person should only exist among the experts in Zero City!

Left Hand even felt that his skill had reached its limit.

Fortunately, both formidable opponents had been severely injured by him. Left Hand narrowed his eyes and slowly approached Chen Xiaolian.

He was grateful that the underground chamber had been set in a different dimensional space. If their whole team had been here at the time, he would have had to allocate some skill power to lock onto other targets. He might not have been able to hold up then.

"The time has come, you can die!" Left Hand bit his tongue hard and then stepped forward, rushing towards Chen Xiaolian!

His target was clear!

Whether it was those battle cats or the man in white, Bai Qi, they were all Chen Xiaolian's pets!

And as long as he killed Chen Xiaolian, the host, the pets would automatically die too!

So... killing Chen Xiaolian was all that mattered!

Left Hand activated his skill to the fullest extent! He simultaneously locked onto the three cats and two humans, initiating the lock on all five targets together. This made Left Hand instantly feel like his vision was going dark, but he forcibly bit his tongue, and the pain triggered a surge of mental power. He let out a loud roar and lunged forward!

This time, the target of his iron needle was Chen Xiaolian's forehead!

He aimed for a fatal blow!

Chen Xiaolian... began to retreat!

From the moment Left Hand took his first step towards him, Chen Xiaolian started to step back! He retreated very quickly while raising the stone sword, focusing all his attention on Left Hand's movements. When Left Hand, with a near-distorted time frequency, approached Chen Xiaolian, he had already retreated a full ten meters. The stone sword was held horizontally in front of him, the broad blade blocking his forehead, forcing Left Hand to choose another target. The iron needle fiercely pierced into Chen Xiaolian's throat!

Bai Qi's sword had already reached behind Left Hand, and the four-eyed battle cats' claws were at his side!

But this time, Left Hand didn't dodge!

Killing Chen Xiaolian would make all these pets disappear!

Left Hand firmly gripped the iron needle and ruthlessly thrust it inward!

The finger-thick iron needle pierced straight through Chen Xiaolian's neck!!!!

When the tip of the iron needle protruded from the back of Chen Xiaolian's neck, the sensation sent an exhilarating thrill through Left Hand's heart.


However, in the next moment, he saw a strange smile curling at the corner of Chen Xiaolian's mouth!

Clearly, he was in such pain that his expression was distorted, yet that faint smile made Left Hand's heart sink to the bottom!

Then... he clearly felt that the opponent in front of him, far from weakening, suddenly erupted in vitality!

System Prompt: Stone Sword skill activated, clearing all negative conditions and injuries, temporarily restoring the host to peak condition!

After seeing this message in his personal system, Chen Xiaolian spoke.

"You're done for."


Chen Xiaolian didn't die, and naturally, Bai Qi behind him didn't disappear either!

When Skyblade pierced Left Hand's arm, he let out a miserable scream!

Although he had desperately attempted to dodge at the last moment, he was still a fraction too late.

Bai Qi's sword penetrated his left shoulder, and the sword edge whirled down, sending one of his arms soaring into the sky amidst a spray of blood!

Amidst Left Hand's piercing scream, he roared and quickly rolled to the side!

The successive attacks from the three Garfield cats came relentlessly. Left Hand kept rolling on the ground, evading the cat's attacks, but ended up rolling into a particular spot!

Just as Left Hand hadn't had time to react, suddenly, a hand came down from above, grabbing his ankle!

He raised his head and saw a man as solid as iron, with eyes full of killing intent, staring at him.

What was this guy's name again?

Oh right, he heard Thirteen mention it. This was the opponent's vice-captain, called... Lun Tai? A ridiculous name...

These were Left Hand's instantaneous thoughts.


Wasn't he supposed to be in a different dimensional space?

How could he catch him? Attack him?

Lun Tai's fist came crashing down, and Left Hand let out a miserable scream. His knee was forcefully shattered! The leg, now a bloody mess, was torn off after his desperate struggles, completely detached from his body below the knee!

Left Hand's screams were like the howling of a wolf in the middle of the night. He rolled frantically, and Lun Tai grabbed the severed leg, about to throw it away, when he saw on the other side, a black-haired woman had already blocked Left Hand's path. A delicate hand had penetrated Left Hand's chest, lifting him up directly!

Left Hand's body began to disintegrate into granules!

Meanwhile, in another part of the underground chamber, a jet of flames shot forth!

The sharp cry of the Fire Phoenix resounded, and the flames fiercely enveloped Left Hand in mid-air before descending!

Left Hand rolled within the flames, and to his surprise, he still had some lifesaving equipment on him. As he saw the flames about to engulf him, he suddenly emitted a blinding blood-red light all over his body, forcefully extinguishing all the flames. Then, staggering, he fell backward, rolling into a corner against the wall.

"You... you..." Left Hand's eyes were filled with resentment as he locked his gaze onto Chen Xiaolian, "Your team members were here all along? Didn't you say something about being in another dimensional space?"

Chen Xiaolian had already removed the iron needle that was stuck in his neck. With the activation of the Stone Sword's skill, his body rapidly healed. After coughing twice, he stared at Left Hand, who was lying in a sorry state in the corner. "I told you, did you actually believe it?"

Left Hand's heart had completely sunk!

He understood that he had been deceived!

These guys... were incredibly patient!

During the first few rounds of their battle, when Chen Xiaolian and his pets were severely injured and in dire straits, these opponents of his had managed to keep up the pretense of standing by and enduring, just to lull him into complacency.

This was all just to make him drop his guard entirely towards these "people from other dimensions"!

And at this moment, the situation had completely turned around!

Left Hand had lost one arm and one leg, leaving him severely disabled!

Meanwhile, his opponent, Chen Xiaolian, seemed to have used some technique to completely heal his injuries and reach his peak state!

Adding to that his formidable pet, Bai Qi, and the other team members...

Left Hand's skill power was exhausted, and he was severely wounded and disabled...

"I've lost, and I lost because I was too careless," Left Hand said with a bitter smile.

Chen Xiaolian didn't relax at all, and all his team members slowly closed in on Left Hand.

"So, next time, I won't be so careless. The next time we meet, it'll be when I kill you." After Left Hand spoke these words in a strange tone, a weird smile flashed in his eyes.

He raised his intact hand and forcefully thrust the iron needle into his own heart!

After struggling for a few moments, blood gushed from Left Hand's mouth, and then he stared with wide eyes, lifeless!

Chen Xiaolian approached with his sword, not getting too close at first. He pierced Left Hand's chest with a sword, and after a follow-up strike, seeing no response from Left Hand's body, he bent down to check.

"He committed suicide?" Chen Xiaolian frowned.

"It doesn't seem quite right," Lun Tai muttered. "He just mentioned something about the next time..."

"He definitely didn't really die. This guy seems to have some strange way to escape," Chen Xiaolian frowned.

He glanced at the system's time countdown.

The timer didn't immediately reduce by ten seconds.

In other words...

"He didn't die. He escaped," Chen Xiaolian sighed. "Damn it, what's the method for resurrection?"

Qiao Qiao, who stood behind Chen Xiaolian, suddenly spoke up. "Perhaps you should take a look at this."

With that, Jojo extended her hand, revealing something in her grasp.

It was something she had extracted from Left Hand's chest when she attacked him earlier with dark powers and accidentally brought out when she withdrew her fingers.

It was a piece of... cloth.

Chen Xiaolian glanced at Jojo, took the piece of cloth, and shook it open in his hand. As he read its contents, his expression turned peculiar.

More precisely, it was a piece of parchment.

Written on it were two names.

The first one was... "One-Eye"!

And the last name, surprisingly, was "Thirteen"!

System prompt: You have obtained the special item "Hymn of Life Sheet Music (Fragment)."

Hymn of Life Sheet Music: Records the names of designated individuals. Can temporarily store the lives of designated individuals in the sheet music, allowing them to act as puppets with up to 70% of their original abilities. Once the puppet dies, the holder of the sheet music can choose to resurrect the stored individual.

Note: This item is a "fragment," with some functionality restrictions. It can store a maximum of two lives (2/2).

Detected the Hymn of Life Sheet Music; currently storing lives 2/2. Would you like to choose resurrection?

Chen Xiaolian was stunned for a moment, and his heart trembled!!