Not Planning to Enter

This item was simply incredible!

Chen Xiaolian subconsciously felt his breathing become rapid and heavy.

It was resurrection!

Although it wasn't a genuine resurrection item, its effects were nearly equivalent.

Literally, using this Hymn of Life Sheet Music, all you needed to do at the start of an Instance was to write the names of your team members on the score, and you could store their lives. After storage, team members became "puppets" and could only exert seventy percent of their original combat power. However, even if they died in battle, they could be resurrected later using the score!

This meant that as long as you wrote your name on the score, you essentially had a second chance at life.

However, the two names currently written on the score, Thirteen and One-Eye, were clearly pre-stored by the left hand.

No wonder Thirteen had been so fearless in acting as an inside man; he indeed had a chance at resurrection.

At that moment, the system presented the option: to resurrect or not?

Chen Xiaolian smiled and directly chose not to.

After making the selection, the handwriting of the two names on the score gradually faded away and disappeared completely.

Chen Xiaolian watched this happen and then glanced at his teammates.

He felt an impulse welling up inside him, immediately wanting to write two names on the score... Regardless, writing those names was like buying an insurance policy.

However, just as the names "Thirteen" and "One-Eye" completely disappeared from Chen Xiaolian's score, a new system prompt appeared.

"System Prompt: The Hymn of Life Sheet Music is entering a cooldown period. No new life forms may be stored until the cooldown period ends. The storage rules are as follows:

1. The maximum limit for storing life forms each time cannot exceed two individuals.

2. After storing a life, a single use consumes 200 points. A single use is defined as 'store-resurrect/cancel resurrection/cancel storage.'

3. After each storage, there is a time limit of 48 hours. If exceeded, an additional 100 points will be consumed per hour, calculated on an hourly basis, and rounded up to the nearest hour. If the stored life form's points are insufficient for deduction, it will be obliterated directly. If 100 hours pass without choosing to resurrect or cancel storage, regardless of whether the stored life form's points are sufficient for deduction, it will be automatically obliterated. Time consumption is independent of the Instance time and the difference in time outside the Instance; it is based on the system countdown."

Chen Xiaolian sighed when he read this, realizing that indeed, while this item was incredibly powerful, its usage came at a hefty price.

200 points per use may seem affordable, and having 48 hours (two days) to use it sounds reasonable. However, exceeding 48 hours incurs an additional 100 points per hour, which only the wealthiest individuals could afford casually! Just going over one day results in 2400 points!

Moreover, even if the wealthy can afford the expenditure, they cannot go beyond 100 hours, or they will be obliterated directly.

This requires careful consideration when using it, taking into account various factors at the time, especially your own point reserves and the current situation in the Instance—many Instances do not conclude within 48 hours. For example, the London Instance involved a time-travel episode and an ancient war, taking several days!

100 hours is just a bit over four days, and even if you can afford it, it may not be enough for a single Instance.

With these thoughts in mind, Chen Xiaolian continued to read...

"4. During the storage period, the item holder can cancel storage at any time. After canceling storage, the puppet automatically reverts to its original form, regaining full comprehensive combat capability.

5. After each use of a storage slot, it enters a cooldown period of 24 hours. During the cooldown period, it cannot be used. Each storage slot has its own separate time and cooldown period.

6. When storing a life form, all attributes, including all positive and negative effects, will be fully inherited. During the storage period, all positive or negative effects suffered by the puppet are ignored. Upon resurrection or canceling storage, the status of the life form before storage serves as the baseline."

The sixth rule certainly caught Chen Xiaolian's attention!

This rule seemed to hold some potential and had some practical uses.

Ignoring all effects suffered by the puppet during storage, and upon resurrection, reverting to the state before storage.

This meant that if, for example, in this instance, Roddy had been stored before getting poisoned, he could have been revived when he died, or his storage could have been canceled directly after he got poisoned, allowing Roddy to return to his state before being poisoned.

Similarly, if a backup member lost an arm, but they had been stored before the injury, they could be restored to their previous state using this item.

This aspect was worth some careful consideration and could be fully utilized.

However, while there were benefits, there were also pitfalls!

The explanation stated that it disregarded everything, both positive and negative effects.

In other words, if during the storage period, you unexpectedly gained something positive, like a boost in attributes due to an encounter in the Instance, or acquired new skills, once the storage ended upon resurrection or canceling storage...

In essence, even if you had, for Instance, unexpectedly mastered a legendary martial art like the "Jiuyang Divine Skill" up to level 99 during the storage period, it would all be in vain.

After the storage period ended, it was as if it never happened! Everything would reset.

If Chen Xiaolian had stored the power of the Skyblade before obtaining it...

So, this rule not only has benefits but also potential pitfalls and must be used cautiously.

"7. This item is a fragment, and additional functionalities will gradually activate based on the completeness of the fragment."

The explanation ended here.

Fragments... completeness...

Chen Xiaolian's mind was filled with thoughts.


"Well, I'll go in first." Nicole glanced at Tian Lie, who stood at the back of the crowd, and then across the bridge at the Light Camp. She picked up a candle and took a deep breath. With one hand holding the candle and the other palm placed beside it, a transparent shield quickly appeared above Nicole's palm, isolating the candle flame from the strong wind around it.

The members of the Light Camp on the other side did not move, only staring coldly at Nicole.

After a moment, Nicole's figure disappeared from where she stood.

"It's our turn now." Meine sneered and, with a nod of her head, a knight holding a longsword in his hand walked confidently onto the bridge and into the center.

He raised one hand, emitting a radiant silver light that blocked the strong wind. Then, he calmly picked up a candle.

"Arte! Kill that woman!" Meine coldly commanded.

The knight named Arte had a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth and quickly disappeared into the strong wind.

"Who's next?" Tian Lie looked around, and Natasha volunteered, "I'll go."

Two minutes later, members from both camps took their candles one by one and were transported.

As if by chance, the number of people in both camps was exactly the same. On Tian Lie's side, there were seven people, including Nicole, Natasha, and the lone wanderer. On the Light Camp's side, aside from Meine, there were also seven individuals, all of whom entered.

At this moment, only Tian Lie and Meine remained on either end of the bridge, staring at each other.

"I guess you wouldn't be willing to let me through," Tian Lie smiled.

"Of course not," Meine slowly drew the sword from his waist, "You are the strongest among them, and I won't allow you to pass."

"My thoughts exactly," Tian Lie sighed, "Within the Knights Templar in Jerusalem, you are the most powerful."

"I didn't plan to go in either. I believe my brothers are more than capable of purifying you heretics," Meine said as she stepped onto the bridge, reaching its center. Suddenly, she raised her sword and shattered the glass dome on the central platform under the raging wind.

In the midst of the gale, the remaining candles were extinguished instantly.

Tian Lie seemed to have anticipated Meine's actions and stood his ground without trying to stop him. "It looks like we're going to have a life-and-death battle right here."

"You harmed one of my brothers, and I can smell the heretical stench emanating from you! I promised I would kill you!" Meine pointed her sword at Tian Lie.

"Pity," Tian Lie sighed, deliberately looking at the leader of the Knights Templar with a compassionate gaze. "We're all in this game, and while it's understandable for regular people, as an awakened, you should be well aware of the truth of this world. Yet, you're still full of talk about heresy, faith, and purification..."

"Heretics must die!"

"Madwoman..." Tian Lie shook his head, cracked his knuckles, and made a snapping sound. "Come on, let's have a fight!"


In a nondescript little inn in the southern district of Jerusalem.

A dirty and messy room contained a bottle covered in copper rust on the table.

Suddenly, with a cracking sound, the copper bottle split open, almost breaking into two halves. Water flowed out of the bottle, splashing onto the floor. Soon, from the water stains, a hand emerged with force, followed by a body slowly crawling out from the water!

Then, this hand pressed on the ground, and a figure crawled out slowly from the water stains!

His left hand was soaked, as if he had just been pulled out of the water. His hair clung to his forehead, and he sat on the ground, taking a few breaths. He raised his head and looked at the shattered copper bottle on the table, his eyes filled with intense anger and regret.

He reached out and picked up the cracked copper bottle, gripping it tightly in his hand. His eyes burned with raging fury!

"They made me lose a precious soul artifact! Damn the Meteor Rock Guild! I will definitely seek revenge!! Just wait!!"

The sharp edge of the cracked copper bottle cut his left hand's palm, causing blood to flow, but he seemed oblivious, his eyes only growing more and more filled with bitterness and hatred.