
Chen Mu furrowed his brow and exited the mysterious card—Bogner had returned. He had been gone since the day he took the money and departed with Lu Xiaoru. Chen Mu also really wanted to see what Bogner had accomplished. From what he saw, Bogner didn't seem like a big talker.

Wei-ah just took a glimpse and retracted his gaze to pay attention again to what was being transferred to the fantasy card receiver. The fleshy dog was lying on him as always, even lazier after Wei-ah had taken him out that last time.

Bogner had brought 20 people.

Chen Mu's gaze widened, and he could see at a glance how awesome those 20 were. None of them was ordinary, with their gazes sharp and the alacrity of some among them stunning.

"Where did you find so many aces?" Chen Mu asked with some curiosity.