A Little Lesson

It was like the air had congealed, so oppressive it was suffocating.

In the dark, Bogner's while teeth dazzled as he chuckled. "Let's give our friends a little something to remember us by."

He made a strange gesture with his right hand, and the order was immediately passed down.

Hugo's face changed color, and a look of rage flashed through his eyes. But, despite the pressure he felt, he had to powerfully restrain his urge to make a move!

Aah! Three blood-curdling screams! Three among the five card artisans behind him had suddenly been hit and fell from the air. There were six kinds of energy bodies. Hugo determined in the first instant that it wasn't military. The military was composed of highly coordinated troops whose battle style was different from any of the card artisan teams. The were all equipped with standardized regulation cards, and their lethality as a unit was a lot more terrifying than that of other teams.