Moving in Advance

That shuttle was the official prelude to battle.

Qiao Yuan didn't say anything to stop it, though of course he knew those two assassins certainly had something in mind by luring them there. But he had sufficient confidence that the forces he had on hand were enough to overrun all of Pomelo. Moreover, he had plenty of confidence in himself alone.

By then, apart from the tiny forces defending the transit route, most of the rest of the power of even the Federation Comprehensive Academy in Pomelo had been completely wiped out. Any intrigue had faded away in the face of such absolute power.

He had locked in on the assassins with his perception. They hadn't left but were hiding in the dark.

The card artisans from the Central Repository of the Classics, nursing their bellies full of fire, turned their fury onto those card artisans whose power was so deficient compared to their own. They brought the fighting immediately to a lopsided disposition.