The First Battle of 013

Watching the long, blue arrow shooting toward him, Qiao Yuan's bronzed face became unwittingly mocking. That kind of attack wasn't even worth a sneer from someone of his abilities. Without bothering to say more, a red thistle shuttle left his raised hand and traced a red shadow as it went flying toward the blue arrow.

The card in his hands was a five-star card with an ordinary name—the Four-Pronged Caltrop. It was a well-known card in the federation.

When he was young, Qiao Yuan was good at the wavy blade category of cards and had already started to show youthful promise. His teacher was planning to let him choose one of the high-level legacies from the Central Repository of the Classics, but he hadn't wanted to abandon the Triangular Steely Blade he was already using, which nixed his teacher's suggestion.