Words Like Knives

The air was on fire, burning up every nerve in everyone's body, making them excited to the point of shaking. Then, in that restless, fanatical atmosphere, the great hall became abnormally quiet.

After a long time, the shocked and excited look on Rong Ming's face gradually faded, and he once again resumed his former calm determination.

"I am very grateful for your kindness. But, by my own reckoning, I don't have the strength to accept such a fine gift." His low voice was a bit hoarse. What he said was tantamount to tossing out a huge bombshell in the great hall, which seemed so calm on the surface but was actually so hot that it seemed to be on fire. Countless gazes focused in unison on the host in the room.

Has he gone nuts? That's a six-star card… The same thought popped into everyone's minds at the same time, and they looked at Rong Ming as though they were looking at a monster.