Ten Moves

Rong Ming was so angry that he smiled. "Your eminence is surely joking to just open your mouth to call out a suspect. Aren't you aware that I humbly serve as the captain of the guards division?"

At that time, an elegant-sounding woman's voice said, "So, Faya is still as arrogantly defiant as always, after all." The voice was as sweet as could be, and everyone involuntarily turned their gaze toward the voice's source, which was impressively Miss Tan Yumin. She walked in a leisurely fashion with a small, elegant smile on her face. She took a look at Butchie with a mild expression before turning to give Chen Mu a sweet smile.

Sensing the surrounding gazes brushing over him, and the envy and jealousy they contained, made him feel uncomfortable all over. Good lord. A single monkey is plenty bothersome, but with two of them… How can a person even go on?