The Blue Tantra

"You're awake." A faint and cold voice came from behind. Chen Mu knew it was the Demonic Woman, Zara, without even turning around. He did not turn back and looked ahead sluggishly instead.

The endless ocean of sky-blue sparks came to sight in front of him. Countless of flowers that emitted sky-blue fluorescence formed this sparkly blue ocean. The light breeze stirred up the sky-blue waves from time to time. Occasionally, the glowing blue sparkles would be blown into the star-studded sky, like blue mist made by transpiration. The scenery was like a dream, filled with pure fluorescent blue. In the darkness, it was so dazzling and intoxicating!

"Where is this?" Chen Mu's voice was a little erratic as he stared at everything in front of him. "The Hundred Depths." The Demonic Woman's answer was succinct. "The House of a Hundred Depths?""It's the Hundred Depths!" the Demonic Woman raised her volume slightly to emphasize the difference between the two.