The Painted Graphistemma

"We've finally escaped." Chen Mu gazed at the towering cliff in front of him emotionally, the endless Ocean of Blue Tantra stretching out behind him. After three consecutive days of trekking, the pair had finally escaped the sea of death. Looking back at the Ocean of Blue Tantra, it seemed that its beauty had long faded, exposing its underlying ferocity and cruelty. These three days, they had not seen any other living organisms. However, scattered about the perimeter were heaps upon heaps of animal skeletons. These bone remnants revealed the danger underneath this ethereal beauty.

Originally, with the Demonic Woman's speed -or lack thereof - it would be impossible to traverse the Ocean of Blue Tantra so quickly. Chen Mu became frustrated with their sluggish progress; hence, he re-enacted the same trick that he had used before. He carried the Demonic Woman and sprinted as fast as he can. Now that his power had considerably surged, his movement speed was even more superb.