Confidential Meeting

The prince took some time to calm himself down before using a solemn tone to announce to the rest of the attendees, "A plague suddenly broke out at the Templar Fort, infecting most of our armies there. Because of this, we have lost at least half of the combat force there. At the same time, large number of devils are coming out from the Door of Abyss and our fighters are giving it their all in the arduous struggle with the illness of their bodies."

After listening to the prince's words, the room was filled with gasps. A voice queried in a hurry, "Y-Your Highness, is this t- true? Why did a plague appear all of a sudden at Templar Fort that was stationed with a large number of chaplains?"

That was the question on everyone's mind. Could it be that the chaplains were negligent of their duties? At once, all eyes in the room landed on the elderly Archbishop.