You People are Looking Down on Me, huh?

To be honest, Mia's clumsy antics had only made Baiyi a little mad, he seized the opportunity that was given to him to get closer to her.

The same could not be said for the next day however. The rapping on the door early in the morning had managed to awaken a long, buried anger within the Soul Armature.

It was a teacher from the Academy. He was holding a stack of documents in one hand while the other knocked on the door . After he saw Tisdale, he put on a contemptuous look and haughtily announced to the girl, "Tisdale Aegis, as per the president's decision of deploying Academy students to Templar Fort, I command you to… T-t-to…"

He did not get to finish his words before he was lost for words. Even that condescending façade that he had on earlier had vanished, leaving him looking like a dog that had just fell into the lake as his shoulders shrank. With beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead, he looked as if he had seen a ghost.