Exquisite Taste in Women

After the Emperor had said those words, he snapped his finger, and a soft "hoy!" echoed from the crowd. Close to the entrance, people moved to a side, opening a path for a staff of servants carrying a long box draped in canvas.

The procession stopped in front of Baiyi, and the box was unloaded. The Emperor said nothing; he only mirthfully gestured at it.

Baiyi lifted the canvas, and somehow, triggered a mechanism in the box. The box's four sides fell one by one, revealing its content.

It was a set of silver-grey armor. Its craftsmanship was a paragon of aesthetic; graceful carvings were etched on its dazzling surface. A pair of small wings were carved on the shoulder plates, and even the gauntlets were not exempted from the dexterity of its maker as every finger boasted its own elegant marking.