Divine Odyssey - The Price of Adventure

Divine Odyssey - The Price of Adventure

by Melancholymike

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Be careful what you wish for or you might get it all. This statement is the best way to describe a boy's situation as he gets what his heart desires but at the cost of what he already has.How will he deal with this and how will he move forward

Ragnarök, Eternal Tragedy.

Ragnarök, Eternal Tragedy.

by Prince_06

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Amari Zanders. An orphan who doesn't have uncos (powers). Has always been looking forward to being part of a family but being a black kid with no uncos people have always looked at him as a curse. Will he ever meet his family? or will he die alone.

Soul Nite Syndicates

Soul Nite Syndicates

by Brizgotrizz

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A sequel to the wobnovel, Soul Nite. It all started 2 years ago, a mysterious rock crashed into the earth and then...Dude! Stop yapping, everyone already knows this.Yeah Tom and stop talking like that, it actually sucks.Right, right, ok, So basically after Con got packed up, me and the boys got to chilling but then all of a sudden there where these evil organizations and groups, basically, they're the opps and they're all trying to take us out. But no worries cuz me and the boys goda save the da…

Let’s Kill Together: Undying Love

Let’s Kill Together: Undying Love

by rtking

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Lovers will always find each other even if they happen to live in a shitty world with even shittier people. However, how far will the lovers go? How strong will their bond be? And who said that they will have a good influence on each other? Immerse yourself in a dark world where even a man wishes his enemy not to be born in it.

Fallen Prince, Risen King-Hear the Call

Fallen Prince, Risen King-Hear the Call

by LaxFam_16

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From the ashes of his past selves, reforged with their burdens, reborn back into the light, Zhōng must convince six other empires to fight with him against Emperor Zhēngfú. He'll not face just the trials of each empire but also the scars of ghosts from his past. Some of them will be painful while others will be guiltful. If he wants the Ninja Empire back, he'll have to face them even those who are already with him. Meanwhile, Zhen will be challenged with two fates destined for her.

Terror of the Apocalypse

Terror of the Apocalypse

by KalamityAllTaken

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When the Comet burned through the heavens and landed on Theia, everything changed. A virus spread through the world at a sickening pace, desperate to infect every living being and turn them into something... superior.The infected individuals became rabid monsters hell-bent on consuming not only the healthy ones, but would even turn on themselves. The more they consumed, the stronger they became.Then there was humanity. When the world went to shit the darkness in their hearts was finally unleashe…

Novas - The World 3023

Novas - The World 3023

by NoahCaelum

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Aric, an 18-year-old from the Valen Family, had some pretty big shoes to fill:+ His grandpa, Agustin, is one of the seven strongest humans on Earth, known as Paragon Nova, with super strength.+ His dad, David, is the smartest man on Earth, rocking a superpower of super intelligence.+ His brother, Ryan, is tipped to be the next Paragon Nova with the same super strength as Grandpa Agustin.Now, imagine how much it sucked for Aric being the only one in the family without any powers, getting mocked a…

Love and Fighting

Love and Fighting

by Keith_Potato

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Zach, at a young age was bullied everyday. Even tho they bullied him everyday his mother forbidden him from fighting back. Then one day something happened, something inside him awoken, something dangerous that must be hidden.But for Zach, like every guy he wants to be the best version of himself. But not just for himself but also for his love ones.Read how Zach fate ended up tragic but also exciting after a lifetime confession with his childhood crush Nicole.

Alone in my darkness (English)

Alone in my darkness (English)

by Lyl

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Have you ever felt betrayed, hurt, used, humiliated? Have you ever been kind and caring to people who were never worth it? Have you ever questioned the meaning of your existence in this world?If we knew what life had in store for us, we would probably refuse to be born. And that's why life is wise to deceive us.And today, humanity is facing threats that could lead to its downfall. One thing is for sure, Pandora's box has been opened, hoping that it will not be the twilight of humanity.

Grand Martial? Not Anymore

Grand Martial? Not Anymore

by Synian

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Accompanied by all kinds of crisis and despair, was the arrival of mankind’s first significant martial hero in a black robe. At first, he was unknown but under his lead, many martial heroes emerged in droves. Soon he became enough known that his name was enough to scare criminals. However, after five years of continuous battles and wars, he disappeared from the people’s eyes. The reason was unknown for the world.

Kami Senso

Kami Senso

by Soda_Kun

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A Grand Battle! This is battle of gods itself! A story on universe destruction. The great cycle is coming and no one is present to preserve it! Timeline is messed up. Everything is merge up!

The Hero's Double Game

The Hero's Double Game

by Lenemlen

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Ethan wasn't the typical young man; he didn't spend much time pondering the world, just acting in accordance with his surroundings, simply another member of the herd. Another like all.However, he carries the weight of strange dreams that haunt him every night, every seventh night, every time he closes his eyes and dreams. It confuses him even more upon waking, for although he has bigger problems like family, school, or love life, compared to those, these restless dreams that he cannot remember a…

STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

by Shiishii_Gaia

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This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

What do I say as a Best Friend?

What do I say as a Best Friend?

by Erudite123

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In a world riddled with conflict, Sahej looks for the courage to face his best friend before one of them must fall victim to the manslaughter.

A Drop-Out's Guide to Saving the World

A Drop-Out's Guide to Saving the World

by AnnoUn

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In the world of Gandoria, magic is not just a mystical force; it's intricately linked to the fundamental laws known as "The Rules." These rules govern both the magical system and the very essence of life itself. Every spell cast is intimately tied to these rules, making them the building blocks of existence in Gandoria.However, amidst the populace of Gandoria, there exists a unique group known as "Rule Bearers." These individuals, unlike the native inhabitants, have the extraordinary ability to …

Just Another Ghostly Story

Just Another Ghostly Story

by KarenParuko

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by AHD25

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In the wake of the cataclysmic Nucranium event, the very fabric of our world trembled, a shadow of crime and the insidious grip of corruption tightened their hold on our fractured society. Yet, from the ashes of this upheaval emerged four extraordinary young heroes, each endowed with the awe-inspiring power of the elements themselves.In a world forever changed by devastation, these young heroes stand as beacons of resilience, ready to defy fate and forge a new destiny for their shattered world. …

Strongest Of All Beings

Strongest Of All Beings

by Frosy_1852

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Worthless Power

Worthless Power

by HoyoSan

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In this world, power is what defines who you are and what you are. Will you attain a prestigious position, or will you be thrown to rot beside the rats? In a world where the strong rule and the weaks are humiliated, a world built on the remnants of other worlds, amid oaths and promises, on the ashes of wars and dried blood, can anyone live a normal life? Is there a refuge from this hell? When will all this end?

I was a Slave to Two Assassins and I loved it

I was a Slave to Two Assassins and I loved it

by Roxas0702

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A dangerous discovery by accident causes 17-year-old Asuka Caballeros, a half-Japanese, half-Filipino high school boy of Spanish descent, to be sucked into the world of assassins and action. 3 years after the tragic death of their parents, he and his younger sister, Niko, were forced into a blood pact with two well-known and highly-skilled assassins, Akihito and Aki Hirona, children of a rich family, when one of them found a USB containing very confidential information. Now slaves to the two a…