Journey Of The Battle Mage

Journey Of The Battle Mage

by Lord_Tianshen

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I am no Saint.Nor am I a Devil actually.I am a Battle Mage.But one who has decided to never stop and walk to the very end of the road, just to sit on the highest throne, whether they are allies or enemies, innocent or culpit, those in my way shall meet their demise!Once, my father told me he failed. I told him he succeeded and he asked me why. I could only answer that I would win as I never lose the war, even if I do lose many battles.

Einder Bloodline

Einder Bloodline

by GeneralAverage


Ragnarok, this was the event that brought mass extinction to most races. Among them, the human race had always been the weakest. That is why most of the strong races have neglected them, so when all the other forces were exhausted, they bared their fangs. This is not a story about the rise of those humans, no, this story tells the tale of the beginning of the end.The Earth had just survived the aftermath of Ragnarok. With most of the landmass turning into wastelands, the people had fought over t…

I will not stop, until I Stop, then I will Stop

I will not stop, until I Stop, then I will Stop

by anc1nt

(not enough ratings)

A man on a Mission

Counterfeit Hero

Counterfeit Hero

by 72 Bian


In times of war…What is a Battle Mecha engineer expected to do? Are they expected to do research and realize their imagination? How about a Battle Mecha pilot? Are they expected to enter battle with their mechas as they display their exquisite control through bizarre and bewildering techniques? What about a member of the special scouts? Are they expected to infiltrate deep into the enemy lines as they use stellar unarmed fighting skills to suppress the enemy with a single move? Or are they expec…