Second Chance War

Second Chance War

by Hokobishu


Thomas awoke on a cold hard metal surface. "I'm alive...?"Thomas Conlin was a Staff Sergeant during the Second World least until he was killed in an ambush. Brought back to life by a seemingly unknown power and given some powers of his own, can he learn to master his gifts, or will they destroy him and everything he's ever fought for?Read on as Thomas finds himself in an upward struggle between the hidden forces of the world.

The World Conqueror

The World Conqueror

by The_King


"Aisha, what's your dream?""To be a Doctor, Dad""Hahaha my daughter is the smartest, of course, she will be a Doctor!""And what's your dream Imad?""To Conquer the world!""..........ahem, yes I know you can do it, son!"

Tsar Of Another World

Tsar Of Another World

by chevar28


Chevar now going by the name of Vladimir is sent to another world with a system that can summon troops, give technology, blueprints, etc. but only based on the era the system provides him so he has to work his way up through the ages and go down as the first Tsar of Russian Empire (not an empire from the start and most things are based on films, songs and what I've looked up and somethings I describe aren't historically accurate I would love to be corrected)P.S I'm doing this for fun and don't e…

Building an Empire in Game of Thrones

Building an Empire in Game of Thrones

by Dr_Dred


Greg was the son of the smartest and most powerful people in the world. His Mom and Dad being geniuses made advanced technology that boosted the world's development level but also caused more conflict.Follow Greg as he tries and build an Empire in Game of thrones------This Story will be faced paced and include Kingdom building and a HaremThe Game of Thrones world will also have a slightly bigger population and bigger armiesThis is a side project so don't expect fast updates unless readers ask fo…

Servants With a Modern Weapon

Servants With a Modern Weapon

by MaxwellKHA


Wilson is a servant for the duke's daughter. Little to none known about him. Although something is puzzling about him, perhaps it's his reputation, or maybe it's merely his decency. However, nonetheless, people tend to pretend to be his best friend while wanting to know his secret.Sorry for my bad English since I'm not a native speaker. [Hiatus For Now]

Counterfeit Hero

Counterfeit Hero

by 72 Bian


In times of war…What is a Battle Mecha engineer expected to do? Are they expected to do research and realize their imagination? How about a Battle Mecha pilot? Are they expected to enter battle with their mechas as they display their exquisite control through bizarre and bewildering techniques? What about a member of the special scouts? Are they expected to infiltrate deep into the enemy lines as they use stellar unarmed fighting skills to suppress the enemy with a single move? Or are they expec…

King of German Mercenaries

King of German Mercenaries

by Artimer


This story/book is NOT my work, it belong to Top Old Cow, the three first chapter were already traduced by Delta Translations I will try to let it be free most of the time ( the other will be costing 1 or 2 power stone max)P.S. : English is not my main language to it's bound to have some error of grammar, etc.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SYNOPSISMarin found himself in the body of a young wandering knight who was driven out of the house. Forced into the 15th Century, he was armed with only a hor…

The supreme sovereign system

The supreme sovereign system

by phamtonbullet


Alfonso was a historian of earth who suddenly appear in the body of Alfonso Lockheart, a fallen prince that is the Lord of a formal city known as the wasteland valley, with infertile land and losing the protection of their god, the wasteland valley is land that is destined to be destroyer by the extreme weather and the attacks of beast.Alfonso was in a despair situation; however, he wasn’t destined to fall in this land, that is because....[The supreme sovereign system welcomes its new host, with…

Total War System

Total War System

by Nathan_Hinds


about a fella who loved Total war and its games while playing a game of total war warhammer 2 he lost his main army due to a ambush while streaming and he in rage threw a cod style Tomahawk at his wall in anger but it rebounded and hit him square between the eyes thus ending his life while streaming many will clip that for generations as the best self tomahawk after his death he awakes in a strange world with no cloths on or any items axcept his tomahawk :HAHAHA: and a system never seen bef…

Supreme Martial System

Supreme Martial System

by OmnipotentDad


Zhong Zhihao, an Orphan due to poverty worked his best, trying to find the parents that had abandoned him.But when he had finally managed to have the information about his Family, Zhihao, our MC went into a very different twist of fate.Zhihao was drag into a World, where Power is Law, and Authority is second.Only the strongest will strive for wealth and women.But the story goes different, as he not only need to be strong, he needs to be the one who stood at the peak.Drag into the conflict betwee…

Nova Roma

Nova Roma

by KENTARO12100


Our protagonist was a Mexican who died on a flight, when he woke up he found Apollo who reincarnated him as the grandson of Gaius Octavian Turino (Augustus) the first Roman emperor, having a mission in hand to conquer the New World to save the Roman polytheist world and his existence.Our protagonist will be able to develop the great Roman civilization in America and survive the different ones that exist in this distant land ...Discord Server

An ancient World

An ancient World

by Darxos_Gremory


This is the Story of a Man, A man who dies because of a phantom asteroid that without any apparent signal comes out of nowhere and without leaving him time to react appears to collect his life, with no other option than to die, reincarnates in another world, a world free of the contaminations of man, a new world with all the opportunities available, to explore, and virgin with practically only prehistoric humans.Ready to be conquered, Join our Mc in his adventure to conquer and dominate the worl…

Bringing the Advanced Arsenal to Another World

Bringing the Advanced Arsenal to Another World

by Darth_Gizmo


Have you found yourself trapped in another world, weak and defenseless?Want to kill goblins with ease?Need a cool new way to impress the ladies?Interested in an interactive game that allows you to level up and unlock new and improved weaponry by hunting monsters?If you answered yes to any of the questions above then you too should buy the Interdimensional Advanced Arsenal today.———————————Gren is a malnourished boy living a poor life alone with his mother in a village until a group of bandits at…

In the Three Kingdoms with a System!

In the Three Kingdoms with a System!

by dragonflamemperor


Tianlong was a historian, who was killed by an evil spirit that escaped the spirit road and brought five evil spirits, with it. So come, follow Tianlong on a journey as he travels, in the Three Kingdoms making a name for himself, while tracking down an evil spirit which escaped into the Three Kingdoms. (PS, This is my first time writing a story like this and would like good, bad, and positive criticization, to see what I could fix in the story. Help is always appreciated, also this is an altern…

Brittania in the New World

Brittania in the New World

by Hwarangskz


In the year 2019, the British Isles suddenly lost contact with all foreign governments. And found themselves to be transported to another world!, the United Kingdom dispatches the Royal Air Force to scout the remaining seas. Their discovery lead them to contact with an early modern era civilization that has knowledge on magic. But an aggressive expansionist empire is on the march to all sides of the continent. People die one by one, cities pillaged and razed to the ground. Britain find itself to…

Myriad Heavens Empire

Myriad Heavens Empire

by TurtleAudience

(not enough ratings)

HiatusLucius was a normal highschool boy who liked to run. But luck was not his side and it was almost as if the universe had a poor excuse to kill, he died pathetically.But worry not, Lucius who is now Liang Tian now has a system. He will go on many adventures and become a villain, hero, anti-hero gaining many titles throughout his new life. He will also build the most powerful empire that would span across continents. And face battles with other kingdoms.

What Remains

What Remains

by elias_ropeter

(not enough ratings)

After loosing his comrades and the country he protects falls, Mathew becomes an outcast. Even though he is no longer paid for his services Mathew continues to fight to free the citizens of his country.

I Got Teleported To The Wrong Battlefield!!

I Got Teleported To The Wrong Battlefield!!


(not enough ratings)

Miles was suppose to be teleported into a battlefield to give support to his allies and push back the attackers. Just long enough so that the others can be evacuated to safety.But just before himself and his team can be sent to their designated mission the base was also attacked. Chaos erupted and their portal chamber was shot causing it to spark and black liquid oozed out. The green light inside turned to blinking red lights. A female robotic voice said "WARNING 'PORTAL NO.12-F' IS UNSTABLE. PL…

Shoot to THRILL ... Play to KILL.

Shoot to THRILL ... Play to KILL.

by FROST_D614

(not enough ratings)

The novel covers the story of a Special Forces Captain, Codenamed FROST. He has an adventurous life of a commando and has to deal with life and death in most of his missions. His adventurous story in his words, what else would you need to know about the Special Forces Operations. (This is a work of fiction).



by Anbuhero

(not enough ratings)

Don is a boy who wakes up in cave with no memories of who he is or why he was there. Join him on his journey and conquest through the world of Leiland. There is war, drama, and adventure in every corner.