I Told The Stars About Us

I Told The Stars About Us

by soltoyourlunaaa


Jiana Achilla Chavez is the daughter of a big-time business tycoon. Her name rings ostentatiously around her high school campus and maybe even beyond its four walls. But despite having that title, she finds it hard to communicate and trust people. So when she took step on her new school grounds, her life took a lot of different (and unforeseen) series of turns- especially that it involves a certain guy who's a year ahead of her; a guy who happened to have unexpected connections with very unexpec…

Bestfriend Series 1: Naha Marie Bañoc

Bestfriend Series 1: Naha Marie Bañoc

by ellycopter

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Have you ever fall in love because of a game? When you thought you were the best player but you are the one who gets played?This story is all about Naha Marie, she was prim and proper, a well built woman who own an empire, the face of her company. She was not just a woman but a woman with power and dignity. No one would ever dare to get near her. No onw ever dare to get in her way. Not until one, a man who she never know will return from a piece of shit would dare to take away the spotlight from…

When Good Girls Drink

When Good Girls Drink

by PurpleGlowieGlitter

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I knew alcohol had a weird effect on the body but what I didn't expect it to do was make me tear up the dance floor with Lizzie by my side.The alcohol made me feel as feel as though I had just been injected with some powerful chemical.I felt different and I couldn't categorize it. If it was the good different,I didn't know. If it was the bad,I couldn't tell."I didn't know you partied."And it was at that exact moment I froze.Usually,when someone sneaks up on me, I'd turn around and kick them in t…

In Our Wedding Day

In Our Wedding Day

by eapollos


Biong meets his worst enemy, but in the end, destiny will always win. Love will always change the past and the future. -eapollos



by Sanjana Saraf

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"And I wish I could have loved him less. Or better yet, not at all."19 year old Adalanna Callister, bold, beautiful and brainy, is all set for her term in St. Stephen's University of Liverpool. And the first day in her new college itself, seals her fate for a rollercoaster year ahead. Through galas, bonfires and games, Alanna is pulled in deeper and deeper to the only feeling she had been wanting to avoid, the half of which she fears and the rest, fails to understand. Ripped apart between two fr…



by AVA

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A book about Four friends. Follow their journey into womanhood.A sorry about love, hate, family, friendship, deceit, heartbreak, mystery and murder. A story that'll make you laugh, cry, and wish for moreEnjoyAnd also p.s please don't read if you don't have a sense of humorLike if you're crazy and comment because I love hearing from you all.Peace

Gone in Love

Gone in Love

by Tashspace

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Elena Wilson is your sweet 17 year old girl who just wants a simple life without any troubles and complications in her new and safe town. Simple. Right? No. In comes, the town's bad boy Ace Beckett who just saw Elena and won't leave her. What will happen when the town is not so safe with a murderer on the loose? Will Elena save herself or drag herself down with Ace?

7 Days To Court You

7 Days To Court You

by SilverCatharsis

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"I'll court you for one more week , if you don't want me after that, then I'm not going to bother you anymore." Asha Jane Delos Reyes is doubting Mc Angelo's love for her. It wasn't that long when she decided to end all the dating with Makey and just forget about him, but Makey, as persistent as he is, wants to prove his love to Asha for 7 Days and wants to make her feel special in a span of one week. Will he be able to let Asha feel confident about the love that he is giving or he'll just give …



by Nickscart_2


Ardham, a man who is 38 years old loves a girl (Nadine, 21 years old) who has been in his care since she was a child.Nadine is a beautiful teenage girl who has been living by her parents since childhood.Because of an accident that was deliberately done by someone who wanted Nadine's parents' wealth.As a friend of Nadine's parents, Ardham raises Nadine to adulthood.And keep looking for the mastermind behind the accident.In silence there is love between Ardham and Nadine.Could their love be united…

FALLING IN LOVE : My Destiny Husband

FALLING IN LOVE : My Destiny Husband

by Nickscart_2


"Maybe He was present in my heart at the beginning of my journey, but you were present at the end of my journey to the end of my life later." (Aska Aliando)It started just because it was Karin's joke,in a patient room in the hospital. Karin is always ignorant with every boy she just met. Because in Karin's eyes, all men are bad news. Which deserves to be played."Do you wanna be my lover?" Karin said casually."Okay ... I want to be your lover." replied Aska Aliando"But there is a condition, you h…

Life Ain't fair

Life Ain't fair

by Aaditrayie

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You know it's the usual Girl meets boy, boy meets girl. badboy turns soft and the nerd falls in love.Well she isn't exactly a nerd and neither is he a typical badboyBut do you really believe that shit happens in real life... No it does not.... Or maybe it doesSo here is plot twist... Sophia Marie Smith travels thousands of kilometres away from home to a new place and new people and new friends. But are they new or just the old one buried deep inside.She is a girl who loves romance novels and mov…

His Angel

His Angel

by Aria

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"Answer me" he asked in a deathly calm voice, his breathing heavy. His nails digging in her arm, tears welled up in her eyes.Rage."ANSWER ME! " his voice boomed She closed her eyes tightly in fearHe grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him Her lips trembling, whimpers of pain escaped them"open your fucking mouth and answer me" he gritted his teeth, his eyes dark with anger.She looked at him fearful, scared. She opened her mouth but no words escaped them, silence only silence."That's what you…

One's eyes, silently watching me

One's eyes, silently watching me

by Joane Juan

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I have my family but I never felt that I am part of it. I felt that I don't belong and they never even bothered to ask me what I feel. They never care for me, they never love me, also. I was so lost until I became a person who was not me and when I was with someone I never show them my real feelings, but when the time comes and I'm already alone, there's nothing I would do but to cry and ask myself why am I feeling this? Why am I suffering like this, alone. It's never been easy for me, but sudde…

Only you

Only you

by Raydiana2

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This is not your ordinary girl meets boy story. It's a story of love yes but more than that,it's a story of family, friends, struggle with dark impulses and a dark past.You'll meet Ese a girl who is anything but simple,she's deep and introverted and yet has a very intriguing personality well at least our light skinned Yoruba demon Seyi things so. They met in school,the most innocent place to meet yet it was anything but innocent.They wanted each other even before they realized it but their stubb…

I'm Her Favorite

I'm Her Favorite

by JuliusAlfred

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Seth Kaneko, became an orphan when his Mom and Dad had an accident that leads to their death.He was left with a huge sum of debt. He knew that he can't pay all of his inherited debt, so he resorted to suicide by hanging himself, in order to escape debts. But unfortunately, he was saved by his apartment's landlord and rushed him to a hospital.(Note that, this is a work of fiction. Any names and events written are all fictitious. Happy reading!)

The Truth Untold

The Truth Untold


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Love is when you look at a person, and you know right away that both of your hearts follow the same beat. It's just a matter of time until you realise it Wyatt Logan was not your everyday typical rich bachelor. Sure he had the fame, the money, the power. But there was much more hiding under his portraited image on the television. The power you hold underground had its advantages but there would be a time where none of those advantages would matter. And in Wyatt's case, that is when Cora came alo…

The Love Hate Game

The Love Hate Game

by Tomie Laurier

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For as long as they've known each other, Mia Williams and Julian Preston have never seen eye to eye. It's only after their respective best friends begin to date, that they manage to form a conversation that doesn't involve some form of physical or verbal violence. Opposites attract, is the saying. And in the case of Mia and Julian, this holds true. But it's only a matter of time before they have to face their differences.

You can't escape their love -Yandere Harem(18+)

You can't escape their love -Yandere Harem(18+)

by CanopyL


A normal second-year high schooler gets approval from a girl who he had a crush on for more than a year. Later did he get to know that he had Yanderes aiming for him. His older sister, a childhood friend and his married homeroom teacher. When will he learn the truth.? WHat happened in the past? Will he be able to escape them and lead a normal life with his girlfriend? or will he end up .... instead......

How To Tame A Monster (Season 1)

How To Tame A Monster (Season 1)

by Annika Jade

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A girl from a middleclass family decided to study in a commoner school for a change, only to meet a nasty encounter with the school's most feared bully.*** Tamy Cortez grew up as an elite and was born in a family of brilliant professionals. In contrary of her social standing, she's been deeply aiming to understand what it's like to become a commoner—so one day she asked her parents to allow her to study in a normal, public highschool for just a year of experience. However, things got a l…

He Saved Me

He Saved Me

by Oghale Oseba

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You know what's funny about life? It never turns out the way u expect it to.We all have that one wish.And we all have that one dream that we think is not going to come true, but then it does.Just when you think there's no hope, then find out life has other plans for you.Well that's life and for a matter of fact, that's my life.My name is Hale Harrison and this is the story of how Mason Coleman saves me