Forgotten Faces

Forgotten Faces

by Vivien Dean

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Some call him the Angel of Death, but Caleb knows better. He doesn’t kill. He erases life. Centuries ago, the Higher Powers created him to walk the terrestrial plane, eradicating those from existence who have either earned punishment or asked for dissolution. No attachments, no commitments, no problems.<br><br>His latest assignment should have been as easy as the rest. But the second he gets invited into Leandro Warnell’s remote Alaskan cabin, Caleb knows something is different. It’s more than t…

Chasing Sunshine

Chasing Sunshine

by C. RG. Novaek Grimm-Pitch

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As I looked over at her, it struck me how beautiful she was. Her hair was blowing carelessly in the wind, a halo on her head. I had the oddest impulse to reach out and touch. See if it was as soft as it looked. Her lips were curled into a soft smile that radiated warmth. I wondered who or what she was thinking of and my heart skipped a beat imagining her smiling for me. It's crazy how i never noticed how blue her eyes are. Or how her laughter sounds like summertime. It's strange how I never real…

Promise Me We'll Be Okay

Promise Me We'll Be Okay

by Nell Iris

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What do you do when your past comes knocking?<br><br>Six hundred and ninety-five days. That’s how long it’s been since Jude’s fiancé broke off their engagement. With the help of his brother and his all-encompassing love for music, Jude glued the broken pieces of his heart back together, but when his ex shows up on his doorstep late one evening, Jude fears it will fall apart again.<br><br>Two years ago, Vincent made a terrible mistake. He left the love of his life for stupid, ill-advised reasons.…

Art Theft 101

Art Theft 101

by Edward Kendrick

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Vampire Philip Archer and his team of successful art thieves -- black panther shifter Duff, ghost Rob, and Duff's human girlfriend Liddy -- are asked by the handsome Ian Croft, a potential client, to break with tradition and rescue a kidnapped child. When the caper turns out rather differently than expected, Philip is bitterly reminded why he has remained single for so long. Yet, surrounded as he is by loving friends, he is not desperate. This is why, when he meets the newly-made vampire Ephram,…

No Mundane Zone

No Mundane Zone

by Radzy24

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Kai has had a crush on Lara ever since childhood, he was sure she will be his mate. Imagine the shock when he finds out his mate is not only a male but a human! The Wolf Goddess definitely hates him

Second Star to the Right

Second Star to the Right

by A.F. Henley

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Be it unrequited fascination with his straight best friend or impossible fantasies of rekindled interest with his heartbreaking ex, Mason has no clue why the perfect connection seems to keep slipping through his fingers. When another lonely holiday seems like too much weight to shoulder, Mason gives up on romance and seeks out the next best thing -- rented company. Jack is everything a person could want in an escort: willing, hot, and built like an angel.<br><br>Mason can't resist. After all, wh…

A Touch of Lilt

A Touch of Lilt

by Katharine O'Neill

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Julia got away from a boyfriend who picked another woman, his mother, over her. She just wants to celebrate Christmas without the stress of knowing she'll be on the back burner. However, her ex doesn't seem to get the message and won't leave her alone. Doesn't help that her hot neighbor makes her wish they weren't currently in a pandemic ...<br><br>Keith is bewitched by Julia. The attraction is strong, even more than his addiction for soda. He offers his help, hoping that Julia will lean on him.…

Eyeliner and Lace

Eyeliner and Lace

by Ruby Moone

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The day Ryan Fulton realises he’s in love with Jamie Holt is the day he knows he’s losing him. With blue-tinted white blond hair, eyeliner, and a personality to match, Ryan knows he’s a bit much. But can he change? Can he tone it down and, if he does, can he live like that? He’d never suspect Jamie of cheating, but maybe his closeted boyfriend decided flamboyant Ryan wasn’t worth the effort.<br><br>But Ryan isn’t going to take it lying down. Determined to win Jamie back, Ryan even decides to get…

Paint a Story on Your Skin

Paint a Story on Your Skin

by L.J. Hamlin

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Mike is a gallery owner who is looking to put on a show with a few local artists, and the first step is interviewing them.<br><br>Interview number one is Tommy: attractive, funny, amazing ... and far too young for Mike's forty-odd years, even if Tommy himself strongly disagrees.

Out of Light and Into the Night

Out of Light and Into the Night

by Wayne Mansfield

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Karl and Daniel are driving back to their small farm after celebrating Daniel’s birthday when they strike something in the road. Whatever it is lands on the roof of their pick-up truck. Not keen to find out what it might be, Karl floors the accelerator as Daniel leans out of the window. Despite the light from a full moon, nothing is seen on the road behind them.<br><br>When they arrive home, their relief is short-lived. As Karl turns into their driveway, Daniel disappears out the window of the t…

Twas the Play Before Christmas

Twas the Play Before Christmas

by Kris T. Bethke

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After the death of his wife, Nick Valenti is raising his twins on his own. It’s no surprise when his son, Quinn, gets a part in the holiday show, but Nick is amazed when he shows up at the parent meeting and finds his old high school friend is now his son’s music teacher.<br><br>Emmett James is full of passion and energy, and Nick is captivated by him. Volunteering to help with sets gives Nick the opportunity to get to know the man Emmett has become. Sparks fly, flirting ensues, and Nick wants n…

The Element Case

The Element Case

by Edward Kendrick

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Clay Richardson is a well-known artist who owns his own gallery.<br><br>Quint Hawk, a police detective, makes contact with Clay when he sees a portrait Clay has painted in the window of the gallery -- a portrait of a homeless young man who was murdered just days before. Unfortunately, Clay has no idea who the subject was.<br><br>Several months later, Quint contacts Clay to again ask about one of Clay's paintings. The subject has been murdered, as has a third man in another of his paintings.<br><…



by Edward Kendrick

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Artist Daniel Chase moves into the house he inherited from his grandfather -- with the proviso he must live there or lose it. Soon after, he begins to get premonitions that something isn't right. Then he meets Griffin Pryce, a handsome man who lives off the grid. They become friends when Griffin agrees to become the subject for one of Daniel's paintings.<br><br>Before that can happen, Daniel's ex Ray arrives, wanting to partner with Daniel to turn the house into a fancy restaurant. When Daniel s…

Snowed In: Suhaib and Elijah

Snowed In: Suhaib and Elijah

by Michael P. Thomas

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Suhaib isn't a big believer in barriers. Whether he's skinny-dipping on the clock at his hotel job or spilling uncensored details of his life story just to make conversation, he is who he is and he doesn't care who knows it.<br><br>Elijah plays his hand a little closer to the vest, and Suhaib can't get his head around Elijah's reckless plan to drive through the worst blizzard to hit Oklahoma since statehood just to meet his sister's new baby.<br><br>When the storm that brought them together pick…

Summer Madness

Summer Madness

by Ruby Moone

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Ten years is a long time to have a crush.<br><br>Their high school reunion is Luke's chance for a shot at Alexander, whom he adored in high school. In training for the past eighteen months to shed the extra weight he'd always carried, he's ready to show Alexander he isn't the boy they called Podge anymore.<br><br>As the big day draws nearer and the summer days get hotter, Luke continues running with his next door neighbour Max to stay in shape. But everything is blown apart though when Luke almo…

Stallions and Studs: Shoulda Been a Cowboy

Stallions and Studs: Shoulda Been a Cowboy

by Terry O'Reilly

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For Dave Felder, his junior year of high school starts with a move from his small hometown to a larger city. With the new home comes a new school, East Leyden High.<br><br>He isn't the least bit reluctant to leave his old school. Once popular and well-liked, things changed when he was outed to his fellow students.<br><br>A new school gives him a fresh start, where no one knows him or his secret. Tall, handsome, and athletic, he soon finds himself surrounded by new friends, the popularity he once…

Stallions and Studs: Back in the Saddle Again

Stallions and Studs: Back in the Saddle Again

by Terry O'Reilly

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Long ago, Mack MacIntyre left his life as a wild cowhand in the Big Sky country of Montana behind. For thirty-five years, he’s been a devoted husband, father, and successful New York City businessman.<br><br>One day his past comes knocking in the form of his former lover, Seth Buchanan. Seth has a business proposition, and a dream Mack finds hard to refuse.<br><br>Even though he’s widowed and his children are grown, does Mack have the courage to come out to his family and return to the wide open…

Must Love Cats

Must Love Cats

by J.M. Snyder

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Dale Thomason isn't much of a cat person. In fact, he doesn't particularly care for animals of any kind. Or people either, for that matter. A food critic for the local press, he dines out on the company tab without the hassle of going on a date. His sex life is non-existent, particularly when compared to that of his bisexual BFF, Jill.<br><br>When a stray orange tomcat brazenly follows Dale home one night, he calls Jill to come rid his apartment of the feline terror. But he can't seem to keep th…

What We May Be

What We May Be

by Vivien Dean

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Fashion is Jared Harvey’s life. Once a top model, now an aspiring designer, he never expects to be attracted to a man who wouldn’t know his Versace from his Valentino. But Rick Paulson makes him rethink everything he’s ever assumed he wanted in a man. <br><br>Rick’s generous, built like a brick house, and best of all, hungry to let Jared take control. Together, they ignite passions in each other neither wants to extinguish. So what if Rick doesn’t care about Jared’s Cavalli? Life’s more than a r…

The Nutcracker

The Nutcracker

by Drew Hunt

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Bitter and depressed after his boyfriend walks out on him, Garth Morgan cancels Christmas. Garth’s mom has other ideas however. She reminds him there’s still Adam, Garth’s eight-year-old son to consider. So Garth braves the Christmas Eve crowds at the shopping mall to buy gifts.<br><br>Despite aching feet and arms that feel like they’re being pulled out of their sockets, Garth agrees to wait in line so Adam can see Santa.<br><br>Adam asks for a new boyfriend for his daddy because the last one ma…