His Enemy's Son

His Enemy's Son

by Iyana Jenna

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Young oil mogul Luke Garrett can't get his business counterpart to return his calls after a deal goes bad. After making every effort to contact the man, Luke decides to kidnap his former partner's son, Alex, to gain the man's attention to their shared problem.<br><br>Alex Parker is celebrating his eighteenth birthday by getting drunk with his best friend ... and studiously avoiding the debutantes his father tries to throw his way. His night of revelry is cut short when he finds himself a housegu…

Realm of the Polar Bear

Realm of the Polar Bear

by Alex Morgan

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Stranded by a blizzard on his way home for Christmas, Jarrod waits for death by freezing in his pickup, until a large, white-haired, bearded man steps out of the forest to rescue him. Jarrod is reluctant to follow the handsome man but decides his chances of survival aren’t good if he stays in his truck.<br><br>Caleb takes Jarrod to a warm, inviting cabin in the middle of the forest and offers him food and drink to warm him up. Jarrod’s apprehensions begin to dissipate as his attraction for the m…



by Mark Wildyr

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Thirty-two-year-old mixed blood John Strobaw, known to the Sioux as Medicine Hair, returns to his Turtle Crick Farm after a six-year exile on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Grief-stricken at the loss of his mate and lover Matthew Brand, known as Shambling Bear, at the Battle of Wounded Knee, he struggles to become a farmer again while fighting an internal battle to let go of the past and face his future. Will that future be with his best friend Winter Bird or with Pretty Face, an outrageous flirt w…

Need Your Love

Need Your Love

by Dean Frech

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In June 1966, ACLU attorney Eron Lassiter attends his uncle’s wedding and makes an unsettling discovery. Though Eron had bowed to family pressure and planned a potential marriage, his long-ignored attraction to other men roars to life when Garrett Emerson, the bride’s nephew, captures his attention.<br><br>After serving in the Korean War and going to college later than his peers, upwardly mobile Garrett now works as a loan officer at a local bank. For his girlfriend -- fiancée in her mind -- Gar…

Blurring the Lines

Blurring the Lines

by J.M. Snyder

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Greg is straight, but makes easy money offering his services to gay men online. He's inexpensive but has a few ground rules: never reveal his real name, never invite a client home, and never, ever, ever agree to more than three appointments with anyone. Ever.<br><br>RC is handsome, loaded, and lives in a big house in a swanky neighborhood. Greg doesn't understand why such a guy needs to pay for companionship, but RC’s been burned by men who are interested in only his money, and paying someone ta…

Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch

by Ofelia Gr?nd

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Bjorn Ritter only wants one thing -- to live his life away from nosey, demanding bears. That's easier said than done when you're the son of the female running the Bayside Bear Community.<br><br>Cecil Baxter might be a bat, but he grew up away from shifter communities and he's doing his best to continue to keep his distance. Shifters aren't an accepting bunch and Cecil has never fit the norm.<br><br>Already facing a dreaded meeting with his mother, the last thing Bjorn needs is a stranger using h…

Saving Ernest

Saving Ernest

by Drew Hunt

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Londoner Ernest Porter wasn’t looking for love that Saturday morning. Nor was he looking where he was going.<br><br>Fortunately PC Liam McAvoy was looking, and saves Ernest from falling into a hole caused by a missing manhole cover.<br><br>The weather is hot, and wanting to thank Liam for saving him, Ernest offers the policeman a glass of ice tea. They talk and Ernest finds himself increasingly drawn to the young constable. But it can’t go anywhere. Liam isn’t gay, there’s a big age difference b…

Sugar Plum'd

Sugar Plum'd

by Leon Mauvais

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As a young stag-shifter, all Pembroke dreams of is being harnessed to Santa’s sleigh. Yet his world comes crashing down when Santa is slain by the imposter Frost.<br><br>War erupts in the Arctic Circle, pitting elf against reindeer, and Pembroke is sent on a perilous mission. If he fails, his herd will be lost. When the mission goes awry, the stag-shifter must put his trust in an unlikely ally.<br><br>Where does one turn in a land of ice and blood? What happens when the enemy infiltrates your he…

Starting His Engine

Starting His Engine

by W.S. Long

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Athletic and handsome, Florida boy Caleb Youngblood has always wanted to race stock cars like his father and his brother. The roar of the engines, the smell of the burning rubber and the thrill of speed courses his veins. Racing is as much a part of him as the sun and surf of the Florida ocean he loves.<br><br>But, when Caleb falls in love with sports writer Sebastian Rush, he must make a decision. Will he stay in the closet and follow his dream, or can he make a life with Sebastian and follow h…

Leather and Tea in London

Leather and Tea in London

by K.L. Noone

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Retired secret agent Ben Smith will do anything for his husband. So when Simon's brother calls from London to say he's being blackmailed, Ben and Simon pack up and head to the glittering world of English aristocratic younger sons and parties and incriminating photographs. The mission itself isn't complicated -- but it's a reminder of the past, even as Ben's been trying to move on.<br><br>Simon Ashley adores his husband, and loathes most of his family ... except for the older brother who once gav…

A Cowboy for Keeps

A Cowboy for Keeps

by J.D. Walker

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Slim Montagne is about to leave town and head home when he stumbles over a pair of long, lean legs on the sidewalk. Daniel "Danny" Crane, a battered, dusty and bruised cowboy, is world-weary and has stopped believing in humanity. A drifter, his last ride left him on the side of the road, and he just barely made it to town before collapsing against the nearest wall.<br><br>When Slim offers Danny a place to stay, he's suspicious, but figures he has nothing left to lose. Back at the ranch, Slim int…

A Demon for Midwinter

A Demon for Midwinter

by K.L. Noone

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Kris Starr used to be famous. Rock and roll. Sold-out shows. Literal magic. Empathic talents and screaming fans.<br><br>But he has a problem or two. He's having a hard time writing new music. It’s Midwinter, which means he’s surrounded by depressing holiday cheer. And he's in love with Justin, his manager, who has a talent for rescuing almost- or once-famous bands ... and who’s hiding secrets of his own.<br><br>Justin Moore, on the other hand, is very good at keeping those secrets -- he's had to…

Dazzle Me

Dazzle Me

by Ofelia Gr?nd

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Tom and Santino’s anniversary is coming up, and Tom has a plan. He’s going to show Santino how much he means to him. The night will be magical.<br><br>Tom’s plan did not include a trip to Thailand. He doesn't do aeroplanes, doesn't do tropical climate, and he doesn’t do spas. Yet he finds himself without a stitch of clothing on a spa table, with a man he's never met before while Santino is away on a business meeting.<br><br>This was not how it was supposed to go. Tom will do his best to live thr…

Stolen Hearts

Stolen Hearts

by Kassandra Lea

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Rafael Pederos is awakened in the middle of the night by his wheelchair-bound sister Pearl. Someone’s in the barn where they shouldn’t be. Rafael tells her to call the cops as he storms out to chase off the rustlers, but he’s too late. They’re already gone, and they’ve taken four pregnant mares with them. Now the future of the Pederos Ranch is up in the air.<br><br>This is where Chad Masters comes in. As a detective-ranger, he swears to track down the missing mares. But that’s easier said than d…

For the Last Time

For the Last Time

by A.R. Moler

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It's not easy being blue -- a cop -- that is, not a good one anyway. Scott Hedrich and Mark Stenner have had each other's backs a long time. Best friends, they've supported each other through girlfriends, marriages, divorces, promotions, the various ups and downs and dangers of their job, including the terrorist attack on DC.<br><br>Somewhere along the way, their friendship turned into something more. Twenty-three years later and they've finally come to recognize what's been the truth all along.…

Taming Brooks

Taming Brooks

by R.W. Clinger

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Not so innocent and somewhat rowdy, Randy Marke is a newly hired ranch hand at Copperhead Creek. After arriving at the ranch, he meets and falls for the sexy ranch owner, Dallas Brooks. Summer heat and a bath in the nearby creek draws the two cowboys together and their relationship turns intimate. Then Randy decides to tame Brooks the old-fashioned cowboy way, with relentless sex. Can love between the two last longer than a summer, though? Are these two ranchers meant to be together, or is their…

Mark's Midlife

Mark's Midlife

by Rafe Jadison

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Mark Dauphin loves his nephews, Sam and Logan, and he'll do anything his brother-in-law Cole asks, but when Cole wants Mark to play nice with Stefano Magnussi, Mark isn't sure he can comply. Stefano is hotter than fire, but Mark can't see past the fact that Stefano is one of those guys, the type of men who date guys half their age, the type of guys who made Mark give up on dating.<br><br>Of course, a little wine and several cocktails later, Mark finds himself dropping more than his defenses with…

Broken Star

Broken Star

by Joann Lee

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From the outside looking in, Lynn Feoras seemingly has everything a woman could desire. With numerous platinum selling CDs, lavish homes, and the ability to bring down the house with her powerful vocals, who could want for more?<br><br>Lynn.<br><br>Alexis Donatella is a jaded SVU officer who has no tolerance for the rich and famous. She has devoted her life to raising her daughter and to the Florida division of the Special Victims Unit. Venturing into a relationship is the furthest thing from he…

The Privateer's Cross

The Privateer's Cross

by Alex Morgan

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Henry meets Cole in a spooky cemetery for a quick hook-up during Mardi Gras in New Orleans. During their encounter, Henry finds a beautiful object in a pile of dirt. They take it back to Henry’s hotel room and discover they have picked up an ancient and very valuable crucifix.<br><br>Suddenly, they find themselves haunted by the ghost of Jean Lafitte, a French pirate from the 19th Century who wants his treasure returned. Unfortunately there is nowhere to hide from a ghost, even among the thousan…

Will Turner's Luck

Will Turner's Luck

by Terry O'Reilly

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Will Turner celebrates the end of a ten-year marriage by acting on his repressed longings and heading for a gay bar. Just his luck, the next morning he awakes in a strange room with a stranger by his side and no memory of how he got there or who his bedmate is. The bedmate, Robby, however, not only knows Will, but has definite plans for how the rest of their lives will go, complete with matching rings on their left hands.<br><br>As Will attempts to unravel the mystery, he falls in love with Robb…