

by Rick R. Reed

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After Todd's mother dies from cancer, he moves back to his hometown in the foothills of the Appalachians from Chicago. It's 1997 and he's just been given a death sentence -- an HIV-positive diagnosis.<br><br>Todd expects his remaining time on earth to be spent alone. But Cal, his handsome next-door neighbor, has other ideas.<br><br>Cal is not the only surprise in Todd's new life. Todd begins having visions of an older woman, Essie, when he dims the lights. Is she just a figment of his imaginatio…

The Haunted Caretaker

The Haunted Caretaker

by Gordon Phillips

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While traveling in a storm, Glen Harper takes a wrong turn and crashes his car. Unhurt but cold and wet, he decides to get help. Using a distant light as a guide, Glen discovers an uninhabited cottage, where he lights a much needed fire. Glen quickly warms up but soon becomes aware of a presence in the room.<br><br>Hank Waterford is the caretaker of the estate where Glen found refuge from the storm. They meet when Glen, thinking he’s alone in the cottage, jumps into Hank’s bed.<br><br>Both men a…

Tangled Web

Tangled Web

by Terry O'Reilly

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Kevin Baker is a banker, fifty-eight years old, but tells anyone who seems interested that he’s fifty-five. He regularly visits his gym in order to keep in shape, as well as to scope out the hunks. One particular hunk, Jake Whittiker is a leather-clad,muscled, tattooed, shaven headed biker. Kevin is infatuated with Jake and takes every opportunity to check the guy out.<br><br>On the surface, Kevin and Jake couldn't be more different, however, they have certain things in common: both are gay and …

Star Attraction

Star Attraction

by Jamie Craig

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In 1955, Sam Coles is Hollywood's newest rising star, and his latest role promises to send his popularity into the stratosphere. But Sam is less interested in the potential boost to his career, and more interested in his gorgeous co-star, Hollywood's latest bad boy Elijah McKinley.<br><br>Their careers rely on discretion, but Sam and Elijah cannot deny the desire between them. Stealing glances and casual touches between takes soon gives way to heated kisses and clandestine meetings after shootin…

See Ya, Space Cowboy

See Ya, Space Cowboy

by J.V. Speyer

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Escaped slave and radical Genthry is facing down his final moments, bound to the execution platform, when some soul detonates the platform and the prison wall. He didn’t plan it, but he’s more than happy to take the opportunity to escape and thumb his nose at fate yet again.<br><br>By the time he gets his hands on a ship, the authorities have caught up to him in the form of handsome marshal Dryath Riatt. When a passerby knocks the marshal out, Genthry takes Riatt “hostage” to save him from the a…

Trailer Trash

Trailer Trash

by Temple Madison

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When Dezi Falconi, a pampered rich boy, meets up with Rox Forrester, a savvy trailer trash hottie, sparks fly. Living on opposite sides of the tracks makes them an unlikely couple until Dezi gets a good look at Rox and propositions him. Tired of being used as a rich man’s whore, Rox heatedly refuses the offer, but when Dezi hears his tale of woe, he decides to help Rox financially, and in time they fall deeply in love.<br><br>Eventually Nick Falconi, Dezi’s father, finds out about Rox. Nick is a…

Seeking Boy, Finding Love

Seeking Boy, Finding Love

by Jason Arthur

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Theodore Bondi is a junior in college and unabashedly gay. He has it all: smoky bedroom eyes; heavy brooding eyebrows; thick, unkempt hair; twink-ish body. So why is he still a virgin? His BFF Wendy is determined to see his cherry popped before Christmas, while his quirky grandmother keeps telling him to follow his heart.<br><br>Stuck in the middle, Theo sets his eyes on Dale, the captain of the mens’ water polo team. The stories of Dale’s aggressive prowess in bed make it hard for Theo to sleep…

Shaking the Sugar Tree

Shaking the Sugar Tree

by Nick Wilgus

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Wise-cracking Wiley Cantrell is loud and roaringly outrageous -- and he needs to be to keep his deeply religious neighbors and family in the Deep South at bay. A failed writer on food stamps, Wiley works a minimum wage job and barely manages to keep himself and his deaf son, Noah, more than a stone’s throw away from Dumpster-diving.<br><br>Noah was a meth baby and has the birth defects to prove it. He sees how lonely his father is and tries to help him find a boyfriend while Wiley struggles to h…

On the Ragged Edge of the World

On the Ragged Edge of the World

by Jamie Craig

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Argenti agent Darren Sumner spent fifteen years hunting werewolves, but one night of betrayal sent him from his family of assassins into the arms of werewolf Aden Richter. Neither can deny their passion nor their hunger for the other, but as Darren tries to find his place in this new world, he wonders whether desire can be enough.<br><br>Rumors of an upcoming power struggle between the packs in Washington, DC, bring the question of Darren's role to the forefront. Is he Aden's partner and a leade…

In the Land of Men

In the Land of Men

by Wayne Mansfield

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In the years after the Final War, the Council of Women decide to secede from men. They create a world of their own away from men, where they can raise their children without fear. Once a year men may visit briefly to procreate. Boys are sent to the Land of Men when they reach puberty.<br><br>At eleven, Bergman was sent across the sea and placed with his fathers, Spencer and Harris. Years later, he meets Hastings at the Beach Festival, an annual event for young men. It’s love at first sight for B…

Still Standing

Still Standing

by A.F. Henley

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Bryson Merritt may have started life as a broken baby in a basket, but he got lucky with an extraordinary set of circumstances that brought him his adoptive parents. Rich, supportive, and kind, they've given Bryson everything he's ever needed in order to deal with his ongoing recovery issues. If only they could give him some luck when it comes to picking out the right kind of guy.<br><br>When Bryson meets Duke at a horse auction, all he can think about is getting Duke's sweaty hands all over his…

Magic Fingers

Magic Fingers

by Etienne

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David Majors should be looking forward to a long and prosperous life: after tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, he's attending college courtesy of Uncle Sam and riding the fast track to success. He's tall, fit, and good-looking, so shouldn't the world be his oyster?<br><br>But underneath his clothes -- and beneath the surface -- David is a mess of scar tissue and insecurity. Then he meets Kevin Boxer, another former Army Ranger. Their first night together, Kevin stares David's scars in the face and d…



by Deirdre O’Dare

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Mal has not had an easy life. He’s struggled to overcome a lot of roadblocks and hardships as he built himself a life as a mechanic, despite a serious handicap. He’s admired rancher Dan from afar but never dreamed events would play out to land him in the amazing spot of being able to do a real service for his secret hero. Can he maintain his cool and a safe distance when they’re sharing a house and working to resolve a dangerous mystery?<br><br>Dan says he does not have employees but friends who…

Peaches and the Shadow

Peaches and the Shadow

by K.L. Noone

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At twenty-four, Ethan Aur has a lot to prove. He’s the youngest member of his family, the academic one, and the latest heir to the tradition of supernatural quests and spells and enchanted swords. The family’s always protected him and worried about him, and his older brother keeps calling to check in.<br><br>But this particular quest is Ethan’s quest, and this ghost is his problem. He’s going to solve it on his own. By any means necessary. Even if that ghost is a very handsome man, charming and …

We Are Going to Be Together

We Are Going to Be Together

by R.W. Clinger

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On the rugby field Wayne Joslin might be tough and rough, but in the romance department he’s a pussy cat. He can’t keep his attention away from his close friend Darsey Haas, the center for the Templeton Thundercats. Darsey’s a dreamboat, and the guy of Joslin’s dreams. Someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with. The two must be together.<br><br>After five months of friendship, Joslin and Darsey steer out of the friend zone. There’s one problem, though. A huge problem. Darsey has a boyfr…

The Prince Who Never Smiled

The Prince Who Never Smiled

by Pepper Espinoza

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What could a humble peasant offer a lofty, but dour, crown prince?<br><br>Many years ago, in a kingdom far away, there lived a young prince. This prince was very handsome, and everybody in the kingdom loved him. The prince, being a good man, responded in kind and treated everybody fairly. But, much to his father’s confusion and his mother’s disappointment, there was one thing the prince would never do -- smile.<br><br>Finally, unable to tolerate his son’s dour expression any longer, the king sen…

Meant To Be

Meant To Be

by Terry O'Reilly

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Howie Bosley has very strict rules about dating men. Get to know him, fall in love with him, then -- and only then -- go to bed with him. But, as Howie’s friends frequently point out, his rules aren’t working because he’s still single.<br><br>Just when Howie is about to ease up on his rules, he meets an Adonis at the gym who goes by the name of Matthew Timmons. Matthew is also looking to get to know someone before hopping into the sack. Is this destiny?<br><br>But Matthew had planned a very diff…

Married Ones

Married Ones

by Matthew J. Metzger

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It's the summer break, and for the first time in his life, Mike would rather stay in the bloody classroom.<br><br>It's wedding season, and Mike is doomed to spend all summer sipping cheap champagne and pretending he likes tiny portions of posh food. From the passive-aggressive torment of Mike's mother-in-law to the insulting incredulity of his colleagues over what his mysterious husband actually looks like, Mike would voluntarily teach sex education to fourteen-year-olds for the rest of his life…

Snowed In: Matt and Jens

Snowed In: Matt and Jens

by Gordon Phillips

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Handsome detective Jens barely escapes with his life in the course of his work and has no choice but to land his damaged Cessna at an abandoned airport. Suffering from snow blindness and ill equipped to survive arctic conditions, he collapses at the entrance of an occupied building. Rescued and attended to by the sole occupant, Jens recovers, and is ready to unravel the mysteries surrounding his rescuer.<br><br>Maintenance worker Matt found escape from a world full of pain and rejection at the c…



by Dakota Storm

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Trevor loves his life. He has a great family, amazing friends, his art, and the warm and inviting café where his creativity can come to life. His hard work has paid off, but something is missing. Despite his success, he feels tired and lonely.<br><br>Then a sexy stranger walks into the café, and into Trevor’s life.<br><br>Jordan’s dream has always been to be a songwriter and singer. Disillusioned, he walks away from his band to pursue his dream on his own. In Trevor, Jordan finds everything he e…