

by Kim Davis

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After being kicked out of the Chicago condo where he and his boyfriend have lived together for over three years, Scott Parsons is forced to move back to the suburbs with his widowed mother because he's too broke to pay for a place of his own. Angry and humiliated over being dumped and kicked out, Scott tries to make the best of a bad situation by vowing to save enough money from his low-paying job so he can leave his mother's house and get a place of his own.<br><br>His mother welcomes Scott bac…

Gingerbread and Good Tidings

Gingerbread and Good Tidings

by Kris T. Bethke

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Cody Schaefer loves the Christmas season and a benefit to working from home means that he gets to be surrounded by his decoration collections all the time. And as a bonus, he starts getting deliveries from a local café containing holiday treats flavored with gingerbread. The notes aren’t signed, but they clearly come from someone who knows him.<br><br>Out of all of Cody’s friends, Jason van Buren is the only one level-headed about the mysterious treats, and Cody begins talking to him daily. Cody…

Blurring the Lines

Blurring the Lines

by J.M. Snyder

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Greg is straight, but makes easy money offering his services to gay men online. He's inexpensive but has a few ground rules: never reveal his real name, never invite a client home, and never, ever, ever agree to more than three appointments with anyone. Ever.<br><br>RC is handsome, loaded, and lives in a big house in a swanky neighborhood. Greg doesn't understand why such a guy needs to pay for companionship, but RC’s been burned by men who are interested in only his money, and paying someone ta…

Saving Ernest

Saving Ernest

by Drew Hunt

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Londoner Ernest Porter wasn’t looking for love that Saturday morning. Nor was he looking where he was going.<br><br>Fortunately PC Liam McAvoy was looking, and saves Ernest from falling into a hole caused by a missing manhole cover.<br><br>The weather is hot, and wanting to thank Liam for saving him, Ernest offers the policeman a glass of ice tea. They talk and Ernest finds himself increasingly drawn to the young constable. But it can’t go anywhere. Liam isn’t gay, there’s a big age difference b…

Leather and Tea in London

Leather and Tea in London

by K.L. Noone

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Retired secret agent Ben Smith will do anything for his husband. So when Simon's brother calls from London to say he's being blackmailed, Ben and Simon pack up and head to the glittering world of English aristocratic younger sons and parties and incriminating photographs. The mission itself isn't complicated -- but it's a reminder of the past, even as Ben's been trying to move on.<br><br>Simon Ashley adores his husband, and loathes most of his family ... except for the older brother who once gav…

A Cowboy for Keeps

A Cowboy for Keeps

by J.D. Walker

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Slim Montagne is about to leave town and head home when he stumbles over a pair of long, lean legs on the sidewalk. Daniel "Danny" Crane, a battered, dusty and bruised cowboy, is world-weary and has stopped believing in humanity. A drifter, his last ride left him on the side of the road, and he just barely made it to town before collapsing against the nearest wall.<br><br>When Slim offers Danny a place to stay, he's suspicious, but figures he has nothing left to lose. Back at the ranch, Slim int…

Twilight Family

Twilight Family

by Lex Baker

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Jack Nightmare is a cop by day and an angel by night -- keeping the peace in both worlds. He is perfectly happy, even though many in the underworld are not. An angel should be sworn enemies of a werewolf, not take one as his lover. But when it’s right, it’s right. And TV theme music composer Callum is right for Jack.<br><br>It is challenging enough to fight for the good cause on all fronts, but then Jack gets pregnant, and that really complicates matters. And that’s not even taking into account …

Define Boink

Define Boink

by Emery C. Walters

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Divorce can be nasty. Clement discovers how nasty gay divorce can be as he surveys the damage wreaked by his ex-partner in their soon-to-be-sold home.<br><br>After cleaning the mess, he goes for a late coffee and dinner snack. The lone barista, Troy, recounts his traumatic car accident drama as they close the shop and share coffee and leftovers. Troy also reveals the pain of rejection he's felt for being gay.<br><br>The two men share another connection: the next day, Troy starts a new position …

Dream Man

Dream Man

by J.D. Walker

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Michael Stein has a recurring dream of Mr. Muscles -- a tall, strong, sex machine who pounds him into oblivion and makes his sheets wet. Unfortunately, Mr. Muscles doesn’t really exist.<br><br>But who needs reality when the best sex he ever had comes every night? He doesn't need a real man, right? Such a man doesn't even exist. Life is good -- no messy relationships, hot nocturnal encounters, and he only has to clean up after himself.<br><br>One day at work, Michael finds himself face to face wi…

Chasing Bigfoot

Chasing Bigfoot

by Lynn Townsend

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Scott Seay and Brandon Russo are chasing down legendary creatures, one monster at a time! Scott, a cryptozoologist photographer, is on the trail again, this time following the legends of Sasquatch into the mountains of West Virginia. Brandon, still an unbeliever, has some vacation time coming up and enjoys hiking, so he accompanies his lover, along with a small group of Sasquatchers, in search of the elusive Bigfoot.<br><br>On their trek through the mountains, Scott and Brandon hear tales of oth…

Ghost of a Chance

Ghost of a Chance

by Kris T. Bethke

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Ghostwalker Blake Jones dies every day. It’s his job and how he helps trapped souls cross over. But to return to life, he needs an anchor. His new partner, Derek Scott, is a surprise. Not only is he male, but his appearance belies a caring and gentle heart underneath. Despite attraction and a strengthening relationship, they know they shouldn’t take things further.<br><br>But there’s a big difference between knowing and doing.<br><br>Their growing love presents a problem, though not the one they…

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

by Jamie Craig

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It's 1953, and the golden age of Hollywood musicals. Paul Dunham couldn't be hotter on the dancefloor or the silver screen. Hoping to capitalize on Paul's popularity, the studio pairs him with up-and-comer Jack Wells.<br><br>On the marquee, it's a match made in heaven, but for Paul, it's a personal hell. He hates Jack's newfangled acting style, and he hates Jack's blue eyes, and he especially hates the fact that Jack is one of the most talented dancers he has ever met.<br><br>Jack, however, does…

Maybe I'm Amazed

Maybe I'm Amazed

by Pepper Espinoza

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Malachi Hawkins left his home to move west as soon as he was old enough. Running from a family secret that he can never escape, he takes a job on the ranch of an old family friend, Lee Rose.<br><br>The first night he's there, he meets Christian Rose, Lee's foster daughter, a young woman of mixed Comanche blood. They call her a savage and treat her like the family slave, but Mal doesn't see a savage at all. He sees a woman of unbelievable strength -- and a kindred spirit.<br><br>But his secret is…

One More Chance Box Set

One More Chance Box Set

by Nell Iris

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Two stories about second chances, correcting mistakes, and finding your way back to the one you love by best-selling M/M romance author Nell Iris, collected together in an exclusive box-set for the first time.<br><br>Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Cinnamon Eyes</strong>: Cory’s struggled with severe depression. Desperate to rebuild his shattered life, he seeks out his best friend Asher who he was in love with at fifteen, but who didn’t know it. Asher’s relationship with his father is diffi…

Riding High

Riding High

by Dale Chase

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Young Roy Shuster served five years in the Yuma, Arizona, prison, and when he’s released on December 24, 1889, he revels in freedom at last. A local man, an ex-convict, takes him in and teaches him lovemaking.<br><br>But Ray can’t abide the prison’s proximity and moves on to Tombstone where, despite a growing interest in a rancher named Clay Bowman, he causes more trouble than good. Can Clay see past Roy’s youthful impulsiveness, even when it lands him in jail?

Short Order

Short Order

by Pat Henshaw

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Recent graduate Dr. Fenton Miller takes December off to decide which job offer to accept. Then he meets his landlord, sous chef John Barton. Suddenly, thinking about his career becomes his last priority. A better option might be a month-long roll between the sheets with John.<br><br>While John is attracted to Fen and might even agree to his plan, John has got more pressing matters to worry about. His past has arrived in tiny Stone Acres from San Francisco and is intent on sucking him back into a…

Dish of the Day

Dish of the Day

by Clare London

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Three men together. Diverse tastes ... one common love.<br><br>Richie Morton’s sunk all his hopes and savings into a new restaurant in South London promoting British ingredients and recipes. Yet on opening night, it all seems to be heading for disaster. Lost ingredients, manic chefs, no sign of the customers ... he’s in despair. And where are his best friends Craig and Ben, who’ve been helping him set up the new venture? The least they could offer is moral support.<br><br>When they do eventually…

If All the Sand Were Pearl

If All the Sand Were Pearl

by Pepper Espinoza

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As a youngest son, Jag Martin has eagerly walked a life-long path toward the priesthood. Then his once-great family falters under a mountain of debt. Their only hope -- marry Jag off to an appropriately wealthy suitor.<br><br>Brace Rivers desperately wants more than just a short fling. However, his economic and political reality makes finding an appropriate male partner next to impossible. When the Martin family offers Jag's hand, it's a dream come true. But he fears the young man is being force…

Weathering the Storms Box Set

Weathering the Storms Box Set

by David Connor

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From a tiny acorn grows a mighty oak, so it is with love. Undaunted by rain, snow, thunder and lighting, and even a tornado, Goose and Patrick weathered many storms from first meeting to marriage. By their side through it all, Jefferson and Calvin shared their own love story as Goose and Patrick’s guides through the present and the past and their guardian angels in Heaven and on Earth.<br><br>Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Ghost Writer</strong>: Goose is finally allowing himself to feel so…

Once Upon an Island

Once Upon an Island

by Terry O'Reilly

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Neil Logan, recently graduated equine veterinarian, always felt he’d know when he found the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Unfortunately, though Neil cares deeply for him, his college roommate Jordan is not that man. Neil takes a summer position far from home, foolishly thinking time and distance will cool Jordan’s feelings for him, and they can both move on.<br><br>Neil’s job is on an island attractive to tourists. There, horses are the sole mode of transportation, and Rolf G…