A Door to the Heart

A Door to the Heart

by Thomas Grant Bruso

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As Josh Tully returns home from running errands, he stumbles across a handsome man leaving his apartment complex. Distracted by the charming new stranger, Josh spills his groceries across the front stoop. As the new neighbor helps Josh pick up his belongings, a sudden surge of electricity sparks between the two young men.<br><br>When Eddie returns to Josh’s apartment with a fresh gallon of milk, a chance meeting turns into mutual attraction. But a severe case of pneumonia lands Josh in the hospi…

Hard Day's Ride

Hard Day's Ride

by J.D. Ryan

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Roy Wortham is a spoiled rancher’s son who’s never done a day’s work in his life. When his father decides it’s time Roy grew up, he’s sent on a cattle drive with the ranch’s best hands.<br><br>Joe Gibbs expects Roy to demand special treatment on the drive, but to his surprise, Roy asks to be treated just like one of the hands. He wants to learn the ropes so he can take over his father’s empire.<br><br>Joe’s grudging respect for the boss’s son slowly turns into friendship. Is Roy interested in be…



by Leigh M. Lorien

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The only thing Sora wants is to be left alone to do his art. When he moves into a house with three other people, he knows he’ll have to make some adjustments, but he didn’t count on one of his roommates being a neat-freak with no regard for personal boundaries. If there’s one thing Sora can’t stand, it’s other people telling him how to live his life.<br><br>Marc is excited to move in with new people. After his last break-up, he’s keen on being independent and focusing on his own hobbies. His new…

Sin to Get Saved

Sin to Get Saved

by Michael P. Thomas

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Hubert knows he brings shame on himself and on the Lord by being a queer -- his grandad and the pastor of his evangelical church tell him as much all the time. So when he dies in a freak accident, he's as delighted as he is surprised to waltz right through the Pearly Gates, no questions asked. He even gets a beautiful angel named Bartholomew as his very own guide to the Afterlife.<br><br>But when the angel makes brazen overtures, Hubert realizes his soul may have taken a wrong turn. Hubert besee…

Guilty By Innocence

Guilty By Innocence

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Jax is a cop by choice and to honor his father who was killed in the line of duty. His allegiance to his fellow officers and his code of ethics are the ruling factors of his life. At a hideous crime scene, when he finds an unconscious young man holding a bloody machete, Jax confronts a quandary. He can hardly believe this beautiful youth could have committed this atrocity, but if not, who did?<br /><br />Gabriel awakens to blood and horror&#x2014;and to a total blank of who he is, what has happe…

Your Mother Should Know

Your Mother Should Know

by Paul Alan Fahey

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Philip feels in control of his life -- at least until his best friend, Jonathan, contracts AIDS, passes away, and leaves him feeling disconnected and uncertain about the future. Then the one steady influence in his life, his mother, becomes seriously ill. The doctor who makes the diagnosis of ovarian cancer is not hopeful. Once his mother commits to the treatment plan, there is nothing Philip can do but follow the blueprint they both hope will lead to her recovery.<br><br>In late April 1992, Phi…

My Chemical Imbalance

My Chemical Imbalance

by Kim Pierce

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Thirty-two-year-old Rihanna Perry has the job, son, and husband of her dreams. But her world is torn apart when her husband leaves her for another woman. After the combination of the breakup and a major surgery, Rihanna’s mood changes from the way it used to be: she’s never been happier in her life. Soon she’s staying up all night, flirting with men and women (even at work), smoking weed, and starting writing projects she doesn’t finish. On top of everything else, Rihanna discovers that telepath…

And This Is Ed

And This Is Ed

by J.D. Walker

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Ed Kaehler is a laidback guy. He manages the housekeeping department for his building, endures insults from some of his fellow managers, and takes care of the elderly in his spare time. Some may consider his life to be lacking something, but there’s more to Ed than meets the eye.<br><br>The new facilities director, Titus Leung, discovers this when he goes out of his way to make friends with Ed. But then, Ed finds out that the main reason Titus befriends him is because of a stupid bet. A punch, a…

A Hitch in Time

A Hitch in Time

by Emery C. Walters

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Shane’s parents drop him off at the train station with money and instructions to take the train to his Aunt Sophie’s place for the holidays. The minute they drive off, he walks out again, leans against a pole, and throws out his thumb.<br><br>Having just turned eighteen, he is, as he regularly reminds himself, now a fully legal adult and quite capable of having his own adventure.<br><br>In the few days and nights it takes him to hitchhike all the way, he gets to know some very interesting people…

A New Leash on Life

A New Leash on Life

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Beaten by the IT recession, Justin has come back to his hometown where he’s inherited a small house from his mother. Surely Barry, his old crush and sometime nemesis, is long gone. Jobs are scarce, so impulsively Justin seeks to buy into a pet grooming business. But when he has to visit the local bank for a loan, who sits behind the big desk but Barry?<br><br>Justin’s appearance jolts Barry out of his miserable rut of a life. What if they were to pick up where a brief boyhood attraction abruptly…

Loving Me, Loving You

Loving Me, Loving You

by J.D. Walker

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Hanson Yoo despises his job. He works seven days a week and is in line for junior partner, but that's not enough anymore. Why does he do it? To please his mother, or at least that's how it began. But now, not even that can keep him going.<br><br>Late one night, Hanson helps an acquaintance out of a bad situation and meets Lindsey Grier, a man he's been admiring from afar.<br><br>When Lindsey flirts with him, Hanson isn't sure if it's real or out of gratitude. Things like that don't happen to him…

Angel Wings and Bullets

Angel Wings and Bullets

by E.F. Mulder

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A seemingly lost little girl leads Bart to the scene of a horrible accident. As he consoles Sawyer, who crashed his bike into a New York City bus, he finds himself comforted instead when Sawyer offers him a pendant to keep him safe as he heads off to boot camp and eventually war.<br><br>More than a decade later, the pair are reunited on Thanksgiving Day, one on one side of a soup kitchen serving table, one on the other. They nearly miss each other, but fate -- or something else -- seems to want …

Showing Off for Her

Showing Off for Her

by Eva Hore

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Cassie has found the woman of her dreams. When she tells her best friend -- and former lover -- Sophie, Cassie recounts several escapades with Lessie, including one that nearly gets her into serious trouble.<br><br>Once Cassie confides her secret to Sophie, though, her ex is turned on and can't seem to keep her hands to herself. And it has Cassie wondering if she should come clean with Lessie, or give into Sophie's advances in order to keep secret the little interlude that just might ruin the be…

All I Want for Christmas

All I Want for Christmas

by Paul Alan Fahey

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Thinking with his head and not his heart is an occupational hazard for Professor Leland Hansen. He does fine as a researcher dealing with statistics and experimental designs and guiding doctoral students through the dissertation process. But affairs of the heart are another matter. Leland teaches at a small, religious college in New England, and the anxiety of losing his position over his lifestyle eventually causes a painful breakup with the one true love of his life, Cliff Emerson.<br><br>When…



by Michael War

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Once comfortable with routine, Marcus now seeks adventure. He quits his job, dumps his boyfriend, and buys a one-way ticket to Spain. Life could not be better.<br><br>On his way to the airport, Marcus almost hits someone running across the road. Curiosity gets the better of him, and he follows the person to a mysterious cave with a secret, one that transports Marcus to a prehistoric world.<br><br>Dazed and definitely confused, Marcus is trying to find his way back when he’s saved from imminent d…

Shooting for the Moon

Shooting for the Moon

by Gareth Vaughn

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With winter holidays approaching, it's supposed to be a time for romance and togetherness for Colton and Ben. Except climate change has erased the chance for a white Christmas, their rent is going up, and neither of them have energy after working all day and barely getting to see each other. As their frustrations mount and finances dwindle, it almost seems more likely they'll be single for the new year rather than doing anything special for each other.<br><br>Colton isn't willing to give up with…

The Arch-Mage's Firebird

The Arch-Mage's Firebird

by K.L. Noone

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Thomas East was meant to be the youngest Arch-Mage in history, a magical genius and a solver of problems. But he hadn’t expected quite so many problems -- not to mention the endless meetings, bureaucracy, and political negotiations. So he’s currently hiding in a sleepy California seaside town, working in an ice cream parlor and avoiding everyone he’s let down ... until a firebird in need of rescue crashes into his shop.<br><br>Nicholas Incandesco has far too many problems. He’s a firebird, a sha…

Love in Strange Times

Love in Strange Times

by Emery C. Walters

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Pandemic. Plague. Call it what you will, but it spelled stay-at-home isolation for Leo and his neighbors. Except the new neighbor. Interesting looking but probably not gay and already hauled off to the hospital. That’s how Leo ended up with his cat, and mail, and food packages. A caretaker now, and he doesn’t even know the guy.<br><br>A major storm blows up, and people start piling in: the sick neighbor’s grandson and some other kid. The old lady neighbor with a tree through her roof and her lon…

Heavy Metal Bicycle Blues

Heavy Metal Bicycle Blues

by J.D. Walker

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Kenny Culpepper is a spin instructor at a local gym, but he used to be a bike courier, too. Truth is, he’s still recovering from the time his former roommate, Biff Tremonte, viciously attacked him and threw him out of their apartment for being gay. Only his close friends Damien and Les helped him survive and gave him a place to stay.<br><br>Now that Damien has moved in with his boyfriend in the duplex upstairs, Kenny has more time to himself than he knows what to do with. Then he receives a lett…

I'll Take the Rain

I'll Take the Rain

by J.M. Snyder

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My boyfriend and I go to the same college, and one of the things I enjoy most is sharing a room with him. Sharing a bed. I hoped living together would improve our relationship, which has grown rocky as of late.<br><br>But he's the jealous type, and I always seem to say or do the wrong thing at the wrong time. I don't mean to provoke him; sometimes I just don't think how my actions might hurt him.<br><br>Unfortunately, our roommate only sees us when we're at our worst, so she thinks things are ba…