Tarnished Hero

Tarnished Hero

by Temple Madison

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Danger lurks around every corner and police officer Eddie Scarlett needs to stay focused on capturing a serial killer before someone else dies. A hot, sexy, blue eyed stranger is not a distraction he can afford ... or can he?<br><br>Eddie Scarlett, one of NYC's finest cops, is a tarnished hero. According to the scum on the street, Eddie is handsome, hot, and dangerous, but he has a heart as black as death. He’s called a back alley cop because he does undercover work for the NYPD, making him fami…

Speed Trap

Speed Trap

by J.M. Snyder

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When Mark Peters is stopped for speeding, patrol officer Lt. W.V. Tench lets him off with just a warning. The only problem is that now Mark can't get the sexy cop out of his mind. When his friends jokingly suggest he drive around until he gets pulled over again, Mark thinks that's a great idea.<br><br>Except it's a different cop this time. And this one isn't as taken in with Mark's disarming grin as Lt. Tench claimed to be.<br><br>With his friends snickering beside him, Mark just wants to drive …

Keeping Up with the Icicles

Keeping Up with the Icicles

by R.W. Clinger

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Another year has passed for the Icicle family. Again, Jonah and his boyfriend Sandy travel to Lake Erie to spend Christmas with Jonah’s family. Brother-in-law Bobo needs rescuing from the mall from an angry Santa. Sister Willa is dog-sitting a problematic Reginald. And Bill, the patriarch, continues to hide from his family. As for Jonah’s pushy mother Pam, she has a special Christmas gift for him this year: Jonah’s ex-boyfriend, NFL quarterback Ricky, is in town and will be spending the holidays…

Enthralled in Silver

Enthralled in Silver

by Vivien Dean

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For over half a century, lovers Seth and Simon have been trapped in service to one of the most dangerous vampires on the West Coast. When they discover there’s a way to break the spell that binds them, getting free becomes their only desire.<br><br>Until they meet Claire, the granddaughter of the mage who enslaved them. Suddenly, seducing her seems like a much more pleasurable alternative. If they can convince her to use the magic she inherited, everybody wins.<br><br>All they have to do is surv…

King Kong vs. The Skinny Pirate

King Kong vs. The Skinny Pirate

by Addison Albright

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Blaine is a well-dressed, high priced attorney, and George is a hairy mountain of an auto mechanic. This odd couple meets up one evening on a slow night at a bar. The pickings are slim. Slim enough for these opposites to eyeball each other and ask themselves just how bad they want to get laid.<br><br>Pleasantly surprised by the evening’s outcome, Blaine is faced with a dilemma. Should he throw caution to the wind and pursue George, or steer clear of that unexpected distraction to his carefully s…

The Recording Room

The Recording Room

by Iyana Jenna

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Lucian Salvatore returns to Clover East after his grandmother calls him home to take care of the family's recording studio. This is a welcome trip after the tragic loss of his boyfriend.<br><br>Nate Lockwood is the man who practically runs the Salvatore studio. He suspects he’s going to be replaced once Lucian comes home to take over the business. But Nate doesn’t plan on leaving Clover East so soon, at least not before he solves the mystery that’s the real reason he came to the small town in th…

Blood of Souls

Blood of Souls

by Vivien Dean

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There isn’t anything Annie Pontin won’t do for her lover, the reclusive artifact collector Quin Black. As his personal assistant, she even takes care of the most valuable item in his collection, a ruby-encrusted sword that dates over two thousand years old. One day while cleaning it, she cuts herself on the blade. The next thing she knows, the sword is gone, and in its place ... a young man named Theodotus.<br><br>Theo claims to know Quin, but when she asks Quin the whole story, what unfolds is …



by Deirdre O’Dare

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Although veterinary technician Carlton is violently allergic to cats, he loves them with an undying passion, enough to tolerate miserable symptoms to keep working with the felines in the San Maribal Zoo. The cheetahs especially fascinate him. Then he meets a mysterious stranger who is evasive about why he’s in the zoo -- nude and after hours! This man tells Carl there’s a cat inside him wanting to get out. That sounds really crazy, and the suggested way to make it happen even crazier ... but exc…

Herm I.T.

Herm I.T.

by David Connor

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Robin Paley, a Vietnam vet, and Hendrix Higgins, a former teacher who witnessed a school shooting, become trapped together during a storm in March of 2001, when Hendrix, now a computer tech, arrives to fix Robin’s only source of contact with the outside world.<br><br>Discovering they have much in common, an afternoon of bonding leads to more. When Robin admits he’ll never contact Hendrix again, however, a heated argument ensues. Hendrix fights hard to move on, while Robin seems to want to stay s…

Keenan's Forever Love

Keenan's Forever Love

by Terry O'Reilly

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Keenan Hunter, a na?ve farm boy, quickly falls for his college roommate, Tucker Reynolds, a more sophisticated city slicker. For a time, Keenan's feelings for Tucker appear to be reciprocated, although neither man openly expresses any feelings they may have for the other.<br><br>For reasons Keenan can't understand, Tucker starts to date Jane Williams, a fellow student. Keenan deals with the pain of rejection by finding another man to love. But time and again, this proves unsuccessful. Tucker has…

Not an Angel, But a Cupid

Not an Angel, But a Cupid

by K.A. Masters

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Recently orphaned and alone, the winged elf Alec wants nothing more than to return to his childhood home one final time and succumb to his nostalgia and grief. But his quest home leads him straight into the arms of a dove-winged, wounded angel ... with human captors in hot pursuit.<br><br>After one magical night together, the two soulmates are united in love. Alec's angel becomes a cupid, transforming his grief into affection and love. But Alec has a secret that keeps him from telling his soulma…

I Brake for Christmas

I Brake for Christmas

by Michael P. Thomas

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Unassuming music major Brent Callahan has the crush of a lifetime on frat boy George Cortner. When the opportunity to offer George a ride home for the holidays crops up, Brent has to dig deep for the nerve to seize it. He’d been planning on hanging around campus for Christmas, but George doesn’t need to know that.<br><br>They’re on the road before Brent’s even sure he’ll be able to keep his hands to himself with George in such close quarters. Not that George has asked him to ...

Master And I (BL) — Last Battle And New Beginning

Master And I (BL) — Last Battle And New Beginning

by RedButterfly

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This is the continuation of Master And I (BL).

Sleeping on a Bench

Sleeping on a Bench

by A.N. Ellard

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River's husband is in a coma, and River is putting on a tiring act of pretending to care. When he meets the charming and quirky Luke by chance in the hospital garden, he receives a pick-me-up like no other.<br><br>Luke is a traveler who never stays in a town more than two months. He's searching for something to dedicate his heart to again after leaving behind his prior life. He and River hit it off well and start an intimate relationship while Luke is in town.<br><br>It doesn't take long for Luk…

Red Tails in the Sunset

Red Tails in the Sunset

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Former military pilot Blaine Darby carries a load of guilt and pain from the harm he may have caused in wartime. Now he seeks to earn some good karma by fighting wild land fires while holding on to his great love of flying. But reporters like young Daz Contreras scare him -- one of the few things that do -- because he shuns the public eye.<br><br>Freelance investigative journalist Daz Contreras is convinced terrorists are behind at least some of the wild land fires plaguing New Mexico. All he ne…

Twilight Family

Twilight Family

by Lex Baker

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Jack Nightmare is a cop by day and an angel by night -- keeping the peace in both worlds. He is perfectly happy, even though many in the underworld are not. An angel should be sworn enemies of a werewolf, not take one as his lover. But when it’s right, it’s right. And TV theme music composer Callum is right for Jack.<br><br>It is challenging enough to fight for the good cause on all fronts, but then Jack gets pregnant, and that really complicates matters. And that’s not even taking into account …

More Than a Suit: Ross

More Than a Suit: Ross

by J.D. Walker

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Ross Haven is about to graduate from college, and he's been awarded an internship with EnerGen International. When he shares the news with his dad and younger brother Rhys, he also comes out to them. Unfortunately, Ross is thrown out of the house and has to scramble to find a place to live, while somehow protecting his sibling from their alcoholic father.<br><br>On his first day at EnerGen, Ross meets Lee Pearce, another intern. Ross falls hard for Lee, despite all the hell his life has served u…

A Broken Cup

A Broken Cup

by Emery C. Walters

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Funerals are no fun, except, maybe, if cell phones get mixed up. Russell hasn’t seen his now deceased, non-supportive father in years, but his older brother calls him in Hawaii, demanding his appearance at the funeral. But brother Mike warns against displaying any ‘gay stuff’ to his perfect wife and innocent children.<br><br>Recently dumped, Russell isn’t quite with it as he rushes to get ready with help from a new neighbor. So it turns out that the Mike he calls from the airport isn’t his broth…

Yuletide Present

Yuletide Present

by Deirdre O'Dare

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Scarred by an abusive stepfather who destroyed his confidence and faith, Rob is adrift. Trying to live on the street, he falls under the domination of an older man who is only marginally kinder to him. This man, self-proclaimed leader of a Wiccan coven, is very arrogant and self-centered. Through this association, though, Rob obtains a job in a book store. He also serves as an assistant to Daniel in rites and ceremonies, albeit living in fear of making mistakes. At a sabbat gathering, he meets S…

The View from 16 Podwale Street

The View from 16 Podwale Street

by Paul Alan Fahey

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April 1939. Warsaw, Poland. To the casual observer, the houses on Podwale Street look very much alike. Yet at 16 Podwale, nothing is as it seems. Within, the walls hold many secrets that could destroy the lives of its inhabitants as they witness the city’s ever-mounting tide of Nazism.<br><br>Wealthy recluse Elwira Malinowska is more an observer than participant in life. In her seclusion at 16 Podwale, she watches the world pass her by. Then Raz Zielinsky comes to work as a housemaid for her fat…