Giving Up My Room

Giving Up My Room

by Eva Hore

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At eighteen, Shawna hasn't come out to her family as a lesbian. It’s a secret she isn’t ready to reveal, but when her mother's sexy coworker comes to visit with husband in tow, Shawna can't take her eyes off the woman.<br><br>After a night of playing spy, with her digital camera in hand, Shawna takes a bold chance. When Sarah's husband leaves for a few days, Shawna acts on her desires -- with unexpected, but very pleasant, results.



by R.W. Clinger

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Almost thirty, amateur boxer Daron Tulsa has a little mess on his hands. He just so happens to be falling for his best friend, Colm Frost, a sports-themed freelance writer for e-magazines. Life for Daron feels cataclysmically frostbitten because Colm is straight and has a stunning Hollywood actress girlfriend. For Daron, these major blocks leave Colm untouchable, both emotionally and physically.<br><br>As the Pittsburgh winter becomes a tempest of snow, ice, and cold, so does Daron’s heart. He r…



by R.W. Clinger

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Charlie Keep loves his job at EyeZeal designing eyewear. Although his task is sometimes boring, it has one great perk -- Zeb Carlow, the owner’s drop dead gorgeous son, whom Charlie has a crush on. Thor-like Zeb is everything Charlie wants as a husband: he’s smart, financially secure, and positive.<br><br>There’s one huge problem Charlie has concerning Zeb, though. The guy is untouchable. Zeb is the boss’s son, and out of Charlie’s league. Plus, Charlie can’t possibly cross a line between busine…

Eyeliner and Lace

Eyeliner and Lace

by Ruby Moone

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The day Ryan Fulton realises he’s in love with Jamie Holt is the day he knows he’s losing him. With blue-tinted white blond hair, eyeliner, and a personality to match, Ryan knows he’s a bit much. But can he change? Can he tone it down and, if he does, can he live like that? He’d never suspect Jamie of cheating, but maybe his closeted boyfriend decided flamboyant Ryan wasn’t worth the effort.<br><br>But Ryan isn’t going to take it lying down. Determined to win Jamie back, Ryan even decides to get…

Son of a Preacher Man

Son of a Preacher Man

by Jamie Craig

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Dario Russo grew up on the road. The son of itinerant workers in California, he had no friends, no stability, and no concept of a normal life. Until the age of sixteen, when he meets Reverend Waters’ son, Billy Ray. The relationship is short lived, but it haunts Dario for the next thirty years. At the age of forty-six, he has the opportunity to return to Crows Landing, California, and the chance to track down the man who had meant so much to him.<br><br>But what he finds in Crows Landing is the …



by Kim Davis

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After being kicked out of the Chicago condo where he and his boyfriend have lived together for over three years, Scott Parsons is forced to move back to the suburbs with his widowed mother because he's too broke to pay for a place of his own. Angry and humiliated over being dumped and kicked out, Scott tries to make the best of a bad situation by vowing to save enough money from his low-paying job so he can leave his mother's house and get a place of his own.<br><br>His mother welcomes Scott bac…

Playing the Field: Getting Wet

Playing the Field: Getting Wet

by J.M. Snyder

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Rory Holt is the best swimmer on the team at State U. and he knows it. Swimming is his life, and if Rory hopes to attain his dreams of Olympic gold one day, he can’t let anything distract him. Every morning finds him practicing at the campus fitness center, and every afternoon he blows his teammates away with his speed and finesse in the water.<br><br>The new semester brings with it new tryouts, including the bright, up-and-coming Chase Cohen. Chase is sexy and sure of himself, both in and out o…

Cool Blue

Cool Blue

by Wayne Mansfield

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Alexander Monroe lives in Grasspatch, a town so small, the founders couldn’t even be bothered thinking up a proper name for it. He works at the newsagency/post office, where his duties include ordering newspapers and magazines, printing Lotto tickets, and delivering the mail.<br><br>One morning he has to deliver a parcel to the mysterious Mr Christian O’Neill, who lives in an oddly-shaped mansion on the outskirts of town. Not much is known about Mr O’Neill, although there is certainly an abundan…

Just Us Box Set

Just Us Box Set

by J.D. Walker

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Ten of J.D. Walker's best-selling interracial gay romance are now together in one box set! Contains the stories:<br /><br /><strong>And This Is Ed</strong>: Ed is a laidback guy who works as a housekeeping manager and takes care of the elderly in his spare time. He&#x2019;s a very private person, but there&#x2019;s more to Ed than meets the eye. Titus discovers this when he befriends Ed. But a stupid bet derails their relationship. Now Titus has figure out how to get Ed to give him another chanc…

Man and Tree

Man and Tree

by Wayne Mansfield

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Nathaniel, a horse-riding traveler in eighteenth century Europe, emerges from a vast forest to see a field of golden wheat. At the centre of the field is a large tree and, at its base, a man. Strangely, the man appears to be talking to the tree.<br><br>At the village inn, Nathaniel asks the barman about the man and tree. The barman refuses to tell him anything, so Nathaniel decides to visit the man himself. The following morning he rides back to the field, where he notices the man is still there…

The Psychologist

The Psychologist

by Wayne Mansfield

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When Caleb arrives at the psychologist’s office, he doesn’t know what to expect. He carries with him thirty-two years of troubles, which he is desperate to rid himself of. Yet at the end of the first session, it appears he has another desire. A forbidden desire he has no right to expect to become reality.<br><br>As the sessions continue, they are peppered with extremely unorthodox methods which only add fuel to the flame that something might happen between them. And while the therapy sessions ap…



by Mark Wildyr

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Thirty-two-year-old mixed blood John Strobaw, known to the Sioux as Medicine Hair, returns to his Turtle Crick Farm after a six-year exile on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Grief-stricken at the loss of his mate and lover Matthew Brand, known as Shambling Bear, at the Battle of Wounded Knee, he struggles to become a farmer again while fighting an internal battle to let go of the past and face his future. Will that future be with his best friend Winter Bird or with Pretty Face, an outrageous flirt w…

The Nutcracker

The Nutcracker

by Drew Hunt

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Bitter and depressed after his boyfriend walks out on him, Garth Morgan cancels Christmas. Garth’s mom has other ideas however. She reminds him there’s still Adam, Garth’s eight-year-old son to consider. So Garth braves the Christmas Eve crowds at the shopping mall to buy gifts.<br><br>Despite aching feet and arms that feel like they’re being pulled out of their sockets, Garth agrees to wait in line so Adam can see Santa.<br><br>Adam asks for a new boyfriend for his daddy because the last one ma…

Need Your Love

Need Your Love

by Dean Frech

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In June 1966, ACLU attorney Eron Lassiter attends his uncle’s wedding and makes an unsettling discovery. Though Eron had bowed to family pressure and planned a potential marriage, his long-ignored attraction to other men roars to life when Garrett Emerson, the bride’s nephew, captures his attention.<br><br>After serving in the Korean War and going to college later than his peers, upwardly mobile Garrett now works as a loan officer at a local bank. For his girlfriend -- fiancée in her mind -- Gar…

The Mule Man

The Mule Man

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Orr Loveless is exactly where he knows he belongs, rescuing and training mules. Despite their reputation, which he feels is undeserved, he knows they are smart, sure footed, and great mounts for trail riding and outdoor adventures. The only thing he lacks is a human partner to share the work and the fun, but he knows his lifestyle is not likely to attract one.<br><br>Jase Keller has returned to New Mexico, where his forgotten roots remain. With his high finance job destroying him, he desperately…

Lost Souls Found

Lost Souls Found

by Kris T. Bethke

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Ghostwalker Sam Jones has been half in love with Michael King since he started working at Requiem Inc. But Michael is his boss and a Guardian, to boot. Sam thinks they could make it work anyway, but Michael uses his position and his age to keep Sam at arm’s length.<br><br>When Sam continues to volunteer for the most dangerous cases, Michael has to intervene. He tells himself he’s just doing his job, but he’s always seen Sam as more than another operative, and he can’t bear the thought of not tak…

The Amulet

The Amulet

by Pelaam

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When Shaw misses his connection, it opens a doorway to a world he never knew existed. Not only does he discover mythological creatures aren’t just myths, but he learns he, his mother, and his sister share a family secret.<br><br>Given an amulet by the handsome but enigmatic Drake, Shaw plunges unprepared into this new world. The amulet is the key to protecting the portal between worlds, and some will do anything to possess it.<br><br>When danger threatens, Shaw needs to protect those he loves, i…

Bear Hunting

Bear Hunting

by R.W. Clinger

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Toby Cartwright hopes his work as a blogger about gay masculine bears will help him find the bear of his dreams. When English teacher Blue Danning asks to borrow a few of Toby’s articles to teach writing methods to his students, initially Toby refuses, until his best friend and gym owner David King persuades him otherwise. Toby and Blue hit it off and start dating.<br><br>Then Toby meets musician Grant Stevens. Not only does Grant find Toby attractive, but he also buys the blogger a drink. Follo…

Carnival Cowboy

Carnival Cowboy

by Temple Madison

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At the end of a bloody trail, Johnny Redd finds an incredible secret.<br><br>While struggling with a bullet in his chest, he crawls along the ground until he finds himself surrounded by a maze of quaint carnival tarps. Inside is a world of color, costumes, false hair, nails, eyelashes -- and a man who dresses like a woman. It’s a world of trickery, deception, and lies. Johnny makes it just inside the tent when his strength fails and he faints dead away. When he awakes, he’s reminded of the bizar…

Put Five Rings on It

Put Five Rings on It

by David Connor

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Numbers mean everything to an Olympic marathoner, but for Gordon O’Dooley, his obsession with one number in particular might get a little out of hand.<br><br>Gordon literally comes running into Marty Walsh’s family diner one day, and their mutual attraction is instant. He comes on too strong, though, and Marty quickly slams on the brakes. When Marty suggests they take things slow, Gordon races off, and any hope of a relationship goes right along with him.<br><br>Four years pass, and Marty does h…