Deliver Me

Deliver Me

by J.D. Walker

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Daniel Carter rarely has time for fun. He teaches college freshmen in the mornings, works on his thesis in the afternoons, and delivers pizza at night for a vindictive boss. Life is hectic but the one bright spot in his days is Julius Tanner, one of the nicest guys around. He’s also ridiculously sexy and doesn’t see Daniel as more than a colleague. But he can dream.<br><br>When Julius unexpectedly asks for help, it’s a chance for Daniel to get to know him better. What Daniel discovers is the cut…



by J.M. Snyder

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Once a month, the Hunt begins ...<br><br>Hartley and his sister are cervidae, human in form with deer-like features. They're coming home from a late movie and only have a few moments before midnight strikes. When the Hunt starts. Hartley knows he's tempting fate and urges Giselle to run.<br><br>Almost silent in the darkness, a pair of felidae -- half-human, half-lion -- stalk their prey. The lioness, Leanna, chases after Hartley, closing in for the kill, while her cousin Tau races behind her, ea…



by J.M. Snyder

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Bryce Howerton is an executive assistant for the president of Eckhart Industries, and he's very good at his job. On any given day, he must juggle his boss's hectic schedule with his own -- meetings, interviews, correspondence, office management. Not to mention the daily conferences with Mr. Eckhart himself. Bryce is kept very busy, indeed.<br><br>But he knew the requirements of the position when he took the job. In fact, Mr. Eckhart gave him a taste of his duties during his interview. It was unc…

Nebraska Close

Nebraska Close

by R.W. Clinger

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After retiring from his career in construction and trying to cope with the death of his wife, Isaac York experiences an infatuation for a lifelong male friend and discovers his world fills with sunflowers and a risqué transition. Isaac moves to Lake Samoy in search of a new life, to abandon his past, and to start a fresh relationship with a famous and sexy man named Nebraska Close, whom he falls head over heals for.<br><br>Nebraska Close, a professional photographer who is drawn to summer nights…

Stockton County Cowboys Book 2: Riding Cowboys

Stockton County Cowboys Book 2: Riding Cowboys

by R.W. Clinger

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Cal Hoke, an onsite pretty boy veterinarian at Riding Ranch in Stockton County, Oklahoma, has a secret he will never share with his ranch hand coworkers: he happens to be in love with the ranch owner, Pax Raulton.<br><br>Straight and sexy Pax is a chiseled, handsome, aggressive businessman at Riding Ranch. For years he has raised and sold thoroughbred Palominos. Pax is a private man who minds his own business on the ranch. When he suffers a head injury caused by one of his prized horses, he spen…

Back from the Future

Back from the Future

by JL Merrow

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Ever since his one-night stand with big, butch, bisexual Bill, Marty’s been in the hopeless grip of a passionate yet seemingly unrequited love. Housesitting for the object of his affection, all he can do is cry on the scaly shoulders of Bill’s exotic fish ... until he meets the tipsy time-traveler who lives upstairs.<br><br>Arthur Prefect (not his real name) is a refugee from a dystopian time, and he’s pining, too, for the man he left back in the future. Over the course of a drunken evening, Mar…

The Privateer's Cross

The Privateer's Cross

by Alex Morgan

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Henry meets Cole in a spooky cemetery for a quick hook-up during Mardi Gras in New Orleans. During their encounter, Henry finds a beautiful object in a pile of dirt. They take it back to Henry’s hotel room and discover they have picked up an ancient and very valuable crucifix.<br><br>Suddenly, they find themselves haunted by the ghost of Jean Lafitte, a French pirate from the 19th Century who wants his treasure returned. Unfortunately there is nowhere to hide from a ghost, even among the thousan…

Will Turner's Luck

Will Turner's Luck

by Terry O'Reilly

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Will Turner celebrates the end of a ten-year marriage by acting on his repressed longings and heading for a gay bar. Just his luck, the next morning he awakes in a strange room with a stranger by his side and no memory of how he got there or who his bedmate is. The bedmate, Robby, however, not only knows Will, but has definite plans for how the rest of their lives will go, complete with matching rings on their left hands.<br><br>As Will attempts to unravel the mystery, he falls in love with Robb…

Of Paws and Pet Rocks

Of Paws and Pet Rocks

by J.D. Walker

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Barry Dunning is a pet stylist and a gentle soul. Animals love him and he adores them. And while he would love to have a dog or cat of his own, the lease on his tiny studio apartment doesn’t allow pets. So, he paints miniature cats and dogs on rocks, instead.<br><br>Hurt by an ex-boyfriend, Barry doesn’t date. But his sister Trixie is always pestering him to get back out there, though he doesn’t think anyone would want him or his baggage.<br><br>Not so. Sheldon Svenson, the owner of the animal s…



by R.W. Clinger

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Book publisher Luke Masterson runs a carpool but on one August morning, things aren’t going as smoothly as he wants. His best friend and carpool buddy Perrin Lerue sleeps in, something he never does. Once Luke wakes the handsome accountant, they pick up the third member of their carpool, the sexy and alluring stud, Billy "Box" Boxford, a relationship counselor for gay men.<br><br>The problem at hand, though, is that Luke has secretly fallen in love with Perrin, but his friend is oblivious. Every…

Chasing Bigfoot

Chasing Bigfoot

by Lynn Townsend

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Scott Seay and Brandon Russo are chasing down legendary creatures, one monster at a time! Scott, a cryptozoologist photographer, is on the trail again, this time following the legends of Sasquatch into the mountains of West Virginia. Brandon, still an unbeliever, has some vacation time coming up and enjoys hiking, so he accompanies his lover, along with a small group of Sasquatchers, in search of the elusive Bigfoot.<br><br>On their trek through the mountains, Scott and Brandon hear tales of oth…

Ghost of a Chance

Ghost of a Chance

by Kris T. Bethke

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Ghostwalker Blake Jones dies every day. It’s his job and how he helps trapped souls cross over. But to return to life, he needs an anchor. His new partner, Derek Scott, is a surprise. Not only is he male, but his appearance belies a caring and gentle heart underneath. Despite attraction and a strengthening relationship, they know they shouldn’t take things further.<br><br>But there’s a big difference between knowing and doing.<br><br>Their growing love presents a problem, though not the one they…

The Beat of His Drum

The Beat of His Drum

by J.D. Walker

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Dorian Seacrest owns a music store and performance venue with his friend and business partner, Evan Harper. When Evan rushes into the stockroom a week or so before Christmas to tell him Caesar's Flame is booked for New Year's Day, he goes into shock.<br><br>Many years have passed since Dorian has seen Laramie Treble, the drummer and leader of the now globally successful alternative rock band. Their erstwhile relationship -- mostly about sex -- deteriorated once Laramie became famous, mainly beca…

Hitting It Big

Hitting It Big

by Shawn Lane

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Six years ago, Billy Grant had a night he never forgot losing his virginity to the jock of his dreams, Mitch Crestfield. But Billy fled afterward, not wanting to hear Mitch’s regrets.<br><br>Now Mitch has hit it big, winning the lottery, and Billy finds himself invited to Mitch’s celebration. When Mitch suggests another night of passion, Billy can’t seem to resist. But Mitch has something more than one night in mind.

An Education

An Education

by Katharine O'Neill

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Rena and Tracey mean to spend Christmas with their respective partners, only to find out Rena’s boyfriend and Tracey’s girlfriend are planning on spending Christmas with each other. Jilted and betrayed, Rena and Tracey decide to spend Christmas alone, together. <br><br>A couple of glasses of wine later, and both are willing to forget everything about their ex-partners. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but Rena’s curious to know what it’s like to make love to a woman. And Tracey is happy to oblige…

So Into You

So Into You

by J.D. Walker

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Llewellyn "Llew" Dane lives for his job, or rather, to pay down his student loans. He enjoys what he does, but also appreciates the eye-candy provided by Marc Temple, a senior manager. A pair of jeans had never looked so good on a man.<br><br>In the open-minded atmosphere of the company where people date each other constantly, it would be easy to approach Marc and announce his interest. But Llew has been rejected so often by men in the past that he doesn't see the point in trying. And yeah, he's…

All a Steer Can Do Is Try

All a Steer Can Do Is Try

by J.D. Walker

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Clifford Ames is almost forty years old, and his ever-patient dog, Bambi Turgelson, is his only friend. Why? Because his egotistical boss and former closeted lover, Lambert Morton takes fiendish pleasure in working him to death, twenty-four-seven. Clifford knows he should leave the company and his unrequited love behind, but he keeps punishing himself by staying and taking the abuse, thinking things will be different, one day.<br><br>A wedding invitation from a far-flung cousin gives him the imp…

Riding for the Brand

Riding for the Brand

by J.D. Ryan

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The cowboys of the T-Lazy-A and the M-L Connected just don’t see eye to eye. In fact, they hate each other. So when Hank Collins rides up to the waterhole to find an M-L Connected rider floating on his side of the pond, his hackles naturally rise. And when that rider challenges him to a bout of fisticuffs ... well, what red-blooded cowboy could turn down such a dare? There's only one problem: Hank quickly becomes all too aware that his opponent isn't just physically fit, but downright arresting.…

Run to You

Run to You

by J.D. Walker

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Tyson has a serious crush on Justin, a friend and coworker at his job with the call center. Justin is everything he ever wanted in a man: kind, thoughtful, and hotter than hell. Those tight jeans he likes to wear leave nothing to the imagination, much to Tyson's delight. Problem is, Tyson is a foodie and Justin, a sports hound. The only 'exercise' Tyson likes to participate in is cooking or sex, and lots of both.<br><br>Desperate, Tyson comes up with a plan to get Justin's attention. He joins a …

Visions of Iotan

Visions of Iotan

by Jaimie N. Schock

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When Cillian’s daughter accidentally poisons a bison-sized alien child, he goes to prison. But intervention by another alien sends him and his family on a journey to a nearby solar system. Along with a group of humans and aliens, he investigates a planet with glee, but soon enough, all hell breaks loose.<br><br>Meanwhile, Cillian meets a priest named Father Whalen who helps guide him on a path to faith. Whalen is helpful ... at first. Shortly after the mission begins, he becomes obsessed with Ci…