Enthralled in Silver

Enthralled in Silver

by Vivien Dean

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For over half a century, lovers Seth and Simon have been trapped in service to one of the most dangerous vampires on the West Coast. When they discover there’s a way to break the spell that binds them, getting free becomes their only desire.<br><br>Until they meet Claire, the granddaughter of the mage who enslaved them. Suddenly, seducing her seems like a much more pleasurable alternative. If they can convince her to use the magic she inherited, everybody wins.<br><br>All they have to do is surv…

Cole in Distress

Cole in Distress

by Feral Sephrian

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Eighteen years ago, Cole’s bigot father kicked him out of their Texas ranch for being gay, threatening to shoot him if he ever came back. Fortunately, Cole made his way north to the gay-friendly Seyda Ranch in Wyoming, where he eventually met Daniel. For the past six years, the two have been in a happy relationship with barely any contact with Cole’s family.<br><br>That is, until Cole’s father dies.<br><br>Though Cole won’t shed a single tear over his father’s passing, his siblings and their fam…

Family Obligations

Family Obligations

by Vivien Dean

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Tate D’Angelo always thought he knew who his father was: beloved doctor, devoted husband and father ... Everyone at the funeral shared the same glowing stories of a kind soul. So when his father’s old college buddy, Randy, approaches him after the service, Tate expects to hear echoes of the same.<br><br>Instead, he gets a lifetime’s worth of letters that tell a different tale and cause him to view his father -- and his family -- in a whole new light.<br><br>The truth, about a secret romance kept…

Red Tails in the Sunset

Red Tails in the Sunset

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Former military pilot Blaine Darby carries a load of guilt and pain from the harm he may have caused in wartime. Now he seeks to earn some good karma by fighting wild land fires while holding on to his great love of flying. But reporters like young Daz Contreras scare him -- one of the few things that do -- because he shuns the public eye.<br><br>Freelance investigative journalist Daz Contreras is convinced terrorists are behind at least some of the wild land fires plaguing New Mexico. All he ne…

More Than a Suit: Ross

More Than a Suit: Ross

by J.D. Walker

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Ross Haven is about to graduate from college, and he's been awarded an internship with EnerGen International. When he shares the news with his dad and younger brother Rhys, he also comes out to them. Unfortunately, Ross is thrown out of the house and has to scramble to find a place to live, while somehow protecting his sibling from their alcoholic father.<br><br>On his first day at EnerGen, Ross meets Lee Pearce, another intern. Ross falls hard for Lee, despite all the hell his life has served u…

Master And I (BL) — Last Battle And New Beginning

Master And I (BL) — Last Battle And New Beginning

by RedButterfly

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This is the continuation of Master And I (BL).

Shot in the Dark

Shot in the Dark

by Kelly Wyre

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Ellis Parker is a military man who puts his faith in truth, duty, honor, and living for the moment.<br><br>Keeping that peace isn't easy, and he reveres the person who helps him stay on his chosen path: Ellis' former Dominant lover and New Amsterdam's most well-connected bartender, Maxwell Clark.<br><br>So when Clark makes a rare and unexpected offer that might let Ellis relive the days when Ellis was Clark's, who is Ellis to refuse such a chance?

Tom Fleet’s Machine

Tom Fleet’s Machine

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Tom Fleet was a bit of a misfit as the second son of a minor English noble in the 1880s. Once he finished his schooling he had little to do. His grandfathers had left him adequate finances for his needs and with his elder brother set to take the title, he gave in to his fascination with gadgets and began to tinker and invent. His goal was to create a sky craft to go to the moon. Surely if Jules Verne’s characters could go there and many other places, he could do as well.<br><br>Rowan Farrell fol…



by G.D. Penman

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A body in the mud by the Miskatonic River is just an average day for Detective Vergil Levard. But when the cadaver shows signs of something more sinister afoot, Vergil is forced to make a deal with the devil and work with the leader of the local bootleggers, Jimmy Hogan, to track down the killers.<br><br>If Vergil were a normal copper, the strange sigil wouldn’t have meant anything to him. If Hogan were a normal mobster, Vergil wouldn’t be falling for him. And if the fishing village of Innsmouth…

The Troubador

The Troubador

by Emery C. Walters

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With the name of Jesse Thomas Cromwell, he definitely belongs in the world of Renaissance Faires. Playing old instruments of yore and singing ballads and bawdy tunes puts him on stage. This is Jesse’s favorite pastime, and things are going well until bagpiper James opens up a competition on a neighboring stage. Jesse becomes louder and bawdier until security comes and kicks him out.<br><br>Later James finds Jesse and apologizes for the ruckus. Together with a young lad whose faire gear was stole…

The Right Turn

The Right Turn

by Sam Couste

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Cam’s life isn’t all that exciting. Boring job, failing relationship, and a handful of missed opportunities. He often wonders how his life might have turned out if he’d made different choices. Especially when he runs into Mattie, his childhood best friend who’s grown into the man of Cam’s dreams.<br><br>That dream becomes a reality -- or an alternate reality, at least -- when Cam wakes up one morning in the arms of an adoring Mattie. This version of Mattie and Cam have been together for years, t…

Before the Show

Before the Show

by J.M. Snyder

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A college student by day, drag queen by night, Devin Elliot loves his job. He likes to watch himself get ready, primping in the mirror, his masculinity slowly peeled away and replaced with feminine silk and lace.<br><br>But as he's getting ready for his stage show, a knock on the door interrupts him. Chuck works as a bouncer at the club where Devin performs, and he has it bad for the hot drag queen. Nothing turns him on more than watching his boyfriend become Devine.<br><br>With the clock counti…

Ace of Hearts

Ace of Hearts

by Feral Sephrian

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Blake couldn’t imagine a better job than the one he has with adult film company Wild Card Studios, although few people would imagine he’s truly asexual. Most intrigued by this anomaly is Felix, a pansexual man Blake meets at his cousin’s wedding.<br><br>As a homoromantic, Blake is smitten with his new friend, but with his ten year high school reunion the day after the wedding, he has more pressing things on his mind than the obvious conflicting differences between them.<br><br>The party starts w…

Spring Tide Love

Spring Tide Love

by Emery C. Walters

(not enough ratings)

All Trey’s father wants him to do is be nice to the homophobic class bully, his business partner's son. But that’s like trying to mix oil and gasoline: explosive. So Trey decides to run away, which is hard to do on a rainy, muddy, haunted night on the small island of Maui.<br><br>Another kid in school, Chris, stood up for Trey against the bully and was badly beaten for his efforts. Which makes Trey wonder if Chris is gay, too, or just a brave ally. Trey doesn’t know, but there’s clearly somethin…

Fire on Ice

Fire on Ice

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Bard Welstaad is a model Uni-Fleet officer. He’s not sure what his unit is to accomplish, marching up an icy peninsula in the frozen hell of Gelada, but without his NCO, Gordon Farrell, he knows he could not keep the unit together fighting off Snow Wasps and the savage deadly cold. Not until tragedy strikes does he admit the big sergeant means much more to him than simply being his right hand man.<br><br>Gordon Farrell idolizes his captain, who represents everything he reveres. The threat of imm…

Wading in Neptune's Pool

Wading in Neptune's Pool

by J.D. Walker

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Summer is the start of the busy season for Neptune's Pool Service, owned by Pete Crawford. A new client, Corey Brennerman, captures Pete’s interest, if only because he seems attached to his cell phone 24/7. Corey is a serious workaholic. Pete remembers when he used to be like that, and he wishes he could do something about it.<br><br>Pete comes to Corey’s aid in a grocery store parking lot one evening and helps him catch the punk who tries to steal his cell phone. As a result, their relationship…

Through the Closet Door

Through the Closet Door

by Rick R. Reed

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Gregory seems to have it all: youth, good looks, a beautiful wife, a job he loves as an elementary school teacher, a quiet house on the beach ...<br><br>So why is Gregory so miserable? Why is he unable to control his lingering gaze on his neighbor, Jake, the handsome truck driver who lives just down the way? Why does Gregory spend his private time keeping a secret journal that details fantasies and memories of him locked in embraces with other men?<br><br>It’s summer, and the peaceful lake belie…

One More Helping

One More Helping

by Nickie Jamison

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Pizza has been part of Dante’s world since his childhood. He lives and works at the Italian restaurant founded by his Grandparents, Pizza 3.14.<br><br>Things in the kitchen heat up when Dane’s father hires Isaiah “Izz” Byrne, a new busser with a shady past who just happens to make pretty good pancakes. Izz is determined to not let his past ruin his future with Dante, but when old “friends” show up, it’s Dante to the rescue.<br><br>Will that be enough to keep danger at bay? Or will Dante and Izz …

Night Scenery

Night Scenery

by Emery C. Walters

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It begins with a fading odor and darkness. Lights out, dark as night. Outside the college building, there are flames, lumps of metal and flesh, and no one moving. When Asher finds his car, he's surprised it works and he drives aimlessly, trying in vain for a radio station, any sign of life.<br><br>Recovering his wits, he parks at a truck stop and loads up with things that might be useful. In the dark, someone runs into him and urges him to flee. The thought of maybe having to repopulate the worl…

Tropical Daze

Tropical Daze

by Vincent Diamond

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Steven and Conrad take a quick vacation at a Florida beach. Conrad has always been the tough guy, but now he faces two things even bigger, stronger, and tougher than he is: a horse and his own feelings for Seven. Will a romantic ride on the beach work things out between them?