Last Steps

Last Steps

by Alex_Pratt

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When the apocalypse hits, where will you be? For John and his daughter Elizabeth, they were enjoying a typical night in their comfy home. However, when a break-in occurs, John calls his neighbor Mark to get some backup. Mark reveals to them that the zombie apocalypse has begun, and the adventures only start from there. Follow John, Elizabeth, and others throughout the story and enter their minds and their thought processes as they see how societies and relationships crumble under this new realit…

A Nobel Blood Sacrifice

A Nobel Blood Sacrifice

by the_g00d_guy_

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A confident young man with a well paying job, worries about his mother and two sisters when he's away at work. They are constantly harassed and bullied by the community who accuse them of practicing witchcraft. His father was a known witch, but he made money for a lot people. Since his death the family business has dwindled. And so have the friendships. The family has had to adapt in some conventional ways, along with some questionable ones too. Leaving us to question if wrong can be right and i…

The wrong direction(horor story)

The wrong direction(horor story)

by alyxandreachee

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This a book of several ghost story to send chills up your spin and a lot of trills. I hope you like it.



by Atharva_karkande

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The smith is fallen in problem. The rose is her lover. They have to find the treasure.How will ghost treat smith and rose?. Can they find the hidden treasure? and what will be the real mystery behind all this things?. How will be the romance?.How far can they go for love?.How spicy can be the adventure? Who will be the real gamer of all big adventure and mystery?.Can the treasure safe after being finded? Let's see the adventure,thriller,and horror and the biggest mystery

Sibling Dread

Sibling Dread

by colinjdev

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A boy and his half-sister were imprisoned for numerous murders. They were so young the authorities had to place them in a secure unit for underage killers. A woman with devilish plans busts them out, she needs their unusual skills. Trouble starts as soon as they are freed. In another part of the country, a woman cares for the boy, she needs to track him down. Is his sister a vampire? This story is set in Thailand, where they have their own monster to match the West's vampire.



by Bisa

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A young wriggler streamer returns to Japan to live in the house his GrandUncle went missing in. But as soon as he does strange things start to happen.A new game has begun. A new blood moon has risen. Will they be able to survive?

The Priest From Hell

The Priest From Hell

by Daniel_grace

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SIX HUNDRED CENTURIES AGOA man named Joseph Matthew with his family traveled through a small village where everyone lived carefree.Displeased with this, Joseph Matthew a strong believer of God couldn't stand these uncivilized community, so he taught them the scripture hoping it will help them differentiate between right and wrong. Travelers witness it with amazement. They created homes to settle in, in no time the small community became large, having a capital of it's own.As the people spread so…

The Horror Collection: A Collection Of Horror Stories (Not For The Faint-Hearted)

The Horror Collection: A Collection Of Horror Stories (Not For The Faint-Hearted)

by TheAssassin213

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A Collection Of Horror Stories. For The Fans Of H.P. Lovecraft and Junji Ito.

Horror Shorts!

Horror Shorts!

by Mohak_Rokade

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A series of short horror stories. What comes to mind when you think of spooky tales? You'll find everything from mystery to science fiction to strange tales, exploring the darker side of human nature and the blurred line between dreams and actuality. These stories contains a terrifying mix of serial killers, blood-thirsty entities, ghosts, monsters, supernatural powers, and revenge guaranteed to get your heart racing and set your nerves on edge...

The super girl

The super girl

by Gulguli_Gulgul

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Strike Force Zulu

Strike Force Zulu

by Aalan

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This novel is set in David P. Forsyth's Sovereign Spirit Saga with his permission. It is not considered fan-fiction and is part of the canon of the world.Colonel Richard Phelps, US Army, Retired, was working as a consultant for a large IT firm just outside of Denver, Colorado when the world as we knew it ended. This is his, and those he saved, story of survival.

Blood Moon Scary Stories

Blood Moon Scary Stories


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Stories that will keep you up all night

The Strangest Dream

The Strangest Dream

by Crazyturtlemama

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This is the story of a little girl whos life was perfect.She had two loving parents, who could ask for anything more.Until her dreams became their new reality.

BROKEN : Half-Demon

BROKEN : Half-Demon

by Eluna_Autora

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The beginning of the disaster began when Nick Erhan was looking for a dangerous tribe in the jungle. A tribe where people don't find men inside. It was a group that hunted down male tourists, raped them, and then killed them with horrible motives. In a tragic search, Nick, who was part of a community leader, fell in love with one of the girls from the group that was supposed to be executed. From the girl, Nick had a magical boy named Dev Sasaka. Dev, in a certain condition, can turn into a human…

Guns a blazin'

Guns a blazin'

by tenlong

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This story is an abuse boy and his struggle to survive on planet Flinkaz. This world is ruled by the mafia families.

The Hole In The Wall (Horror Collective)

The Hole In The Wall (Horror Collective)

by Ozmund_Wolfe

(not enough ratings) keep the free collection alive!The Hole In The Wall' is a collection of horror stories all residing in the same twisted Universe crated by author Ozmund Wolfe. from things that go bump in the night to terror in broad daylight.. the collective shares the stories of things we should fear when laying in bed on a quiet night. October doesn't end when you're glimpsing through the hole in the wall..



by Smart_Asosa_7470

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"WHO SO EVER SHALL READ THIS BOOK AND MENTION THE PHRASE" BLOODY MARTA" SHALL EXPERIENCE A CURSE OF MARTA INVITING HER TO YOUR HOME AND SHALL SURELY DIE. “WHO SO EVER SHALL STAND IN MARTA'S WAY TO PREVENT THE CURSE SHALL SURELY DIEAssuming you just finished reading a popular novel and that novel came to life killing ten million readers in one night and this night is your night to join the dead what will you do?. If you stumble into an entity that gives you the ability to kill anyone with the str…

A New Dawn: A "Dreamer" Epilogue

A New Dawn: A "Dreamer" Epilogue

by RyanGeever

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Every story has a backside. Three years after the events of DREAMER, Andrew Cress leads as the President of the ReUnited States of America. Joined by his co-counsel Jake Carroway and Matthew Avery--son of the previous President as appointed by the Queen of England herself, Andrew finds that the toughest choices require the most strength.On the backside, a young boy receives a mysterious tape recorder for his fifth birthday almost half a century before the events of DREAMER. Larry George's life i…

Hypno Halloween

Hypno Halloween

by Fabzy_Sam

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It is that spooky time of the year in Cape Cod when a highschool teenager begins to experience weird stuff happening to him and everything around him until he comes across an ancient artifact which he must use to protect the town from the darkness that is about to creep out and unleash wrath upon the entire town.

Life according to Stella: A fnaf story

Life according to Stella: A fnaf story

by Mystical_McK

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Connie has been through many things in life. Her parents died, she was raised by her uncle William Afton who was a heavy drinker and a murderer, and the fact of being killed by William Afton. But one cold night, her old Cousin, Elizabeth Afton came back because she took the night shift. Will Connie/ Stella be able to resist the urge of killing her?