in the dark of the mind

in the dark of the mind

by secondlife

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A woman he saw in a dream. A woman he must save. *The old nightmare was only the beginning. The monster was returning. For her. *A monster was preying on innocents. Another was hunting the monster. So many horrors lay buried deep. *Mike’s dreams were more than just plain dreams. When he saw Rika, he knew she was in trouble. He knew she needed help. He knew he must save her. And when he went to her side, he found himself staring into the eyes of a monster. A monster that was preying on Rika and o…



by Vani_ira26

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The Glowing

The Glowing

by Dfeyder

(not enough ratings)

After years on the road, A writer returns home, the phantoms of his childhood reawakened

The Road to Success?

The Road to Success?

by Tru_dood

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a tragic event happens in Max's life and he has to man up and get stuff done or else his world will fall apart more than it already has. The result of his hard work will show depending on how hard he will try this means meeting people and careers and school

Auch ich versuche durchzuhalten

Auch ich versuche durchzuhalten

by DaoistK3vnlL

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Yorio Gishi ist ein normaler Mittelschüler. Eines Tages findet er sich in einem seltsamen Gebäude wieder. Es stellt sich schnell heraus, dass es um alles oder nichts geht! Wem kann man trauen? Wer will einen umbringen? Wo ist man noch sicher? Yorio wird sich all diese Fragen stellen. Wird er überleben? Und kann er dem "Spiel" ein Ende setzen?



by Leo_Squal

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Lucky Rival is the only beast hunter of cryptids in his home town of Darteret. The week begins with the capture of a werewolf but with a camera man on the job, questions are asked about how he is able to obtain such interesting shots. The camera man doesn't reveal his secrets, he keeps them to himself along with the idea that he knows Lucky from somewhere but can't seem place where he knows him from.Beast hunter Lucky Rival, his sister Candace, and their little brother Max meet to attend a vigil…

The breathtaking breathe

The breathtaking breathe

by Sha2412

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The novel is related to horror and thriller. It revolves around 2 characters, Alex and Annie. the newly married couple are in search of a beautiful and peaceful area to built their own home. They got as per their wish too soon and started living there, though they started witnessing quite a more than just few strange stuffs which can't be ignored. Within no time they get trapped and curse themselves, with utmost horror they somehow manage to stay and console both of them. Read to know how they b…

Ethereal Monsters

Ethereal Monsters

by valentinogamberine

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Roman used to be a picturesque depiction of youth, a beautiful tan boy with short curly golden locks, fluorescent ocean blue eyes, and a secret. In his senile age, his regrets from his youth come back to haunt him. As his health declines, he slowly spirals into a series of illusions that consume him and his everyday life, he grows lonely, tired, and slowly comes to a realization unlike any other, one that ruins his life. Warnings ( blood, gore, self harm) This novel is ongoing and not yet finish…

Holy Arsenal

Holy Arsenal

by The_Philosophus

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In a world where the creatures and monsters that you never saw in your whole life comes to life, ready to attack, curse or even devour you. Axle Carver never believes the existence mythical creatures in his home country or even in tabloids and televisions until the night before his little sister birthday, an anomalous creature suddenly attacked him and ready to consume his flesh.If he survives the night, Axle's life will be changed forever.

The People That I Once Knew

The People That I Once Knew

by Vikingr_6904

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WARNING: THIS IS MORE OR LESS FICTIONAL AND YOU SHOULDN'T READ THIS STORY IF YOU CAN'T TAKE JOKES AND/OR (IF) YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED, YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Viking had lost his family long ago, he doesn't really recall who they were or why he was even put to this earth. He has found a new family now. A family consisting of him and four other persons, Hei…

Swinehead Pete

Swinehead Pete

by SeanEBritten

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Seven friends go on an overnight camping trip, sleeping under the stars, cooking s’mores, and telling scary stories by the campfire. But stories have a power all of their own. What would you do if an old and murderous legend came to life?

3 Years Later

3 Years Later

by SharpJester

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It's been 3 years3 years since everything has gone haywire. I've heard that there's not much left anymore. That most of everyone is gone. Yet I'm still here.==========================Currently on hiatus Will also be posting on

The Man in the Closet (Under Edit.)

The Man in the Closet (Under Edit.)

by Starzoners

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(This story is under edits. All chapters that are currently out will be rewritten. Please bare with me as I try to improve.)Rosa and Tim roberts, a couple in Alexandria Ohio, decided to add a new member to the family, Josie Evans, a teen girl with a hidden backstory. Soon after they adopted her, they noticed a change in the feeling of their home, something unnerving and possibly sinister.



by OttoVonBismarck

(not enough ratings)

its about a kid who has nightmares but its like so bad its like having mental issues and its hard to tell whats real its hard to read and understand but itll make sense in a few weeks

Don't Fear the Mask

Don't Fear the Mask

by TrueGuardian32

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Don't Fear The Mask, it's not that scary. It's watching you, unblinking. Red bloody eyes peering through the dark. Insanity is but a state of mind. The Mask isn't insane, just angry.

Once Upon A Time:Exp Expert

Once Upon A Time:Exp Expert

by Leodes

(not enough ratings)

JUst for EXp :)

The Band Hall Monster

The Band Hall Monster

by Darkness7light

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I'm a sophomore in high school and I did something no band student should ever do, and saw something no band student should ever see. Now I carry this burden that can not be shared with anyone, not even the directors. Even if I did try I couldn't, not that they can do anything, y'know being dead and all.

Whispers of Sikar

Whispers of Sikar

by AeonVerse

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Adea was only 8-years-old when the nightmares began, leaving her terrified of the dark. After being disregarded by her own parents, she turns to her older sister, Lyda, desperate for help to stop the dreams. Ready to do anything, Adea could never be prepared for the dark places to which her sister is willing to go to protect her - but as the years go by, and Lyda descends deeper into desolation, Adea fears there may be more to her sister's personal studies than either of them are prepared to liv…

Lir Gore Hotel

Lir Gore Hotel

by Valman

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This tells the story of the Lir Gore Hotel gang who tried to go to a hell less ... less gore precisely so followed the story of this group trying to leave hell on a road covered with corpses and sung

The Drifter

The Drifter

by PoochRussell


A shape shifting drifter who has roamed the earth for three hundred years revisits the tropical isle of Jantique and becomes trapped by an intoxicatingly beautiful but mysterious Zoe. Her roots transcended the middle passage from deep in the Congo, but Lucas stirs her mind and body until their two worlds collide. Immortality was a promise that was made by God to those who believed in him. However, it was given to her not by choice but by a spawn of Evil. She must decide her fate to live a life o…