7 Days Series [Horror]

7 Days Series [Horror]

by Phakhinai


Everyone has their fates connected to their birthdays, they are likely to have psychic abilities specifically connected to ‘something’.Some can sense it while some cannot, depending on what they have committed in the past.Mystery, Death, Foolishness, and Greed are the things attracting the evil spirits to be around.Those who were born on Sunday… “Ward: Labor Tomb”If you see ‘the pregnant,’ please beware; they are there to take your head.Those who were born on Monday… “Mirror: Who’s the First to …

The Man in Black: A Detective's Pursuit of a Nomadic Masiha

The Man in Black: A Detective's Pursuit of a Nomadic Masiha

by Lola L Rogers

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The story talks about a nomadic Masiha who is known as the man in black, he helps any and all people in need all the while jumping from one city to another and a Detective, who while dealing with personal issues is on a mission to find out about the man in black and uncover the truth about why he does what he does.In the first quarter of the novel, we get to know a lot about the detective's personal life, his fight against his lousy ex-wife over their son's custody, along the way we are also int…

The Melody of Dissent

The Melody of Dissent

by The Acril Author

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At the height of her fame, twenty-seven-year-old Maria Vegh, the beloved vocalist of the soft-rock band "The Dissidents," announced her retirement from music. Hours later, she was found in her locked hotel room, hanging from a noose. As her devotees decorated the streets with vigils and portraits, Detective Catherine Alcott refused to participate in the mourning until her scepticism around the narrative is dealt with.Self-exiled from her birth nation, the totalitarian state of Gyseia, Maria dedi…

Pariah's Curse

Pariah's Curse

by Lena Lizotte

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Reports of missing teenagers becomes frequent across Canada, eventually making their way into the small community of Brooklin, Ontario. Despite coming from a friendly family and welcoming neighbourhood, Irene is a longer in high school. This story follows here classmates, ones who have a knack for tormenting her. Melissa, Thomas, Jessica, Taylor, Cole and Miranda quite frankly don't care how they torment her, as long as they get under her skin. They decide to take it up a level until the tables …

Where are you, Samantha?

Where are you, Samantha?

by ExoShaneey


When Samantha, a benevolent woman with a cryptic and enigmatic history, vanished, the prevailing assumption was that she had been abducted and murdered.However, as her past was meticulously unearthed, Kathleen, Samantha's closest confidante, along with their friends, discovered the true and horrifying circumstances behind her disappearance.Before they could devise a coherent strategy for her rescue, she inexplicably reappeared before them—or did she?