

by Clara Ibiam

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Roxanna Ferrer is the heir to the most powerful mafia in the world. She's trained her entire life to become an infamous leader like her father. After the ordered assassination of her parents, she promises to avenge their death and to protect her siblings at all costs. But sadly, her search for vengeance made her forget her second promise. Her anger and hatred for her parent's murderer blinds her as it kills her slowly from the inside. The darkness within her soul consumes her, can she overcome s…

Rose in black

Rose in black

by M Lamp

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Rose was a beautiful girl who lived with her family, but her parents died in an accident, but later, her brother found out some clues that it was not an accident, it was murder, and after that, he was also murdered by someone and Rose became alone and then, during search of her family's killer, she was kidnapped by a vampire and that vampire fall in love with her when he saw her beauty and attraction and unfortunately that vampire was a killer of her family. And an alpha falls in love with her a…

Bonnies deadly escape

Bonnies deadly escape

by Mbalim

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Bonnie Rogers is an assasin , her next mission is to take out Damos Eli Parker Alpha of the moonlight Dawn Pack

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary

by Saphire Luna

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i'm pretty shure you already know the legend , but do you know it all?

The Escape from Hell

The Escape from Hell

by Melanie Dolton

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Lexi has always been a bad kid. People will expect her to be a girl with good grades, athletic, and all that stuff like her parents. She was the exact oppisite of her parents. Her parents are very religious people and they were perfect. Some people cant believe their daughter is Lexi but who knows. Lexi's behavior all changed when she meet The Devil. She was forced to go back in time and undo her "sins." Will she escape him? Will she help her parents get out of the devils watch? Was it all her f…

F. A. A (Aurora)

F. A. A (Aurora)

by Confidence

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Welcome to F. A. A; future achievers academy. This is probably where my future really lies, Aurora thought.She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and whispered to herself; "here goes nothing but a journey." "But a journey of a thousand miles begin with a step." So, she took a step and walked graciously to the academy.This might probably be where her future lies and might also be nothing but a journey. Read about Aurora, the girl who choose to be different.

Scary Recovery: I Became the Nightmare of Evil Spirits

Scary Recovery: I Became the Nightmare of Evil Spirits

by Xuanting_Official

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Scary Recovery.The whole world had entered the age of horror, and all sorts of ghosts were emerging in endlessly.Ghosts dig your hearts in your home, water ghosts knocked on your door in the middle of the night, water flooded the building, and the female ghost in red catch your soul.However, Su Che treated horror things as romantic things.When the players were chased by the evil spirits, Su Che was playing ball with the ghost's daughter in the underground garage.When the players were in deep dis…




(not enough ratings)

Everyone is afraid of something, some people is afraid of spiders, some is afraid of heights, some is afraid of being left alone and many more. It is called "Phobia". This feeling takes form in different ways, caused by different reason, and has their own different solutions, but theres one common way people can do to cure it.. It was..."TO FIND THE ORIGIN OF YOUR PHOBIA AND REPEATEDLY EXPOSE YOURSELF TO IT SAFELY."But not every phobia is curable, some is there for a deeper reasons. Maybe its be…

The Broken Wings of Forgiveness

The Broken Wings of Forgiveness

by Richard Shekari

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A man joins forces with a powerful and mysterious deity on the condition that he has to save mankind and most importantly, track down his real enemies. The battle he faces makes him embrace his sole purpose

Bianca Miller

Bianca Miller

by Saténa


When Biance Miller was sixteen years old, she lost her best friend, two years later, the past still haunts her and fear, pain and anger have taken over her world. Trapped in a cycle of regrets and depression. She distances herself from people and blamed herself for the death of her best friend.One sunny afternoon, Bianca’s new life began, when decided to give fate another chance. Fate presented two cards and she chose both.

Isabelle: Brethern

Isabelle: Brethern

by Kain81

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One ordinary night is going to chsnge, for those who are invloved.Like a high spoed train with no brakes, its going to go down hill... fsst

Fading Into Nothingness

Fading Into Nothingness

by A deBon Augure

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"The sad feeling of fading away and not mattering to anyone."Drake Evans, a 24-year-old accountant, struggles in life like everyone. Plus disappointed mother, stupid colleagues, and constant negative thoughts. Nothing out of the ordinary.Everything changes when he finds a gold coin on the street. But the change is not good



by ~Mora

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This is not a book for everyone, nor do I expect you to like it. Upon taking a leap and reading this book, you will be transported to a world you know nothing about and will be guided through by the people inhabiting it. I must warn you, do not take any information given at face value. This book is written in a way that its characters constantly try to misguide you and obscure the truth. Nothing should be taken at face value.“Unwind” is a dark, gruesome story about a person who desires nothing b…

Yesterday's Torment

Yesterday's Torment

by lassierature

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Sending people to unravel catastrophes, Lacey was sent to unveil a scheme; together with her fellow, they will coalesce and solve the mystery themselves. Thereupon, when she embraced the scheme she has to finish in exchange for money, she will start giving equity for those peoples who need justice and will open the window of truths; the chain of the agonizing past, a cup of lies and facts and the key of her missing identity.Now, through a constant chase for knowing the real identities and the st…

Glimpses Of Terror

Glimpses Of Terror

by J.Broderick

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A boy able to bring the world to its end and his group of misfit friends, will have to face their biggest enemy yet: Fate incarnate.

RIP Princess

RIP Princess

by Tomie Laurier

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It's your typical 90s slasher flick, with a twist. A friend is killed in a hit and run. Courtesy of her friends: Gisele Hamilton, Bennett Badeaux, Logan Takuda and Carmen Foster. There's so much more than what meets the eye. Unfortunately in this tale, there are no good guys.



by micahbotha

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She's in solitary confinement when something weird happens? She receives an anonymous letter. Who is sending this letter and what do they want?

Hush now, Darling

Hush now, Darling

by Zahin

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A summer camp at a remote village goes very wrong. Strange disappearances occur and the only clue is the disappearence of a girl named Sarah five years ago and the rumour surrounding it. So when her friends go missing Stephanie takes it upon herself to solve the mystery, only to find something much sinister. Stephanie knew she wasn't as normal a girl she would like herself to be, after all normal girls don't hear the mute boy speak, do they?



by amna

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Hayan Rose is a women of cold demeanor who has no time to meddle in others lives. She has a set road that she doesn't deviate from but when she meets Keegan Trevor. Her straight path is no longer there rather it branches into daunting ways with deep ravens and steep mountains. Each way is more dangerous and threatening than the other because of which each step in her life is cautious. And each path unravels a secret that connects her back to the life which she had suppressed deep into her subcon…



by Constance C. Williams

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Constance Williams is a former Kindle Scout participant who has gain numerous votes on Facebook and also support in the Kindle’s Scout Authors community which has encouraged her writing even greater. She is a prolific writer indeed – has written over 24 books, and is snooping around as we speak, gathering information for another amazing story, just to share with you; her loyal and wonderful audience.“Love Overdose” “Flesh” “Struggles of the Hear” Are, just a few of the books that she has written…